
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Book 9
1933 - 1936

L surnames

Transcribed by: Teresa Young
There are 600 pages in Marriage Book 9. Beginning on Page 1, the date is June 15, 1933. Ending on Page 600, the date is March 1, 1936.

The Court Clerk and Court Deputies during the period of 1933 to 1936 were
 J. C. Moyer, Court Clerk,
Martina Crouch, Court Deputy,
Irene Smith, Court Deputy,
Bertha Bryan, Court Deputy.

 To get copy of the marriage license, write to:
Pushmataha County Courthouse Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523
Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost $2.00 per copy. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.

 Favorite Passage of Teresa Young

"Genesis 2:21-24: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

LABOR, Madge

GROOM: Athel Bell, age 23 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Madge Labor, age 22 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 26, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Veral Bell Parker & Mrs. P. B. Langley, both of Antlers, OK

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LaFLORE, Hazel Inez

GROOM: James Clifford Hoffman, age 23 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Hazel Inez LaFlore, age 19 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 22, 1933
WITNESSED BY: David Myers & Miss Cecile Davis, both of Paris, Texas

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LANE, Viola

GROOM: Willie Winters, age 22 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Viola Lane, age 16 of Antlers, OK

Mother of Viola Lane: Junie Lane
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Minister, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 14, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Claud Winter & Annabel Winter, both of Antlers, OK

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LANEY, Lottie

GROOM: Lee Rutledge, age 34 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Lottie Laney, age 28 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: A. M. Tally, Minister, Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 5, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. W. P. Lenhart & Mrs. Minnie Weaver, both of Antlers, OK

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LANGLEY, Blondell

GROOM: Ted Hensley, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Blondell Langley, age 17 of Antlers, OK

Father of Blondell Langley: J. S. Langley
CEREMONY: J. A. Wilson, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Ethel, OK
WHERE: At my home
DATE: July 14, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Cecil Sulivan & Thelma Sulivan, both of Ethel, OK

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GROOM: Theo Richards, age 28 of Alma, Crawford County, Arkansas
BRIDE: Miss Myrtle Langley, age 29 of Ft. Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 27, 1934
WITNESSED BY: J. A. Holt & Mrs. P. B. Langley, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Richard A. Griffith, age 19 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Lorayne Lattimore, age 18 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas

Fahter of Richard A. Griffith: C. E. Griffith
CEREMONY: Erskine Brantley, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 23, 1933
WITNESSED BY: A. F. Egger, C. E. Griffith of Paris, Lamar County, Texas and

Mrs. R. L. Lattimore of Paris, Lamar County, Texas

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GROOM: Rance Pilley, age 22 of Rattan, OK
BRIDE: Miss Alice Lawrence, age 21 of Rattan, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 24, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Grace Foreman & Ed Hobbs, both of Rattan, OK

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GROOM: Loyd Birdsong, age 23 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Bessie Lawrence, age 19 of Dunbar, OK
CEREMONY: Fred L. Gibson, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 29, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Ellis Decker & Mr. Coleman Crawford, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: J. T. Landers, age 21 of Roxton, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Mildred Lawrence, age 20 of Roxton, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 13, 1935
WITNESSED BY: J. F. Thomas of Roxton, Texas & Mrs. P. B. Langley of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: E. L. Smith, age 21 of San Bernardino, California
BRIDE: Miss Lois Leathers, age 21 of Tuskahoma, OK
CEREMONY: June Sisson, Justice of the Peace of Tuskahoma District
WHERE: Tuskahoma, OK
DATE: February 17, 1935
WITNESSED BY: L. E. Leathers, Jess Smith, Vallie Leathers & C. E. Palmore, all of Tuskahoma, OK

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LEDDY, Lorene

GROOM: Floyd Thompson, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lorene Leddy, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Minister, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 17, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Mr. Larence Hasten & Mr. John Asheby, both of Antlers, OK

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LEE, Bertha

GROOM: Myron Montgomery, age 33 of Jumbo, OK
BRIDE: Miss Bertha Lee, age 18 of Jumbo, OK
CEREMONY: Mrs. Hattie Swearingin, Minister, Assembly of God of Jumbo, OK
WHERE: Jumbo, OK
DATE: July 20, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Johnnie Dennis & Mrs. J. S. Hardin, both of Jumbo, OK

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LEWIS, Marie

GROOM: E. B. Daniels, age 18 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Marie Lewis, age 17 of Jumbo, OK

Parents of groom & bride: J. E. Daniels & W. M. Lewis
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Church of the Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 16, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. M. R. Archer of Antlers, OK & Mrs. Lewis of Jumbo, OK

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LEWIS, Thelma

GROOM: F. C. Reed, age 45 of Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Thelma Lewis, age 33 of Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 16, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. P. B. Langley & Dora Abskine, both of Antlers, OK

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LINCH, Elizabeth

GROOM: Charley W. Locke, age 21 of Atoka, Atoka County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Elizabeth Linch, age 21 of Atoka, Atoka County, OK
CEREMONY: William E. Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 1, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. M. L. Bowers & Mrs. W. E. Bowers, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Jim Birlew, age 33 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Millie Linhart, age 33 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Homer H. Pippin, Gospel Preacher, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: At 4:30 p.m. o’clock
DATE: November 17, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Ola Walker & H. D. Weaver, both of Antlers, OK

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LONG, Eileen

GROOM: Cecil D. Wright, age 25 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Eileen Long, age 19 of Ft. Smith, Sebastin County, Arkansas
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 10, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Dorothy Long of Ft. Smith, Arkansas & Haskell Messer of Hugo, OK

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GROOM: Riley Tallant, age 22 of Corinne, OK
BRIDE: Miss Mable Lunsford, age 18 of Corinne, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 26, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Evelee Steeley & D. S. Ware, both of Corinne, OK

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GROOM: John Dillishaw, age 28 of Finley, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Ethel Luster, age 21 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Freewill Baptist Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 23, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Irene Thornton & Mary J. Pate, both of Antlers, OK

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LYONS, Gracie

GROOM: G. E. McCary, age 34 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Gracie Lyons, age 33 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: J. H. Coffman, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Hall District
WHERE: At Home
DATE: April 4, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Allen Davis & Tomies Davis, both of Antlers, OK

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