Antlers American
December 3, 1925
Friendship Items
Mrs. Birdie Rosenthal and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, and Mrs. Henderson dined with Mr. and Mrs. Plumer Henderson on Thanksgiving day.
Mr. Taylor Fleming and family, and Miss Nellie Fleming were dinner guests of Mrs. Letha Madding on Thanksgiving day.
Some of the turkeys that gobbled and strutted about last week are gobbling no more. They passed with Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fleming are the proud parents of a baby girl.
Note: (Mary Geneva Rae Fleming born Novemberer 26th, 1925)
The patrons of the Friendship school met last Wednesday evening and decided to have a pie supper on December 4th for the purpose of getting funds for a Christmas tree. Every child and those who bring pies and buy pies will get a present on the tree. Bud Boyett, Roy Nichols, Alton Stevens, and Noel McClure were appointed to get the tree. Early Labor, Charity Childers and Mrs. A. E. McCoy will purchase the presents, and Mrs. Joel Maynard was chosen chairman of the Christmas tree decoration committee. Everybody is invited to attend.
We are planning on organizing a boys' basketball team and whenever we do, look out!
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Maynard entertained the young folks with a party Saturday night. Lemonade and cake were served and everybody had a delightful time.
Mrs. Nellie and Marie Fleming spent Saturday night with Velma and Sibil Rosenthal.
Don't forget the pie supper Friday night.
Rattan News
The farmers of this community are almost through gathering their crops.
Health is reported good.
Several of the young people attended the party at the home of Joel Maynard at Friendship Saturday night.
Several from here attended the singing at Friendship Sunday afternoon.
Earl Poats, of Friendship, was a visitor in Rattan Sunday.
Edna Fleming and Mrs. Bessie Hedge were in Rattan Saturday.
Tuskahoma News
A truck load of young people of Tuskahoma went to the home of Hessie Swain Friday night and leaving the truck, they went on a 'possum hunt in the hills north of town. Mrs. P. R. Campbell acted as chaperon. Misses Josephine Chapman and Lela Sailors of Antlers were present. Others present were Misses Marie and Aline Frazier, Coral, Loucille and Lorene Chapman, Edna and Elna Hudson, Gertrudde and Ruby Young, Eva Campbell; Messrs. Wyatt Hendrick, Joe Hitch, Hessie Swain, Frank Isherwood, and Earl Campbell. The most fortunate hunters were Wyatt Hendrick, Joe Hitch and Earl Campbell, Gertrude and Ruby Young, and Lorene Chapman. The others were either lost of sitting around a bonfire. One lone possum was caught.
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