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The Parker Family
Anne Mego justanz@harborside.com
or justanz@inreach.com

My grandparents, Morris and "Katie" Kathryn Green Holbert Parker set up their "home place" after purchasing land in what was then Indian
Territory near Roff, OK. They had married in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins Co TX in the mid 1800s and removed to Paul's Valley/Hickory area prior to obtaining their farm.
They had ten children: Homer, Pearl, Mattie, Truba, Ruba, Anna, Horace, Arvilla, Lorene and Era Mae. There is one survivor left of this family at this writing, having just lost my mother, Anna, June, 2000 at 91years. She was born at the farm as were all except Homer and Pearl who were born in Sulphur Springs, TX.
The majority of this family and offspring stayed in the Okmulgee and Henryetta area while two (Anna and Ruba) traveled to live in California after they married.
My grandparents are buried in Lightening Ridge Cemetery and I have been there three times, but if I should have to furnish directions to locate it, I don't believe I could. One daughter, Era Mae, is buried near them as is Katie's mother, "Mary wife of M. Green Holbert" (inscription on tombstone). Mary's maiden name was Mary Jane Spears (When I was quite young, my grandmother showed me a tintype picture of her mother - She told me her mother was Cherokee Indian. The tintype picture she showed me was of her mother's wedding day dressed in full Cherokee attire.) and her husband was Marvel Greenberry Holbert. (No picture of Green.) They were married in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins Co TX.
"Green" was killed in the early 1900s (according to my Uncle Homer's 93 year old memory in 1988) near Sulphur Springs and is buried near there, he thought. Mary then came to live with her children in or near the Roff area, but primarily with the Parker's.

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