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Marriages Book 9
Brides |
Transcribed by:
Teresa Young
There are 600
pages in Marriage Book 9. Beginning on Page 1, the date is June 15, 1933. Ending
on Page 600, the date is March 1, 1936.
The Court Clerk and Court Deputies
during the period of 1933 to 1936 were
J. C. Moyer, Court Clerk,
Martina Crouch, Court Deputy,
Irene Smith, Court Deputy,
Bertha Bryan, Court Deputy.
To get copy
of the marriage license, write to:
Pushmataha County Courthouse Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523
Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Cost $2.00 per copy. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.
Favorite Passage of Teresa Young
"Genesis 2:21-24: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
CAGLE, Harriett
Hargroves, age 31 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Harriett Cagle, age 19 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: William Edward Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 15, 1934
WITNESSED BY: A. L. Hargroves & Hazel Weaver, both of Antlers, OK
Page 312
CAIN, Frances
Lattimore, Jr., age 26 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Frances Cain, age 23 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: R. O. Stewart, Pastor, Methodist Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 18, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Epps Hills of Paris, Texas & Vida Lee Rosey of Pattonville, Texas
Page 29
Orville Braswell, age 28 of 205 N. Main St., Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Nellie Calhoun, age 28 of 197 W. Houston, Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 30, 1935
WITNESSED BY: J. A. Fletcher of Roxton, Texas & Eugenie Dunlap of Paris, Texas
Page 436
CAMP, Pearl
GROOM: Johnie Griffin, age 21 of Weathers, Pittsburg
County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Pearl Camp, age 28 of Weathers, Pittsburg County, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 3, 1933
WITNESSED BY: A. F. Pace & C. E. Brown, both of Antlers, OK
Page 78
Alexander, age 30 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Louise Campbell, age 30 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Minister, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 11, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. M. R. Archer & Miss Hazel Archer, both of Antlers, OK
Page 570
Teague Ricketts, age 29 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Relma Canborn, age 21 of Melrose, New Mexico
CEREMONY: John M. Hart, Assembly of God of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 12, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mevlin Hart & Morris Spinc, both of Antlers, OK
Page 447
CANNDAY, Pearl Ellen
GROOM: James
Flowers, age 53 of Nelson, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Pearl Ellen Cannday, age 30 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: William Edward Bowers, Minister, First M. E. Church South of Antlers
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: September 3, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. M. E. Fulson & Mrs. W. E. Bowers, both of Antlers, OK
Page 486
CANNON, Johnie
GROOM: Frank
Baker, age 25 of Miller, OK
BRIDE: Miss Johnie Cannon, age 21 of Farris, Atoka County, OK
CEREMONY: P. O. Pound, Minister, Baptist of Miller, OK
WHERE: At Home
DATE: March 14, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Winford Pound & Mrs. Julia Pound, both of Miller, OK
Page 172
CANNON, Virgil Lee
GROOM: Eddie
Gray, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Virgil Lee Cannon, age 18 of Millerton, McCurtain County, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. R. S. Duncan, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 29, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Neb Morrow & Evin Morrow, both of Antlers, OK
(Note: Colored)
Page 599
CARGLE, Hattie
Buster Prater, age 22 of Christain, Atoka County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Hattie Cargle, age 25 of Christain, Atoka County, OK
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 29, 1935
WITNESSED BY: O. T. Owens & Dalton Carden, both of Albion, OK
Page 517
Everett Helm, age 21 of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Kathryn Carlisle, age 19 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: Geo. R. Childers, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 28, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Ruth Helm of Antlers, OK & Mavurerine Copeland of Finley, OK
Page 141
Wendell Landers, age 22 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Bonnie Carpenter, age 20 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Minister, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 31, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lois Haynes & Hazel Archer, both of Antlers, OK
Page 520
Theodore Kidd, age 22 of Snow, OK
BRIDE: Miss Pearl Carpenter, age 36 of Snow, OK
CEREMONY: P. O. Pounds, Minister of the Gospel of Miller, OK
WHERE: At Home
DATE: February 6, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Ruby B. Hamilton & W. M. Kidd, both of Snow, OK
Page 149
Vorhes, age 22 of Adel, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dell Carruth, age 19 of Adel, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 7, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Paul Stewart of Antlers, OK & Earl Labor of Ethel, OK
Page 23
CARTER, Lorene
Woodrow Martin, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lorene Carter, age 19 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 9, 1934
WITNESSED BY: W. G. Browning & Mrs. W. G. Browning, both of Antlers, OK
Page 252
McLean, age 58 of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Emalia Casgrave, age 49 of Medford, Grant County, OK
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 21, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Julia McLean & Jane McLean, both of Oklahoma City, OK
Page 513
GROOM: Hardy
Tomlinson, age 18 of Darwin, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edna Cates, age 18 of Darwin, OK
Father of
Hardy Tomlinson: N. M. Tomlinson
CEREMONY: Erskine Brantly, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 7, 1933
WITNESSED BY: W. W. Tomlinson & Mrs. Osey Tomlinson, both of Atoka County, OK
Page 62
Rose, age 26 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Fannie Chambers, age 25 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 18, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Mary Holmes & W. E. Beaty, both of Hugo, OK
Page 397
GROOM: Grady
W. Clack, age 24 of Tuskahoma, OK
BRIDE: Miss Joe Ann Chapman, age 21 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: E. E. Smedley, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: December 25, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Forrest Hendrick & Mr. Forrest Hendrick, both of Tuskahoma,
Page 558
Wesley Billy, age 34 of Corinne, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nellie Charley, age 28 of Corinne, OK
CEREMONY: Byars Columbus, Minister, M. E. Church of Corinne, OK
WHERE: Corinne, OK
DATE: February14, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Louis Billy & Mrs. Mary Tom, both of Corinne, OK
Page 147
GROOM: Clark
Lee King, age 21 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Vera Childers, age 21 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
DATE: January 5, 1934
(Note: Only “Application for Marriage License” applied in January 5, 1934.
“Certificate of Marriage”)
Page 124
GROOM: Owen Clancy, age 42 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Lela Clancy, age 40 of Soper, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 17, 1933
WITNESSED BY: J. T. George & L. H. Hendrix, both of Antlers, OK
Page 86
CLARK, Christine
Clarence Breed, age 23 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Christine Clark, age 19 of Antlers, OK
DATE: August 31, 1935
(Note: Only
“Application for Marriage License”. No “Certificate of Marriage”)
Page 484
CLEATON, Camleate
Theadore Haynes, age 33 of Tuskahoma, OK
BRIDE: Miss Camleate Cleaton, age 19 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: W. G. Wilson, Justice of the Peace of Albion District
WHERE: At my office
DATE: December 7, 1935
WITNESSED BY: G. R. Hayes & E. Cleaton, both of Tuskahoma, OK
Page 539
Robbins, age 21 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edith Clinton, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. E. Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 17, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. W. E. Bowers & Mrs. M. L. Bowers, both of Antlers, OK
Page 151
CODY, Susie
Richard Dunlap, age 26 of Cloudy, OK
BRIDE: Miss Susie Cody, age 20 of Cloudy, OK
CEREMONY: F. N. Westrope, Justice of the Peace of Rattan, OK
WHERE: Rattan, OK
DATE: October 13, 1934
WITNESSED BY: W. B. Westrope of Rattan, OK & Dovie Reich of Cloudy, OK
Page 311
Barden Taylor, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Irene Coffee, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 22, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. P. B. Langley & E. F. Jorden, both of Antlers, OK
Page 458
Self, age 30 of Cloudy, OK
BRIDE: Miss Floy Coffelt, age 24 of Cloudy, OK
CEREMONY: F. N. Westrope, Justice of the Peace, Kiamichi Township of Cloudy
WHERE: Rattan, OK
DATE: February 22, 1934
WITNESSED BY: E. R. Garner & Mrs. F. N. Westrope, both of Rattan, OK
Page 159
Ralls, age 26 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ruby Coffman, age 20 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. E. Bowers, Minister, First M. E. Church South of Antlers
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 7, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Beulah Coffman & Tillie Bybee, both of Antlers, OK
Page 186
COLE, Isabinda
GROOM: Henry
Moore, age 25 of Coalgate, Coal County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Isabinda Cole, age 16 of Coalgate, Coal County, OK
Father of
Isabinda Cole: Arnice Cole
DATE: June 27, 1935
(Note: Only “Application of Marriage License”. No “Certificate of Marriage”)
Page 435
COLE, Marvelene
Douglas Nix, age 21 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Marvelene Cole, age 18 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: William Edward Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 12, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Foster Berry & George Weddington, both of Antlers, OK
Page 256
COLEMAN, Dortha Lee
Coleman, age 21 of Pickens, Pushmataha County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dortha Lee Coleman, age 20 of Shawnee, Pottawamie County, OK
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August
28, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. P. B. Langley & Mrs. J. B. Keith, both of Antlers, OK
Page 480
GROOM: Roy Satterfield, age 23 of Dunbar, OK
BRIDE: Miss Linnie Collins, age 25 of Dunbar, OK
CEREMONY: Bill Lewis, Minister, Baptist of Jumbo, OK
WHERE: Dunbar, OK
DATE: August 25, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Homer Hamilton of Kosoma, OK & Houston Satterfield of Dunbar, OK
Page 38
CONLEY, Johnie
Custer Benson, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Johnie Conley, age 19 of Nashoba, OK
CEREMONY: A. A. McReynolds, Minister, Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 24, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Oscar Lampe & Kathleene Lampe, both of Antlers, OK
Page 374
COOKE, Jessie Lou
Hamlin, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Jessie Lou Cooke, age 20 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. S. McArthur, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 23, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Junie Lane & Tobe Lane, both of Antlers, OK
Page 237
GROOM: Andie
McCossey, age 49 of Nashoba, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Lucy Cooke, age 48 of Nashoba, OK
CEREMONY: E. S. Mizell, Minister, Baptist of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: June 23, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. E. S. Mizell & J. E. Mizell, both of Clayton, OK
Page 235
COONTZ, Arlene
GROOM: Grady
Helm, age 37 of Stanley, OK
BRIDE: Miss Arlene Coontz, age 19 of Stanley, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: December 23, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mr. Ray Coontz of Stanley, OK & Mrs. Lucy Jackson of Clayton, OK
Page 341
COOPER, Sophie
Stephenson, age 28 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Sophie Cooper, age 31 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 16, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Irene Radican of Antlers, OK & E. B. Ratin of Hugo, OK
Page 369
Bentley, age 40 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dixie Corbin, age 23 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 4, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Lester Pate & M. J. Pate, both of Antlers, OK
Page 566
COSSEY, Myrtle
Jackson, age 21 of Dunbar, OK
BRIDE: Miss Myrtle Cossey, age 18 of Bevans, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: July 21, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Miss Rosey Poe & Mr. C. W. Breashears, both of Clayton, OK
Page 453
GROOM: Jesse
Lee, age 27 of Kansas, Delaware County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Vera Coughman, age 21 of Nashoba, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 10, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Lessie Cothran & Mrs. Geo. Innis, both of Antlers, OK
Page 212
COWAN, Lucille
Arthur, age 24 of Arkansas, Arkansas County, Kansas
BRIDE: Miss Lucille Cowan, age 29 of Wichita, Kansas
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 29, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Buck Smith & Mrs. Lee Hardgrave, both of Antlers, OK
Page 560
COX, Orbie
Collins, age 21 of Moyers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Orbie Cox, age 18 of Kosoma, OK
CEREMONY: Geo. R. Childers, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 1, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Bessie Cox of Kosoma, OK & Roxie Collins of Moyers, OK
Page 299
CRAIG, Dorothy Jane
William Joseph Reasor, age 23 of 231 N. Santa Fe, Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dorothy Jane Craig, age 18 of 2608 E. 13th Pl., Tulsa,
Tulsa County, OK
CEREMONY: Erskine Brantly, Pastor, Presbyterian of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 10, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Miss Laura Merridth & Miss Zula Berty
Page 467
Charles E. Harrison, age 22 of Moyers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Geneva Crawford, age 18 of Moyers, OK
CEREMONY: J. D. Hawkins, Minister, Church of Christ of Moyers, OK
WHERE: At my residence
DATE: April 15, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Jack Crawford & Clara Bailey, both of Moyers, OK
Page 193
E. Bonds, age 30 of Grand Saline, VanZandt County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Laura Mae Crawford, age 20 of Grand Saline, VanZandt County, Texas
CEREMONY: Rev. M. R. Archer, Pastor, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 17, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Archer & Miss Jewell Archer, both of Antlers, OK
Page 196
CROSS, Bodie
Charley A. Bridges, age 23 of Cloudy, OK
BRIDE: Miss Bodie Cross, age 18 of Cloudy, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 12, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Bertie Cross & Vernon Mitchell, both of Cloudy, OK
Page 214
Johnie Lewis, age 21 of Snow, OK
BRIDE: Miss Bertha Crownover, age 19 of Snow, OK
CEREMONY: Erskine Brantly, Pastor, Presbyterian of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 27, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lorene Merris, Dorothy Lewis & Paul Jackson
Page 464
GROOM: Audie
Myers, age 23 of Sobol, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lois Crownover, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Geo. R. Childers, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 15, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Bert Nichol & Lillie Nichol, both of Antlers, OK
(Note: C. A. Myers applied for a marriage license to be issued to Audie Myers)
Page 322
Mowdy, age 18 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Marie Crownover, age 16 of Snow, OK
Father of Olen Mowdy: W. A. L. Mowdy
Father of
Marie Crownover: J. H. Crownover
CEREMONY: A. A. McReynolds, Minister, Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 16, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Eva McReynolds & Vera McReynolds, both of Antlers, OK
Page 258
Willie Hutchins, age 25 of Tuskahoma, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dovana Cummings, age 25 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: H. C. Powell, Gospel Minister, Congregation of Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: At home of Frances Powell
DATE: March 14, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Dillard Rolison & Francis Powell, both of Tuskahoma, OK
Page 379
CUMMINGS, Lorenene
Cole, age 22 of Belzoni, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lorenene Cummings, age 20 of Dela, OK
CEREMONY: J. M. Hatcher, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Dela, OK
DATE: December 10, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Onie Hatcher & Lois Hatcher, both of Dela, OK
Page 334
Lott, Jr., age 22 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Opal Cummings, age 20 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: William E. Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 18, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Jess Collier & Mr. Jess Collier, both of Paris, Texas
Page 339
Sidney Hamill, age 29 of Ringold, McCurtain County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ellen Cumpton, age 18 of Corinne, OK
CEREMONY: J. D. McCraw, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Spencerville, OK
WHERE: At Maggie Noel’s residence
DATE: December 29, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Jack Noel & V. L. McCraw, both of Spencerville, OK
Page 120
Virgil Cochran, age 24 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Winnie Cunningham, age 31 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: M. M. McKee, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: At C. S. Compton’s home
DATE: September 9, 1934
WITNESSED BY: C. S. Compton & H. C. Croger, both of Antlers, OK
Page 281
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