
Pontotoc County
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Pioneer Family

My father,  Benjamin Ephriam POINDEXTER and mother, Stella Frances (WALL) POINDEXTER  were married 1904 in Atoka, Atoka Co., OK. They lived for years in Ada.
I had a sister Othell Poindexter and a brother Bob Poindexter born there. Two brothers were born there both died at age 12,   one in 1918 the other a little later.

My father  was born in Howie, Texas in 1883 and died at the age of 65,  buried Nov. 12, 1947 in the Rosedale Cemetery, my mother was born in Ardmore, Indian Territory in 1887.

My Grandmother Amanda Frances (CARTWRIGHT) POINDEXTER was born July 24, 1850 in TN to Jay CARTRIGHT and died February 29, 1928, she is buried in Rosedale Cemetery also.

I have an older brother buried in Rosedale Cemetery his children still live in Ada.
My Dad was a very old and very promenent person around town in the 1920's

1910 Pontotoc Co. Census:
head: Pondexter, B.E., age 27, TX, TX, TX
wife: Stella, age 22, OK, TX, TX
dau.: Angie, age 4, OK, TX, TX
son: Roy, age 2, OK, TX, TX
son: Ira, age 5/12, OK, TX, TX


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