
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Book 9
1933 - 1936

J surnames

Transcribed by: Teresa Young
There are 600 pages in Marriage Book 9. Beginning on Page 1, the date is June 15, 1933. Ending on Page 600, the date is March 1, 1936.

The Court Clerk and Court Deputies during the period of 1933 to 1936 were
 J. C. Moyer, Court Clerk,
Martina Crouch, Court Deputy,
Irene Smith, Court Deputy,
Bertha Bryan, Court Deputy.

 To get copy of the marriage license, write to:
Pushmataha County Courthouse Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523
Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost $2.00 per copy. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.

 Favorite Passage of Teresa Young

"Genesis 2:21-24: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."


GROOM: Edgar Jackson, age 23 of Dunbar, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nettie Garman, age 27 of Dunbar, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: September 22, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mr. Fred Jackson of Dunbar, OK & Mrs. Lucy Jackson of Clayton, OK

(Note: George Garman applied for a marriage license)

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JACKSON, Foriest H.

GROOM: Foriest H. Jackson, age 22 of Sardis, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ollie May Mayabb, age 19 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: G. L. Williams, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: February 16, 1935
WITNESSED BY: John Workman of Tuskahoma, OK & Ralph Jameson of Sardis, OK

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GROOM: Fred Jackson, age 21 of Dunbar, OK
BRIDE: Miss Myrtle Cossey, age 18 of Bevans, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: July 21, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Miss Rosey Poe & Mr. C. W. Breashears, both of Clayton, OK

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GROOM: Jim Jackson, age 19 of Dunbar, OK
BRIDE: Miss Florence Reynolds, age 17 of Dunbar, OK

Mother of Florence Reynolds: Mary Reynolds

Father of Jim Jackson: W. A. Jackson
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 29, 1936
WITNESSED BY: W. A. Jackson of Dunbar, OK & Harvey Reed of Jumbo, OK

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GROOM: Lois M. Jackson, age 30 of Olton, Lamb County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Myrtle Warren, age 21 of Octavia, Leflore County, OK
CEREMONY: B. B. Fisher, Justice of the Peace of Coal, Polk County, Arkansas
WHERE: Coal, Polk County, Arkansas
DATE: October 2, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Blank (no witness)

(Note: Application for marriage license was filed September 30, 1933. Marriage license was filed September 30, 1934. Written on bottom of page: “Returned License. Informed pairs could not be legally used in Arkansas. Dated October 4, 1933”)

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JAMES, Sylvester

GROOM: Sylvester James, age 32 of Tuskahoma, OK
BRIDE: Miss Icie Mae Price, age 22 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: H. C. Powell, Gospel Minister, Congregation of Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: At home of Bride
DATE: March 19, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lelestella Hutchins of Antlers, OK & Rosa Lee Hutchins of Tuskahoma, OK

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JEFFERSON, William Ellis

GROOM: William Ellis Jefferson, age 27 of Honobia, OK
BRIDE: Miss Celestie Ward, age 32 of Honobia, OK
CEREMONY: J. F. Allen, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Ludlow, Leflore County, OK
WHERE: Honobia, OK
DATE: March 13, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Apie Sharp & Violet Sharp, both of Honobia, OK

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JOHNSON, Albert M.

GROOM: Albert M. Johnson, age 24 of Belzoni, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lexxie Orpha McCleary, age 21 of Belzoni, OK
CEREMONY: H. P. Ihrig, Assembly of God of Belzoni, OK
WHERE: Belzoni, OK
DATE: August 8, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Willie Labor & Emma Bridges, both of Belzoni, OK

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JOHNSON, Charles E.

GROOM: Charles E. Johnson, age 46 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edith Haislip, age 32 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 28, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Judie Perryman & Ray Easton, both of Antlers, OK

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JONES, Argus

GROOM: Argus Jones, age 25 of Rattan, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ethel Allen, age 20 of Rattan, OK
CEREMONY: H. P. Ihrig, Minister, Assembly of God of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 21, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Frank Taber of Rattan, OK & Otta Ihrig of Antlers, OK

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JONES, Floyd

GROOM: Floyd Jones, age 18 of Darwin, OK
BRIDE: Miss Olive Woolbert, age 18 of Darwin, OK

Father of Floyd Jones: T. J. Jones
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 29, 1934
WITNESSED BY: M. J. Pate & Jack Helm, both of Antlers, OK

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JONES, Henry A.

GROOM: Henry A. Jones, age 23 of Wright City, McCurtain County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Hazel Rozell, age 17 of Belzoni, OK

Father of Hazel Rozell: O. E. Rozell
CEREMONY: H. P. Ihrig, Minister, Assembly of God of Belzoni, OK
WHERE: Belzoni, OK
DATE: March 11, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Kermit Cash & Dane Cash, both of Belzoni, OK

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JONES, Jesse A.

GROOM: Jesse A. Jones, age 29 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Ruth Gregory, age 20 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Minister, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 31, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lois Haynes & Hazel Archer, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Roy Jones, age 26 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ruby Spradlin, age 19 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Fred L. Gibson, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: September 5, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Ike King & Mrs. Willie King, both of Antlers, OK

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JONES, William Daniel

GROOM: William Daniel Jones, age 21 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Miss Opal Hopkins, age 16 of Clayton, OK

Father of Opal Hopkins: W. J. Hopkins
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: December 30, 1933
WITNESSED BY: W. J. Hopkins & Mrs. Lucy Jackson, both of Clayton, OK

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GROOM: Leon Jordan, age 22 of Sand Bluff, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ruth Ray, age 18 of Sand Bluff, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Antlers, Ok
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 24, 1933
WITNESSED BY: M. J. Pate & J. C. Weaver, both of Antlers, OK

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JORDAN, Robert

GROOM: Robert Jordan, age 25 of Kiamichi, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rosa Lee Hutchson, age 21 of Kiamichi, OK

CEREMONY: Rev. J. W. Ruff, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: Tuskahoma, OK
DATE: November 17, 1935
WITNESSED BY: J. R. Juptis & Willie Hutchins, both of Tuskahoma, OK

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JORDAN, Russell

GROOM: Russell Jordan, age 25 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edna Sconyer, age 18 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: Fred L. Gibson, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 11, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Zewick Williams of Antlers, OK & L. D. France of Sulphur Springs, Texas

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JOSLIN, James Lee

GROOM: James Lee Joslin, age 21 of Snow, OK
BRIDE: Miss Christine Anderson, age 18 of Snow, OK
CEREMONY: William Smith, Minister, Baptist Missionary
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 1, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Dick Freeman of McAlester, OK & A. C. Talley of Rattan, OK

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JOYCE, Willie Sherman

GROOM: Willie Sherman Joyce, age 23 of Honey Grove, Fannin County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Mary Elizabeth Isom, age 22 of Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas
CEREMONY: Epp Gibson, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 27, 1934
WITNESSED BY: J. H. Joyce of Honey Grove, Texas & Warren Hamoct of Pecan Gap, Texas

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