Antlers American
January 7, 1926
Friendship Items
After a week's vacation, we are back in school beginning the new year with new aims and resolutions and renewed hope and strength.
Miss Pearlie Goodin spent Monday night with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Goodin.
Miss Nellie Fleming and her brother, Clyde, spent the Christmas holiday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Connally, at Finley.
The singing school under the leadership of Mr. Howard Brent began again Monday after a week's vacation.
Myrtle Lee Walker and Noah Goodin were absent from school Monday.
Miss Jewell Mae Fleming has lost her crowning glory. Finder please return.
Mr. Nabors entertained with a dance Friday night.
Five new pupils were enrolled Monday, making a total enrollment now 59.
Will be back next week if we're not snowed under.
Stanley Items
Miss Edna Fleming, of Bevans, visited Sunday night with Mrs. Scott Amend.
Antlers American
Jan. 14, 1926
Friendship Items
The Rattan-Belzoni visiting boys played the Friendship boys a game of ball, losing the game by 4 points. Come again folks. We're always glad to see you.
The people of this community and a few others from Rattan and Belzoni met Sunday and heard the singing class of Mr. Brent. The class and Mr. Brent were the recipient of many compliments.
Miss Pearlie Goodin spent Sunday night with Miss Norene McClure.
Willie Labor and Nellie Fleming were guests of the McClure sisters Sunday.
Charles and Gilbert Fleming were absent from school Monday.
It is a decided fact that some of the 5th graders have their wires crossed, as Jot Gibson claims that Texas is the largest city in South America, and Merle Madding, a fourth grader, says he lives in the Torrid Zone. Here's hoping they are wrong.
Belzoni Items
Misses Gladys and Irene Goheen visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Morris, Sunday.
Bevans Items
Our school is doing nicely. Seven new pupils have enrolled since the Christmas holidays.
Miss Edna Fleming is on the sick list this week.
Antlers American
January 21, 1926
Friendship Items
On account of inclement weather there was no singing at the school Saturday evening and no singing Sunday evening as we planned, but we hope to continue the singing two nights this week, closing Friday night of this week with a pie supper and a few songs. Everybody invited.
Pearlie Goodin has been absent from school for several days on account of sickness.
The basketball team, "The Friendship Invincibles", is getting in some good practice now. They hope to play several games with neighboring teams.
We had a large number of visitors Friday afternoon. Some of them were Mrs. Birdie Rosenthal, Mrs. Joel Maynard, Miss Jewell Greene, Ted Green, Roy McCoy, Gordon McCoy, Henry Stevens, Alton Stevens, Earl Potes, Willard Wallace, Noel McClure, Pete Mitchell, and Archie Greene.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flemings are the proud parents of a baby boy.
Mrs. Letha Madding entertained with a dance at her home Friday evening.
Mrs. John Connally, who has been visiting with her daughter here, returned to her home at Finley Saturday.
Stanley Items
Mrs. Edna Fleming visited in Stanley through the weekend.
Antlers American
Jan. 28, 1926
Friendship News
Earl Pates and Miss Bonnie Madding visited school Wednesday afternoon. They were also present Friday afternoon with Henry and Alton Stevens. They joined in with the teachers and pupils in a spelling and ciphering match. Come again folks.
Bevans Items
Miss Edna Fleming spent the weekend in Antlers.
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