
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Articles from
Pushmataha Newspapers

Antlers American
December 17, 1925

Santa Claus letters:

Dear Santa Claus:
I want a solid rubber ball, and some water colors. I have a brother who wants a toy auto, and a sister who wants a toy iron, rub-board, and a tub. We hope you will not forget us.
Your friend, Lester Morrison

Dear Santa Claus:
I want a doll for Christmas. That will be all.
Your friend, Freda Goodin

Friendship Items

Singing school is progressing nicely. The enrollment has reached above 30.

Earl Pates, Gordon McCoy, and Noel McClure visited school last Friday afternoon.

Several folks from here transacted business in Antlers Saturday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Ellston Labor, Mr. and Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Wallace and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Maynard, Mrs. A. E. McCoy and son, Gordon, Mrs. Taylor Fleming, Mrs. Letha Madding and Earl Labor.

Mrs. A. E. McCoy, Mrs. Ellston Labor and Charity Childers went to Antlers Saturday and purchased presents for the Christmas tree. Each individual in this community will share in the Christmas presents.

We are planning on meeting one more day before Christmas and clean off the grounds and the school house. Everybody come and help.

Stanley Items
Mrs. Edna Flemings of Bevans, visited Mrs. Amend Sunday.

Bevans Items
Miss Edna Fleming will spend the Christmas holidays with her relatives and friends at Antlers.

submitted by BYoung9387@aol.com

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