Transcribed by: Teresa
There are 590 pages in Book 3.
Beginning on page 1, the date is January 25, 1916.
Ending on page 590, the date is May 24, 1919
To get copy of the marriage
license, write to:
Pushmataha County Courthouse
Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523
Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Cost $2.00 per copy. Send
Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.
If there is a "?"
beside the name,
it is because hard to decipher the clerk's handwriting.

AARON, Irene
BRIDE: Miss Irene Aaron, age 18 of Spencerville, Choctaw
Co., OK
GROOM: Charley Kirtley, age 29 of Spencerville, Choctaw
Co., OK
CEREMONY: William P. Pipkin, Minister, M. E. Church South
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: March 19, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Richard Robertson of Finley, OK & Julia
Aaron of Spencerville, OK
ABLES, Pearl
BRIDE: Miss Pearl Ables, age 23 of Moyers, OK
GROOM: Frank Skaggs, age 36 of Moyers, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. J. J. Cochran, Baptist Minister, Moyers,
WHERE: Blank (Pushmataha Co.)
DATE: January 16, 1918
WITNESSED BY: T. J. Cochran & R. D. Doneyhoo, both of
Moyers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rue Adamson, age 18 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Leonard Lyles, age 21 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: R. S. Duncan, Missionary Baptist Minister,
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 25, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Belle Duncan & Easter Wood, both of
Antlers, OK
ALLEN, Lillie
BRIDE: Mrs. Lillie Allen, age 22 of Nashoba, OK
GROOM: C. F. Johnson, age 23 of Nolia, OK
CEREMONY: James M. Leeper, JP, Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Nashoba, OK
DATE: February 12, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Lela Leeper & Claude May, both of
Nashoba, OK
BRIDE: Miss Annie Anderson, age 21 of Miller, OK
GROOM: George John, age 40 of Stanley, OK
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge, Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 5, 1918
WITNESSED BY: W. C. Payne & W. A. Redman, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Douglas Anderson, age 18 of Jumbo, OK
GROOM: Holmes B. Colbert, age 20 of Jumbo, OK
Father of Holmes B. Colbert: J. B. Colbert
CEREMONY: W. T. Lucas, Missionary Baptist Minister,
Miller, OK
WHERE: Miller, OK
DATE: March 29, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Mr. W. M. Phelps & Miss Emma Smith,
both of Miller, OK
BRIDE: Miss Joyce Anderson, age 18 of Miller, OK
GROOM: W. E. Napier, age 20 of Jumbo, OK
Father of W. E. Napier: Thomas B. Napier
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge, Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 4, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Thomas B. Napier of Jumbo, OK & Miss
Bess Finley of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss L. E. Anderson, age 35 of Tuskahoma, OK
GROOM: John Harris, age 26 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: J. G. Heath, Minister, Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: Blank (Pushmataha Co.)
DATE: February 22, 1916
WITNESSED BY: J. M. McCarne? & Mrs. McCarne?, both of
Tuskahoma, OK
ARNEY, Annie
BRIDE: Mrs. Annie Arney, age 45 of Nolia, OK
GROOM: George Pigg, age 35 of Nolia, OK
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge, Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 31, 1917
WITNESSED BY: W. E. Edward & E. E. Westmoreland, both
of Antlers, OK
ARNOLD, Esther
BRIDE: Miss Esther Arnold, age 16 of Moyers, OK
GROOM: O. Z. Felton, age 22 of Moyers, OK
Mother of Esther Arnold: Lizzie Brodnax
CEREMONY: W. R. Surrett, Minister, Church of Christ,
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Moyers, OK
DATE: April 30, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Robert Starnds & Lydia Starnds, both of
Moyers, OK
ASHLEY, Parelee
BRIDE: Mrs. Parelee Ashley, age 26 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: J. B. Mouser, age 63 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: C. B. Johnson, Church of Christ Minister,
Ethel, OK
WHERE: J. M. Ashley's residence
DATE: February 23, 1918
WITNESSED BY: C. A. Bowen/Brown? & J. M. Ashley, both
of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lula M. Ashlock, age 15 of Albion, OK
GROOM: J. S. Foster, age 32 of Galveston, Harrison Co.,
Father of Lula Ashlock: J. M. Ashlock
CEREMONY: H. R. Morris, Minister, M. E. Church South,
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 20, 1918
WITNESSED BY: P. W. Hudson of Antlers, OK & J. M.
Ashlock of Albion, OK
AYERS, Agnes
BRIDE: Miss Agnes Ayers, age 19 of Sardis, OK
GROOM: Oscar Henry, age 21 of Sardis, OK
CEREMONY: W. E. Logan, Baptist Minister, Yanush, Latimer
Co., OK
WHERE: Sardis, OK
DATE: November 20, 1916
WITNESSED BY: C. W. Carlton & Floid Ayers, both of
Sardis, OK
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