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1999 Famil
y Reunion

Pot Luck Family Reunion in God's Country
Friends are most welcome

Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999

Place: Oakhurst Mobile Home Estates Club House, 39678 Rd 425 B, Oakhurst, CA

RSVP: 559-233-2922 or 559-642-3128 Jean Brand or e-mail JBrand1056@aol.com

Cost: $5.00 per family

We will have on display old original pictures of our ancestors and the bible of Sally Malicoat Davis.

Hot dog, hamburgers and punch will be furnished by the hostesses, Laquatta Rightsell, Jo Anderson and Jean Brand. All you need to bring is your family, a covered dish (with your favorite recipe written out) and lots of quarters for the ticket sale for a chance to win copies of pictures of our ancestors and the big drawing will be a Family Book. (Twenty-five cent per ticker)

High Sierra RV Park, 40389 Hwy 41, Oakhurst, 559-683-7662 (full hookup)

Campgrounds 559-642-3212 (water & bathrooms)

Comfort Inn 1-800-321-5261

Holiday Inn Express 1-800-432-9746

Oakhurst Lodge 1-800-655-6343

Best Western Yosemite Gateway 1-800-545-5462

Ramada Limited 1-800-658-2888

Shilo Inn 559-683-3555

Other motels are nearby in Fresno, 1 hr drive away.

Fishing, Boating, Water Skiing, Bass Lake and Gold Panning is nearby, all within 6 miles of Oakhurst.
A trip to Yosemite National Park is only 15 miles away from Oakhurst.

Directions from the North:
99 to Merced, 140 to Mariposa, 49 to Oakhurst. South 99 to Fresno, 41 to Oakhurst
At Oakhurst on 41, go to Rd 426 (only one way to turn), take it to Rd 425B, turn right and go til you see Oakhurst Mobile Home Park. Parking in front of the club house.

Mark your calendar June 12, 1999 and see you there.

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God Bless America

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