
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Articles from
Pushmataha Newspapers

Antlers American
December 10, 1925
Friendship Items

Mr. Weather Man sent us some very disagreeable weather last Friday night but nevertheless a large crowd gathered at the school house for the pie supper and the men responded readily with their cash, making the net proceeds for the evening $79.30. Mrs. Georgia Stevens was awarded the cake for the prettiest girl and J. E. Thompson, of Antlers, was the auctioneer.

Howard Brent began teaching a singing school here Monday night. Everyone is invited to attend and help to put Friendship back on the list of good singers. You will be helping yourself and your community too.

Misses Bessie Davenport and Modine McClure were guests of Joel Maynard Sunday.

Odis Maddings and Guy Goings spent Sunday night at the home of Tom Flemings.

Several people from Belzoni and Rattan attended the pie supper here Friday night.

submitted by BYoung9387@aol.com

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