
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Antlers, Indian Territory 
1899 to 1903 Civil Docket

Transcribed by Teresa Young


Page 1



M. B. CHAFFIN, Plaintiff

J. A. FERGUSON, Defendant

Nature of the Case: Suit on Debt.

L. P. DAVENPORT & COCKE & ARNOTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff

Record of Proceedings.

Complaint filed July 1st, 1899. Summons issued returnable July 25th, 1899. This cause come on to be heard both parties appearing in person and by attorneys and announce ready for trial neither party demanding a jury. The matters of facts as well as law were submitted to the court after the court heard the evidence of witnesses and argument of counsel and being well advised in the premises decided the issues in favor of the plaintiff M. B. CHAFFIN.

It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the court that the plaintiff M. B. CHAFFIN have the Defendant J. A. FERGUSON the sum of One hundred seventy two and .73/100 Dollars principal and Twenty six and .66/100 interest, maing a total of $199.39 together with all his costs in this suit paid out and expense ended for which execution may issue.

Defendant files affidavit and bond for an appeal.

Signed by B. F. HACKETT, U. S. Commissioner

Commissioner's Fees:

Filing & Pro Paper: .15 cents

Issuing Summons: .50 cents

Issuing Subpo Plaint: .25 cents

Swearing 7 witnesses: .70 cents

Trial: $1.00

Judgement: .40 cents

Affidavit for appeal: .50 cents

Transcript: .50 cents

Approving Bond: .50 cents

Paid to Clerk Sept. 30th, 1899: $4.50


J. J. JONES, Special Agent

Issuing Summons: .50 cents

Mileage: .50 cents

Serving three subpo: .75 cents


J. T. CROW, 1 day: .50 cents

WILL CHAFFIN, 1 day: .50 cents

Z. T. TENNISON, 1 day: .50 cents

This Judgement satisfied in full by J. A. FERGUSON. This 21st day of April 1900. Signed by M. B. CHAFFIN.

John 3: 16 - 18:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the
world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not
condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believeth in the name of
the only begotten Son of God.
Favorite passage of Teresa Young

This page was last updated on 10/16/11

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