Transcribed by: Teresa
There are 590 pages in Book 3.
Beginning on page 1, the date is January 25, 1916.
Ending on page 590, the date is May 24, 1919
To get copy of the marriage
license, write to:
Pushmataha County Courthouse
Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523
Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Cost $2.00 per copy. Send
Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.
If there is a "?"
beside the name,
it is because hard to decipher the clerk's handwriting.

SAMIS, Litty
BRIDE: Miss Litty Samis, age 19 of Pickens, McCurtain
Co., OK
GROOM: Ellias Noah, age 18 of Cloudy, OK
Legal Guardian of Ellias Noah: Ellen Noah
CEREMONY: H. E. Darrow, Minister, M. E. Church South of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 25, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Ellen Noah of Cloudy, OK & P. W. Hudson
of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Della Sanders, age 18 of Nashoba, OK
GROOM: C. B. Hodge, age 21 of Nashoba, OK
CEREMONY: James M. Leeper, JP of Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Nashoba, OK
DATE: December 5, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Charles Stepp & Mrs. Lela Leeper, both
of Nashoba, OK
BRIDE: Miss Florence Sappington, age 21 of Miller, OK
GROOM: W. P. Rogers, age 36 of Miller, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. J. J. Churchwell, Baptist Minister of
Moyers, OK
WHERE: Miller, OK
DATE: October 8, 1916
WITNESSED BY: James H. Miller, Jr. of Antlers, OK &
J. R. Mounce of Kent, OK
SCARBERRY, Ida Maybelle
BRIDE: Miss Ida Maybelle Scarberry, age 16 of Nashoba,
GROOM: King A. Thurman, age 21 of Nashoba, Oklahoma
Father of Ida Maybelle Scarberry: I. N. Scarberry
CEREMONY: S. V. Sands, JP of Nashoba, Oklahoma
WHERE: Nashoba, Oklahoma
DATE: August 19, 1917
WITNESSED BY: G. M. Thurman and Sam Murray, both of
Nashoba, Oklahoma
BRIDE: Miss Sarah Scarberry, age 16 of Nashoba, OK
GROOM: Samuel Murray, age 28 of Nashoba, OK
Father of Sarah Scarberry: John Scarberry
CEREMONY: S. V. Sands, JP of Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Nashoba, OK
DATE: July 29, 1917
WITNESSED BY: N. R. Donica & Rettie Donica, both of
Nashoba, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edna Scott, age 17 of Tuskahoma, OK
GROOM: J. C. Blevins, age 21 of Sardis, OK
Father of Edna Scott: John Scott
CEREMONY: W. E. Logan, MG, Baptist of Yanush, Latimer
Co., OK
WHERE: Yanush, OK
DATE: December 22, 1916
WITNESSED BY: E. C. Moffit & Lula Logan, both of
Yanush, OK
BRIDE: Miss Eva Scott, age 16 of Tuskahoma, OK
GROOM: Chas R. Bryant, age 28 of Tuskahoma, OK
Father of Eva Scott: John Scott
CEREMONY: G. L. Williams, MG, Missionary Baptist of
Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: August 6, 1916
WITNESSED BY: D. Byrant & Bill Samson, both of
Tuskahoma, OK
BRIDE: Miss Cora Seals, age 18 of Jumbo, OK
GROOM: Arthur Lax, age 19 of Jumbo, OK
Father of Arthur Lax: B. B. Lax
CEREMONY: W. H. Goss, Minister of Daisy, Atoka Co., OK
WHERE: County Line
DATE: February 16, 1919
WITNESSED BY: J. H. Vaughn of Daisy, OK & E. E. Evans
of Jumbo, OK
SELF, Goldie
BRIDE: Miss Goldie Self, age 15 of Nelson, Choctaw Co.,
GROOM: Clarence Prewitt, age 20 of Soper, Choctaw Co., OK
Father of Clarence Prewitt: Jas P. Prewitt
Father of Goldie Self: Wm. J. Self
CEREMONY: J. W. Wilson, Baptist Minister of Nelson,
Choctaw Co., OK
WHERE: Ft. Thompson, OK
DATE: December 31, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Charles Prewitt & James Prewitt, both
of Nelson, OK
SELF, Maggie
BRIDE: Miss Maggie Self, age 16 of Nelson, Choctaw Co.,
GROOM: Burnes Spencer, age 20 of Nelson, Choctaw Co., OK
Father of Burnes Spencer: J. A. Spencer
Father of Maggie Self: Wm. J. Self
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Blank
DATE: April 27, 1917
WITNESSED BY: W. E. Ward & P. W. Hudson, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Gladys Selvige, age 18 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Frank Ring, age 20 of Antlers, OK
Father of Frank Ring: W. B. Ring
CEREMONY: J. J. Churchwell, Missionary Baptist Minister
of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Mr. Bland's residence
DATE: August 8, 1918
WITNESSED BY: R. I. Dobyans & O. A. Bland, both of
Antlers, OK
SESSIONS, Katherine
BRIDE: Miss Katherine Sessions, age 18 of Ringold,
McCurtain Co., OK
GROOM: J. O. Edwards, age 22 of Ringold, McCurtain Co.,
CEREMONY: L. P. Davenport, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 11, 1916
WITNESSED BY: J. A. White & J. W. Hayes, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ona Shannon, age 17 of Corinne, OK
GROOM: Clyde McNew, age 24 of Corinne, OK
Father of Ona Shannon: S. A. D. Shannon
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, JP of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 22, 1918
WITNESSED BY: J. E. Dickson & Charlie Galien, both of
Corinne, OK
SHARP, Stella
BRIDE: Miss Stella Sharp, age 35 of Fewell, OK
GROOM: W. M. Brown, age 54 of Fewell, OK
CEREMONY: L. P. Davenport, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 4, 1916
WITNESSED BY: W. M. Sharp of Nolia, OK & H. M. Harris
of Antlers, OK
SHAW, Minnie
BRIDE: Miss Minnie Shaw, age 19 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Acie Hatcher, age 34 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: V. E. Thompson, Baptist Minister of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 3, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. V. E. Thompson & Miss Lola
Thompson, both of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Mary Shelton, age 22 of Sardis, OK
GROOM: Monroe North, age 24 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: R. J. Prater, JP of Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: Tuskahoma, OK
DATE: October 27, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Garland King & John Bohanan, both of
Tuskahoma, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Minnie D. Sheppard, age 23 of Clayton, OK
GROOM: J. E. Shannon, age 26 of Clayton, OK
CEREMONY: L. P. Davenport, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 27, 1916
WITNESSED BY: S. A. Stephens & Mrs. S. A. Stephens,
both of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edna Simms, age 22 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Romie Hevron, age 26 of Poteau, Leflore Co., OK
CEREMONY: W. R. Surrett, Church of Christ Minister of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: 8:30 p. m.
DATE: November 6, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Ada Johnson & Miss Thelma Simms,
both of Antlers, OK
SIPES, Clara
BRIDE: Miss Clara Sipes, age 16 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Otis Byrum, age 19 of Finley, OK
Father of Otis Byrum: A. J. Byrum
Guardian of Clara Sipes: G. A. Pool
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, MG, Missionary Baptist Church of
Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: January 26, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Joe Lee & Leonard Adair, both of
Finley, OK
SIPES, Edna Ellen
BRIDE: Miss Edna Ellen Sipes, age 15 of Darwin, OK
GROOM: John Hardin, age 24 of Darwin, OK
Father of Edna E. Sipes: J. N. Sipes
CEREMONY: W. C. Fielden, Minister, Freewill Baptist of
Darwin, OK
WHERE: Darwin, OK
DATE: January 27, 1918
WITNESSED BY: C. H. Croger & Hattie Cummins, both of
Darwin, OK
SIPES, Lillie May
BRIDE: Miss Lillie May Sipes, age 19 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: William J. Young, age 25 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: D. W. Gardner, Missionary Baptist Minister of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Bride's home
DATE: June 16, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Mr. W. E. Sipes & Mrs. M. L. Sipes,
both of Antlers, OK
SIPES, Willie
BRIDE: Miss Willie Sipes, age 18 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Theo Fails, age 22 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: D. W. Gardner, Minister, Missionary Baptist of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: (blank) Pushmataha Co.
Date of Marriage: May 12, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Dasie Fails & Charlotte Gardner, both
of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Merl Sizemore, age 22 of Fewell, OK
GROOM: Ozias Hawkins, age 26 of Fewell, OK
CEREMONY: J. M. Perry, Minister, Christian Church of
Nolia, OK
WHERE: Fewell, OK
DATE: November 1, 1917
WITNESSED BY: A. Burlingame & Claude Davepton, both
of Fewell, OK
SMITH, Bessie
BRIDE: Miss Bessie Smith, age 20 of Darwin, OK
GROOM: J. L. Clardy, age 22 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: W. C. Fielden, MG, Freewill Baptist of Darwin,
WHERE: Darwin, OK
DATE: April 22, 1917
WITNESSED BY: J. O. Davis & George Morris, both of
Darwin, OK
SMITH, Cliffie
BRIDE: Miss Cliffie Smith, age 22 of Ft. Towson, Choctaw
Co., OK
GROOM: Jesse McDaniel, age 41 of Ft. Towson, Choctaw Co.,
(Note: Jesse McDaniel, applicant, apply for a marriage
license in
December 23, 1916. There is no Certificate of Marriage)
SMITH, Geneva
BRIDE: Mrs. Geneva Smith, age 38 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: John Ashley, age 38 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: H. E. Darrow, Minister, M. E. Church South of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 22, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Mr. Lewis Isbell & Miss Mabel Isbell,
both of Antlers, OK
SMITH, Jewell
BRIDE: Miss Jewell Smith, age 18 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Louis Karr, age 20 of Finley, OK
Father of Louis Karr: W. T. Karr
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, JP of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 13, 1919
WITNESSED BY: J. C. Simpson & Mrs. J. C. Simpson,
both of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Mary Smith, age 22 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
GROOM: Will Sharp, age 22 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
CEREMONY: L. L. Price, Missionary Baptist Minister of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 27, 1916
WITNESSED BY: J. B. Smith & Mrs. S. M. Smith, both of
Farris, OK
SMITH, Velma Lee
BRIDE: Miss Velma Lee Smith, age 18 of Ethel, OK
GROOM: Clifford B. Johnson, age 21 of Ethel, OK
CEREMONY: C. B. Johnson, Minister, Church of Christ of
Ethel, OK
WHERE: L. A. Smith's residence
DATE: August 20, 1916
WITNESSED BY: T. E. Roberts of Antlers, OK & G. M.
Billings of Ethel, OK
SNELL, Mollie
BRIDE: Mrs. Mollie Snell, age 39 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: W. P. Mann, age 55 of Clayton, OK
CEREMONY: J. W. Gray, Missionary Baptist Minister of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 27, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Jack Henranett?, Charley Armstrong, Bill
Hagley &
the Dodson Family of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Roma Songer, age 17 of Speer, Choctaw Co., OK
GROOM: Clarence Cole, age 27 of Moyers, OK
Father of Roma Songer: C. S. Songer
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, JP of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 14, 1917
WITNESSED BY: S. E. Welch of Antlers, OK & Otis
Songer of Speer, OK
BRIDE: Miss Inez G. Spencer, age 21 of Miller, OK
GROOM: T. Harrison, age 28 of Broken Bow, McCurtain Co.,
CEREMONY: George M. Byers, Minister, M. E. Church South
of Broken Bow, McCurtain Co., OK
WHERE: Miller, OK
DATE: October 10, 1917
WITNESSED BY: W. T. Harrison of Idabel, OK & I. E.
Johnson of Broken Bow, OK
BRIDE: Miss Myrtle Spencer, age 15 of Boswell, Choctaw
County, Oklahoma
GROOM: Clyde Tripp, age 26 of Boswell, Choctaw County,
Father of Myrtle Spencer: J. A. Spencer
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, Justice of the Peace of Antlers,
WHERE: Antlers, Oklahoma
DATE: November 29, 1917
WITNESSED BY: J. A. Spencer of Boswell, Oklahoma and P.
W. Hudson of Antlers, Oklahoma
SPLAWN, Bessie
BRIDE: Miss Bessie Splawn, age 16 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Earnest Messer, age 19 of Antlers, OK
Father of Earnest Messer: J. M. Messer
Mother of Bessie Splawn: Addie Splawn
CEREMONY: W. C. Fielden, Baptist Minister of Darwin, OK
WHERE: Darwin, OK
DATE: March 10, 1918
WITNESSED BY: W. M. Ash & James Herman, both of
Darwin, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nannie Spradley, age 20 of Soper, Choctaw
Co., OK
GROOM: James Henson, age 23 of Soper, Choctaw Co., OK
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 14, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Miss Bess Finley & Miss Dovie
McCloflin, both of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Belvia Stafford, age 22 of Finley, OK
GROOM: L. D. Fitzgerald, age 21 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, Minister, Missionary Baptist of
Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
Date of Marriage: December 25, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Fannie Pool & Will Coleman, both
of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Mady Stafford, age 25 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Ben Ball, age 29 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: Ben T. Williams, JP of Finley Township
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: June 1, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Joe Davenport & Edward Homer, both of
Finley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Mary Stafford, age 18 of Finley, OK
GROOM: James Brown, age 24 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, MG, Missionary Baptist of Finley,
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: May 4, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Samuel Hollins & Annie Hollins, both of
Finley, OK
STAGGS, Fannie
BRIDE: Mrs. Fannie Staggs, age 58 of Darwin, OK
GROOM: J. T. Smith, age 68 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: W. T. Lucas, Missionary Baptist Minister of
Miller, OK
WHERE: Miller, OK
DATE: April 13, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Mr. H. B. Hulsey & Mr. N. E. Self, both
of Darwin, OK
BRIDE: Miss Amanda Standridge, age 18 of Moyers, Oklahoma
GROOM: W. T. Thompson, age 21 of Moyers, Oklahoma
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, Oklahoma
WHERE: Antlers, Oklahoma
DATE: January 10, 1919
WITNESSED BY: P. W. Hudson and S. E. Welch, both of
Antlers, Oklahoma
BRIDE: Miss Maggie Statsworth, age 18 of Daisy, OK
GROOM: David Plumley, age 34 of Eubanks, OK
(Note: David Plumley, applicant, apply for a marriage
license in January 18, 1919.
The Certificate of Marriage was "returned not
used" on February 15, 1919)
BRIDE: Mrs. Daisy Stephens, age 33 of Belzoni, OK
GROOM: W. G. Vinyard, age 38 of Belzoni, OK
CEREMONY: W. R. Surrett, Church of Christ Minister of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Max Brown Store
DATE: April 8, 1918
WITNESSED BY: T. J. Dunbane of Belzoni, OK & Mrs.
Nellie Cheffin of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rebecca Stephens, age 16 of Nelson, Choctaw
Co., OK
GROOM: C. T. Harbuck, age 24 of Nelson, Choctaw Co., OK
CEREMONY: L. P. Davenport, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 2, 1916
WITNESSED BY: S. S. Lawrence & John W. Hayes, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Simmie Stephens, age 20 of Nashoba, OK
GROOM: Kennedy Hardy, age 24 of Nashoba, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. J. J. Cochran, Baptist Minister of Moyers,
WHERE: Moyers, OK
DATE: April 11, 1917
WITNESSED BY: J. M. Golden of Checotah, OK & C. J.
Cochran of Moyers, OK
STEVENS, Billie B.
BRIDE: Miss Billie B. Stevens, age 18 of Denver, Colorado
GROOM: Floyd McAdams, age 21 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 1, 1919
WITNESSED BY: H. L. Hardgrave & L. C. Oliver, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Bonnie Stevens, age 16 of Belzoni, OK
GROOM: W. H. Brents, age 29 of Belzoni, OK
Father of Bonnie Stevens: R. E. Stevens
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 3, 1916
WITNESSED BY: W. H. Westphal & P. W. Hudson, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dettie Stewart, age 17 of Sobol, OK
GROOM: Clyde Alexander, age 22 of Sobol, OK
Father of Dettie Stewart: J. T. Stewart
CEREMONY: R. E. Anderson, Hugo Baptist of Spencerville,
Choctaw Co., OK
WHERE: Sobol, OK
DATE: February 23, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Miss Susie Stewart & Mrs. J. C. Dyers?,
both of Sobol, OK
BRIDE: Miss Estie Stiles, age 18 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
GROOM: Alexander Hambree, age 36 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
CEREMONY: W. R. Surrett, Minister, Church of Christ of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 28, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Della Ward & Lucile Watson, both of
Antlers, OK
STILES, Sevelar
BRIDE: Miss Sevelar Stiles, age 19 of Farris, Atoka Co.,
GROOM: G. L. Alexander, age 25 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
CEREMONY: J. E. McGee, MG, Freewill Baptist Church of
Darwin, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 13, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Jake McGee & Mrs. S. E. McGee, both of
Darwin, OK
STILLMAN, Charley Will
BRIDE: Miss Charley Will Stillman, age 19 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Emmett Davis, age 18 of Finley, OK
Mother of Emmett Davis: Mrs. Ada Ringwald
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, Minister, Missionary Baptist of
Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: December 25, 1918
WITNESSED BY: William Smith and Eddy Smith, both of
Finley, OK
STORY, Lizzie
BRIDE: Miss Lizzie Story, age 19 of Finley, Oklahoma
GROOM: Francis Thomas, age 21 of Finley, Oklahoma
CEREMONY: Ben T. Williams, Justice of the Peace of Finley
WHERE: Finley, Oklahoma
DATE: January 25, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. J. P. Fuller and Mrs. Neva Williams,
both of Finley, Oklahoma
STOWE, Clara E.
BRIDE: Miss Clara E. Stowe, age 17 of Rattan, OK
GROOM: Albert T. Childs, age 24 of Rattan, OK
Father of Clara Stowe: J. B. Stowe
CEREMONY: W. J. Mitchell, JP of Rattan, OK
WHERE: Rattan, OK
DATE: October 6, 1918
WITNESSED BY: G. G. McFatridge & And Warren, both of
Rattan, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lena Street, age 18 of Hugo, Choctaw County,
GROOM: Fred Tankersley, age 32 of Hugo, Choctaw County,
CEREMONY: H. E. Darrow, Minister, Methodist Church South
of Antlers, Oklahoma
WHERE: Antlers, Oklahoma
DATE: June 11, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Ruth Darrow and Miss Ruth Walker, both
of Antlers, Oklahoma
BRIDE: Miss Grace Sullivan, age 16 of Kosoma, OK
GROOM: Edmond Bohall, age 19 of Kosoma, OK
Mother of Edmond Bohall: Rosa Bohall of Arnold, Ness Co.,
Father of Grace Sullivan: C. S. Sullivan
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: September 24, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Bert Robison of Kosoma, OK & Zadie
Ralls of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Mary Sullivan, age 40 of Roxtan, Lamar Co.,
GROOM: Jack Nicholson, age 47 of Roxtan, Lamar Co., Texas
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 25, 1917
WITNESSED BY: I. B. Davis & P. W. Hudson, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Eunice Surrett, age 25 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: J. S. Mabry, age 44 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. R. Surrett, Church of Christ Minister of
Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 2, 1918
WITNESSED BY: Breh? Lemons & Etta Lemons, both of
Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Tommie Surrett, age 18 of Cloudy, OK
GROOM: Mack Wolfe, age 22 of Cloudy, OK
CEREMONY: O. J. Lindley, JP
WHERE: Rattan, OK
DATE: June 4, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Benton Nelson & Jim Bell, both of
Cloudy, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rosa Suttles, age 26 of Ft. Smith, Sebastin
Co., Arkansas
GROOM: Ardes Webb, age 24 of Howe, Leflore Co., OK
CEREMONY: V. E. Thompson, Minister of Antlers, OK
WHERE: My residence
DATE: December 24, 1917
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. V. E. Thompson & Miss Lois
Thompson, both of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ethel Sutton, age 23 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Morgan Brisco, age 27 of Coalgate, Coal Co., OK
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, MG, Missionary Baptist Church of
Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: April 6, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Levi Bryant & Ellen Bryant, both of
Finley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Vicey Swafford, age 18 of Jumbo, OK
GROOM: V. T. Buff, age 23 of Jumbo, OK
CEREMONY: C. J. Hudson, MG, Cumberland of Zoraya, OK
WHERE: Zoraya, OK
DATE: February 9, 1916
WITNESSED BY: Bud Impson of Jumbo, OK & A. B. Johnson
of Zoraya, OK
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