
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Articles from
Pushmataha Newspapers

The Antlers American, Antlers, Oklahoma, Thursday, July 23rd, 1931 -
newspaper article as follows:


     Meet in Field, Both Armed, Guns are Brought into Action and as a Result
            A Man by the Name of McCorns was Shot Dead
     A killing occurred near Snow Sunday afternoon about six o'clock when John Badgwell, aged twenty-three, shot and killed his uncle, Andrew McCorns. The men met in a field about half way between their homes both armed and the shooting occurred, which resulted in the death of McCorns.
     At an examining trial held here before Judge Geo. R. Childers Tuesday resulted in acquittal of Badgwell, and from the evidence it seemed to have been justifiable homocide.
     The investigation was made by County Attorney A.A. McReynolds and Sheriff Sam Stephens.

This item is from one of Andrew McCarn's granddaughters
submitted by  Ann Minter

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