
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Book 9
1933 - 1936

W surnames

Transcribed by: Teresa Young
There are 600 pages in Marriage Book 9. Beginning on Page 1, the date is June 15, 1933. Ending on Page 600, the date is March 1, 1936.

The Court Clerk and Court Deputies during the period of 1933 to 1936 were
 J. C. Moyer, Court Clerk,
Martina Crouch, Court Deputy,
Irene Smith, Court Deputy,
Bertha Bryan, Court Deputy.

 To get copy of the marriage license, write to:
Pushmataha County Courthouse Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523
Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost $2.00 per copy. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.

 Favorite Passage of Teresa Young

"Genesis 2:21-24: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."


GROOM: Roy A. Walker, age 25 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Cecile Davis, age 19 of Paris, Lamar County, Texas
CEREMONY: Rev. M. R. Archer, Pastor, Church of Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 25, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Hoffman, both of Paris, Texas

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GROOM: G. O. Wall, age 23 of Spencerville, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Willie Mae Hammon, age 18 of Spencerville, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: James W. Nelson, Minister, Assembly of God of Rattan, OK
WHERE: At my place
DATE: August 14, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Loyed Green & T. C. Coggons, both of Rattan, OK

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WALLEN, Clayton

GROOM: Clayton Wallen, age 21 of Stigler, Haskell County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Arvie Potts, age 22 of Boswell, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 4, 1934
WITNESSED BY: M. W. Potts of Boswell, OK & Mrs. P. B. Langley of Antlers, OK

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WARD, Bill

GROOM: Bill Ware, age 23 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Alma Powell, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Fred L. Gibson, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 1, 1933
WITNESSED BY: W. H. Page & Mrs. W. H. Page, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: W. C. Ward, age 24 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Miss Linda Shaw, age 18 of Stanley, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: October 28, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Mr. Adam Shaw & Mrs. Adam Shaw, both of Stanley, OK

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WATERS, Tilton

GROOM: Tilton Waters, age 20 of Kiamichi, OK
BRIDE: Miss Iola James, age 20 of Kiamichi, OK

Mother of Tilton Waters: Eliza Waters
CEREMONY: H. C. Powell, Minister of Tuskahoma, OK
WHERE: At house of Bride
DATE: January 7, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Raymond Harris & Walter Shannon, both of Tuskahoma, OK

(Note: Colored)

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GROOM: George Watkins, age 39 of Wright City, McCurtain County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Myrtle Magal, age 27 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. M. R. Archer, Minister, Church of the Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: March 7, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Frank Music & Elvin Self, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Elmer Weaver, age 38 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lottie Burlew, age 20 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 11, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lester Pate & Ester May Pate, both of Antlers, OK

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WEAVER, Samuel E.

GROOM: Samuel E. Weaver, age 35 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Mary Schoolcraft, age 40 of Clayton, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 3, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Elmer Pollard & R. E. Moore, both of Nashoba, OK

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WELLS, Ralph

GROOM: Ralph Wells, age 24 of Purcell, McClain County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lottie Phillips, age 18 of Clayton, OK
CEREMONY: E. S. Mizell, Baptist Minister of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: December 23, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Jack Criswell of Ada, OK & Mrs. E. S. Mizell of Clayton, OK

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GROOM: Harry Westmoreland, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Evelyn Lee Hampton, age 20 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: September 8, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Ellis Patrick & Gladys Patrick, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Otis Wheeler, age 22 of Cloudy, OK
BRIDE: Miss Roberta Bruce, age 24 of Cloudy, OK
CEREMONY: F. N. Westrope, Justice of the Peace, Kiamichi Township of Rattan, OK
WHERE: Rattan, OK
DATE: November 14, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Ray Westrope & Violet Westrope, both of Rattan, OK

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GROOM: Pete Wheeler, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Willie Mae Dye, age 21 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Fred L. Gibson, Minister, Church of Christ of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 20, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Lois Gilley & Tommie Chapman, both of Antlers, OK

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WHITE, Doyle

GROOM: Doyle White, age 22 of Battiest, McCurtain County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Laverne Dollarhite, age 20 of Battiest, McCurtain County, OK
CEREMONY: M. Whittington, Pastor, First Methodist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: January 28, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Victor Haile & Myrtle White, both of Battiest, OK

(Note: Look under Bride “W” marriage record of Myrtle White)

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WHITE, Ollie

GROOM: Ollie White, age 39 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Bertie Maxey, age 40 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: July 19, 1935
WITNESSED BY: J. C. Moyer of Antlers, OK & Joseph Stamper of Clayton, OK

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GROOM: Dupree Whiteside, age 23 of Miller, OK
BRIDE: Miss Hazel Vinyard, age 19 of Miller, OK
CEREMONY: J. H. Nelson, Justice of the Peace of Kosoma, OK
WHERE: Miller, OK
DATE: March 14, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Cora Mock of Miller, OK & Alva Minor of Kosoma, OK

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WIGINTON, Clarence

GROOM: Clarence Wiginton, age 23 of Soper, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dessa Matlock, age 23 of Soper, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: William E. Bowers, Minister, First M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 5, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lillie Castleman of Hugo, OK & Mrs. W. E. Bowers of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: A. A. Wilcoxson, age 22 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nancy Elizabeth Stewart, age 22 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: William Edward Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 15, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Arvilla O’Neal & Kernek O’Neal, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Elbert Williams, age 21 of Honobia, OK
BRIDE: Miss Edith Avant, age 18 of Honobia, OK
CEREMONY: Elmer L. Sands, Minister, Mt. Joy Baptist Church of Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Fewell, OK
DATE: January 22, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Marie Sands & Evylin Sands, both of Fewell, OK

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GROOM: Elie Williams, age 22 of Pickens, OK
BRIDE: Miss Alice Noah, age 18 of Pickens, OK
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 5, 1936
WITNESSED BY: H. J. Whitobb & Raymond Southern, both of Pickens, OK

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GROOM: Guy Williams, age 35 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Miss Ruth Peters, age 19 of Clayton, OK
CEREMONY: Geo. R. Childers, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 9, 1933
WITNESSED BY: R. F. McAdams & Clyde Boyett, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: John Williams, age 22 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Mrs. Rubie McIntosh, age 22 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. M. R. Archer, Pastor, Nazarene Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 13, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Archer & Jewel Archer, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Louie Williams, age 18 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Miss Loraine Moade, age 18 of Clayton, OK

Father of Louie Williams: A. M. Williams
CEREMONY: J. A. Russell, Minister, Church of God Pentecostal of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: July 2, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Frank Russell & Monford Gillcoatt

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GROOM: Marvin Williams, age 22 of Sobol, OK
BRIDE: Miss Margaret Richardson, age 18 of Sobol, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: March 19, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Earl Evans & W. T. Hooper, both of Antlers, OK

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WILLIAMS, Woodrow W.

GROOM: Woodrow W. Williams, age 18 of Snow, OK
BRIDE: Miss Lula Ward, age 22 of Finley, OK

Father of Woodrow Williams: W. W. Williams
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: May 14, 1935
WITNESSED BY: C. E. Dudley & Mrs. Clyde Brown, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Zack B. Williams, age 20 of Pickens, OK
BRIDE: Miss Adeline Johnson, age 18 of Pickens, OK

Father of Zack B. Williams: Mike Williams
CEREMONY: D. L. Haile, Minister, Church of Christ of Pickens, OK
WHERE: November 1, 1934
DATE: At County Line
WITNESSED BY: George B. Jones & J. R. Craddock, both of Pickens, OK

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GROOM: H. E. Willoughley, age 40 of Snow, OK
BRIDE: Miss Jearldean Barnett, age 15 of Snow, OK

Father of Jearldean Barnett: Earl Barnett
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 23, 1934
WITNESSED BY: P. O. Pounds of Miller, OK & Elmer Weaver of Darwin, OK

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WILSON, Leonard

GROOM: Leonard Wilson, age 23 of Clayton, OK
BRIDE: Miss Daisy Bell Powell, age 18 of Clayton, OK
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 10, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Lee Hardgrave of Albion, OK & Buck Smith of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Willie Winters, age 22 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Viola Lane, age 16 of Antlers, OK

Mother of Viola Lane: Junie Lane
CEREMONY: M. R. Archer, Minister, Nazarene of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 14, 1936
WITNESSED BY: Claud Winter & Annabel Winter, both of Antlers, OK

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WITT, Kenneth

GROOM: Kenneth Witt, age 21 of Manford, Creek County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Anita Kelly, age 18 of Drumright, Creek County, OK
CEREMONY: William Edward Bowers, Minister, M. E. Church South of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: February 18, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Larry C. Smith of 2862 Arve. A., Ft. Worth, Texas & Mrs. W. E. Bowers of Antlers, OK

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WOMACK, Murry C.

GROOM: Murry C. Womack, age 31 of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Marie Margret Sanguin, age 31 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: Rev. W. L. Hall, Pastor, Catholic Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: _____ (Blank)
DATE: February 4, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Robert Farguharson & Lena Farguharson, both of Hugo, OK

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WOOD, Lesley

GROOM: Lesley Wood, age 22 of Moyers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Jessie Osgood, age 18 of Moyers, OK
CEREMONY: I. N. Pate, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 23, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. C. E. Brown & J. E. Weaver, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Fred Woodraf, age 25 of Dunbar, OK
BRIDE: Miss Nickie McCoy, age 20 of Dunbar, OK
CEREMONY: W. H. Jackson, Minister, Church of Christ of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Stanley, OK
DATE: July 15, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mr. C. W. Breshears & Mrs. Lucy Jackson, both of Clayton, OK

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WOODRUFF, J. Forrest

GROOM: J. Forrest Woodruff, age 31 of Cooper, Delta County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Dortha McGuffin, age 18 of Cooper, Delta County, Texas
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 31, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Atlon Smith & Vada Smith, both of Cooper, Texas

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GROOM: T. L. Woodward, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Thelma Taylor, age 16 of Antlers, OK

Mother of Thelma Taylor: Mrs. W. B. Taylor
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister, First Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 5, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Lays Gilley & Maurice Rushing, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: John Wrice, age 25 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Estella Morgan, age 29 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: R. S. Duncan, Minister of the Gospel of South East of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: October 15, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Amandia Ray & Flordia Benson, both of Antlers, OK

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GROOM: Burl Wright, age 21 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rae Anglin, age 17 of Antlers, OK

Father of Rae Anglin: L. R. Anglin
CEREMONY: William Edward Bowers, Minister, First M. E. Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 29, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. W. E. Bowers & Miss Pauline Hargrove, both of Antlers, OK

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WRIGHT, Cecil D.

GROOM: Cecil D. Wright, age 25 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Eileen Long, age 19 of Ft. Smith, Sebastin County, Arkansas
CEREMONY: M. A. Brock, Justice of the Peace of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 10, 1934
WITNESSED BY: Dorothy Long of Ft. Smith, Arkansas & Haskell Messer of Hugo, OK

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GROOM: H. L. Wright, age 21 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
BRIDE: Miss Dimple Glenn, age 18 of Hugo, Choctaw County, OK
CEREMONY: Lee Hardgrave, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 13, 1935
WITNESSED BY: Lauren Neville & John Sweeten, both of Hugo, OK

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GROOM: L. B. Wright, age 21 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Grace Wolf, age 18 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. S. McArthur, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Pushmataha Co.
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: April 22, 1934
WITNESSED BY: F. C. Simon & Levi Heggins, both of Antlers, OK

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WRIGHT, Raymond

GROOM: Raymond Wright, age 21 of Cooper, Delta County, Texas
BRIDE: Miss Elaine Taylor, age 18 of Cooper, Delta County, Texas
CEREMONY: P. B. Langley, Minister Gospel, First Baptist Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: December 3, 1933
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. P. B. Langley of Antlers, OK & Miss Wright of Cooper, Texas

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WRIGHT, Warner W.

GROOM: Warner W. Wright, age 23 of Antlers, OK
BRIDE: Miss Rachel Reed, age 20 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. S. McArthur, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Kellond, OK
DATE: January 2, 1934
WITNESSED BY: R. H. Burden & J. W. McArthur, both of Antlers, OK

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