
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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1919 -1921


Transcribed by: Teresa Young

There are 586 pages in Book 4.
Beginning on page 1, the date is May 28, 1919.
Ending on page 586, the date is November 28, 1921.

To get copy of the marriage license, write to:

Pushmataha County Courthouse
Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523

Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost $2.00 per copy. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.

If there is a "?" beside the name,
it is because hard to decipher the clerk's handwriting.

TAYLOR, Archibald
GROOM: Archibald Taylor, age 25 of Nashoba, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lena Noah, age 16 of Nashoba, OK
Mother of Lena Noah: Selana Noah
CEREMONY: Emeziah Bohanan, Minister of Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Nashoba, OK
DATE: April 7, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Ellis Taylor & Elesine Hardy, both of Nashoba, OK

GROOM: Ellis Taylor, age 19 of Nashoba, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rebecca Garland, age 19 of Nashoba, OK
Guardian of Ellis Taylor: Battiest Taylor
CEREMONY: E. G.? Ward, JP of Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Nashoba, OK
DATE: February 23, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Ellis Taylor & Rebecca Garland, both of Nashoba, OK

TAYLOR, Leslie
GROOM: Leslie Taylor, age 21 of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Charity Clinton, age 16 of Finley, OK
Father of Charity Clinton: W. D. Clinton
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: January 11, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Ike Shanon & Ollie Sijoes?, both of Finley, OK

TAYLOR, Stewart S.
GROOM: Stewart S. Taylor, age 25 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Vera Lou Plunkett, age 19 of Moyers, OK
CEREMONY: G. W. Gee, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 31, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Howell Walker & Geo. R. Childers, both of Antlers, OK

GROOM: E. A. Templeton, age 26 of Rattan, OK
BRIDE: Miss Jessie Crain, age 19 of Rattan, OK
CEREMONY: C. B. Bumpass, Minister, M. E. Church South of Rattan Circuit
WHERE: Rattan, OK
DATE: February 26, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Alma Tate & Jake Johnson, both of Rattan, OK

GROOM: J. M. Terrell, age 28 of Belzoni, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ethel May Teem, age 20 of Belzoni, OK
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, JP of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 24, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Glays Greenwood & John G. Farr, both of Antlers, OK

TERRY, William
GROOM: William Terry, age 28 of Scipio, Pittsburg Co., OK
BRIDE: Miss Dovie Burleson, age 18 of Sardis, OK
CEREMONY: F. G. Jobe, JP of Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: Sardis, OK
DATE: September 6, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Vick Jobe & J. P. Davidson

THOMAS, Luther C.
GROOM: Luther C. Thomas, age 27 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
BRIDE: Miss Pearl Cooper, age 18 of Farris, Atoka Co., OK
CEREMONY: W. C. Fielden, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Darwin, OK
WHERE: Darwin, OK
DATE: September 7, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Robert Waller & Amy Brinle, both of Farris, OK

GROOM: W. H. Thomas, age 27 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nellie F. Hitch, age 18 of Moyers, OK
CEREMONY: W. R. Surrett, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 18, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Harry Forest & Verna Forest, both of Antlers, OK

GROOM: Alfred Thompson, age 22 of Sardis, OK
BRIDE: Miss Inez Cox, age 18 of Sardis, OK
CEREMONY: Ellis Colbert, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Sardis, OK
WHERE: Sardis, OK
DATE: October 31, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Ralph Thompson & Reuben Colbert, both of Sardis, OK

GROOM: Harvey A. Thompson, age 28 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Miss Watie Genavia White, age 21 of Stanley, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of God of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: December 24, 1919
WITNESSED BY: H. M. Jackson & Mrs. Lucy Jackson, both of Clayton, OK

GROOM: R. S. Thompson, age 39 of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Emma McClain, age 33 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: February 1, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Walter Adair & Mrs. Walter Adair, both of Finley, OK

GROOM: Walter Thompson, age 19 of Moyers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Caddy May Edwards, age 15 of Moyers, OK
Mother of Walter Thompson: Mrs. Ann Hammers
Mother of Caddy Edwards: Mrs. Lyda Kinney
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 17, 1920
WITNESSED BY: P. W. Hudson & H. L. Hardgrave, both of Antlers, OK

GROOM: Archie Threlkeld, age 21 of Corinne, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nettie Alexander, age 18 of Corinne, OK
CEREMONY: J. D. McCraw, Minister of Corinne, OK
WHERE: At my residence
DATE: December 24, 1919
WITNESSED BY: L. W. Cranshaw? of Soper, OK & Claude McCraw of Spencerville, OK

GROOM: Ed Towery, age 28 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Willie M. Musick, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Chas B. Johnson, Minister, Church of Christ of Ethel, OK
WHERE: At Bride's residence
DATE: April 11, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Justice Moran & Ed Burns, both of Ethel, OK

GROOM: Ed Townsend, age 22 of Hamden, Choctaw Co., OK
BRIDE: Miss Ruth Burns, age 19 of Hamden, Choctaw Co., OK
CEREMONY: T. C. Ely, Elder, Methodist Protestant Church
WHERE: M. J. Keylon's residence
DATE: May 22, 1921
WITNESSED BY: W. L. Murphy of Speer, OK & M. J. Kylon of Hamden, OK

GROOM: Amus Tupper, age 40 of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Mary Hooker, age 20 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: J. Sam Martin, Gospel Minister of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Courthouse
DATE: November 26, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Ethel Morrison of Finley, OK & J. C. Frye of Darwin, OK

GROOM: B. F. Turner, age 42 of Stanley, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. D. Mallett, age 37 of Moyers, OK
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 16, 1920
WITNESSED BY: V. M. Smith & W. W. Butler, both of Antlers, OK

TYLER, Willie
GROOM: Willie Tyler, age 23 of Ethel, OK
BRIDE: Miss Jessie Spradlin, age 18 of Ethel, OK
CEREMONY: John Cocke, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 23, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Miss Annie Grooms & O. T. Hammond, both of Antlers, OK

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