
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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Articles from
Antlers, Oklahoma

Found in a 1954 copy of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society.
These articles are all browned newspaper; they have been cut out and were in a No. 10 envelope with a return address imprinted:
Gerald A. Baynes
14 West High St.
London, Ohio
The envelope has browned and is torn, but it was never addressed to anyone.
Transcribed by Donna Bray, Jan 14 2005

Pencil dated Feb 11, 1954
Founders Day Observed at PTA Meeting
Founders day was observed at the meeting of the Antlers Parent Teacher Association Thursday afternoon at the Home Ec cottage. Mrs. Leroy Pierce gave a history of the National PTA and Mrs. A. G. Farr led the group in ensemble singing.
At the business session presided over by Mrs. Victor Underwood, the organization voted to point the Cub Scout room in the Berryhill building at Brantly school. Mrs. Pierce reported that $105 for the polio drive was realized on the basketball game sponsored by the PTA. Motion to sponsor a benefit for the heart fund was given approval. Announcement was made of an orthodontic clinic to be held February 18 at the office of Dr. T. L. Witherspoon.
Attendance pictures were won by Mrs. Emerson’s third grade room and the seventh grade.
After the meeting birthday cake and punch were served from a table centered with an arrangement of vari-colored chrysanthemums and leaves. Mrs. John Mollenkopf served the cake and Mrs. Underwood presided at the punch bowl. (end)

Pencil dated Mar 4 1954
First HD Agent Celebrates Her 85th Birthday
Mrs. Ella Innes, first home demonstration agent for Pushmataha County who now lives at 441 Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles, today celebrate her 85th birthday, said Mrs. Sam Bennett, an early day HD worked and a close friend of Mrs. Innes. The Innes family moved away nearly 25 years ago. (end)

Pencil dated Mar 4 1954
Honor Roll is Released for Brantly School.
Twenty-eight students at Brantly grade school had all "A" grades during the past six weeks period, said Principal George S. Rosenthal, as he released the honor roll from the school Wednesday.
Listed by classes they are:
Second – Linda Howard, Sherry Payne, Robert Turner.
Third – Mike Kirtley, Lynne Farr, Ellis Robertson, David Smith, Jerry Vandagriff
Fourth – Cecelia Barberrouse, Jean Splawn, Virginia Garner
Fifth – Jane Penington, Jane Stamper, Margaret Garner, Amos Farr, Mary Orr, Carole Booker
Althelta Vaughn, Judy Howard.
Sixth – Priscilla Jones, Carl Hooser, Larry Rose, Billy Wooten, Billy Wooten, Janice Gilbert, Donald Burgess, Clarence Kershaw, Carol Pilcher, Jerry Howard.
Listed as B or Better Students are:
Second – Dale Howell, Topper Wonsch, Rowdy Settles, Loretta Allen, Sherry Booker, Lola Fay Lankford, Mary Lynn Tims, Marilyn Carter, Billy Finley, Bobby Harmon, Jimmy Warden, Susan Birdsell, Francine Horton, Kathy Golden.
Third – Mike Nabors, Larry Harrington, Larry Hinsley, Jerry Hinsley, Patricia Almond, Cheryl Bedwell, Erleen Francisco, Marleen Francisco, Linda Hale, Patsy Ruth Shults, Eddy Jeffers, Alfred Yarbrough, Sherry Cash, Sandra Lindley.
Fourth, Tommy Holloway, Verlon Vaught, Michael Vaught, Lucille Brown, JoAnn Elliott, Bobbie Sue Herndrix, Judy Quinn, Vivian Shive, Bessie Sue Blankenship, Dorothy Luesada, Barbara Jean Stephenson, Bill Burrough, Jean Ann Stafford, Nancy Wood
Fifth – Arthur Lee Jones, James Underwood, Bertha Ward, Zelpha Booker, Sandra Stevens, Gary Clymer, Charles Boykin, Harry Halley, Teddy M. Barham.
Sixth – Clinton Butler, Wanda Smith, Peggy Wright, James Dunham, Hal Jeffers, Mark Edwards, Terry Nelson, Donna Hill, Henry Hatcher, John Merle Perrin, Eva Sue Roberson, Suzanne Roberts.
Principal Rosenthal said out of 492 pupils enrolled in Brantly, 122 are first graders.

Pencil dated Mar 4 1954
ESA Group in Meeting Held Tuesday Night
Principal speakers before members of the Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority Tuesday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Weaver, Jr., included:
Mrs. Thelma Barbee who’s subject was Peron and the Argentine government; Mrs. Kenneth S. Lawson on Peru and Inca Indians; Mrs. Frank Fodge on current events.
Mrs. Phllip Pipkin displayed costume jewelry and items of personal wear by natives of Brazil and Argentine to conclude what members described as an instructive program.
Refreshments, with Mrs. Bill Finley as co-hostess, were served to Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Dee Jeffers, Mrs. Clymer, Mrs. Buddy Orr, Mrs. Glenn Emerson, Mrs. Ernest Hooser, Mrs Austin Haddox, Mrs. Terry Miller, Mrs. Pete Cothran, Mrs. Jim Settles, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Barbee, Mrs. Pipkin, Mrs. Fodge. (end.)

Undated article, and no page number
Harry Halley is planning to run for the state supreme court again.
To you newcomers, Judge Halley is a product of Antlers even though he has been away from here more than 30 years. He is at present chief justice of the Supreme Court. He was first elected in 1948 from the sixth district, a democrat in a strong republican stronghold.
The jurist was born in Antlers; he finished high school here and attended the University of Oklahoma where he worked out his BA and LLB degrees.
Returning home from War I he moved to Tulsa to make his mark. First, he was assistant city attorney, then served four terms as district judge. He was recalled to active duty during War II and again served on overseas duty.
He was post commander for Car-Wilson post, American Legion, at Tulsa. He also is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post and past commander of the Oklahoma Department of Reserve Officers. He is a Methodist and a Mason.
Judge Halley is the brother of Stuart B. Halley, Sr., of Antlers.
Antlers has furnished two of the five members of the state supreme court. Judge Earl Welch, another native son, has been a member of the state supreme court since 1933. He does not have to run this year. (end.)

Torn out Page ca 1954 (internal dating)
Cornerstone Opened in Hugo to Bare 50-Year Old Relics
Hugo, July 3. The religious life emphasized at Goodland Indian orphanage today, also was the major point of emphasis nearly 50 years ago as shown by contents of the Bacon Hall cornerstone, laid in 1907.
The box containing documents of historical interest was opened by Robert M. Firebaugh, chairman of the present board of trustees of the 104 year-old orphanage which is owned and operated by the Presbyterian church, US, Oklahoma synod.
The contents included a copy of the Book of Psalms, in Choctaw, with the name of the Rev. Silas Bacon written on the flyleaf, and dated 1891. Bacon a full blood Choctaw Indiana minister served as superintendent of the orphanage from 1901 until 1921 and the old building, now being dismantled to make way for new construction, was named for Bacon.
Also found were a shorter form of the church catechism written in the Indian tongue, a pocketsize New Testament, identified as the property of the Rev. J. P. Gibbons, an early day missionary to Goodland, along with a hand-written list of campus and day school children, dated Dec 5 1907.
In addition, there was a history of the orphanage, written in longhand, a list of officers and members of Old Doakesville Lodge, No. 2, A. F. and A. M. and a copy of the Husonion Democrat with front page news of Oklahoma gaining its statehood.
The red brick building, which has dominated the Goodland campus for 47 years, will soon be reduced to a pile of rubble in preparation for construction of a new and modern building.
Firebaugh said the new administration building, when completed, will also be called Bacon Hall, just as the old one has carried it since its construction the year Oklahoma gained its statehood. (end)

Torn out page, internal dating ca 1954 `
War on Disease
Hobart, July 3, Glenn Eales was elected president of the Iowa County Tuberculosis association in a reorganization meeting. He will succeed Glen McLaury of Snyder
Other officers elected were D. G. Shelton, vice president; W. G. Dudgeon, treasurer: and Mrs. Dan Ganoung, Roosevelt, secretary.
The new Executive committee from the board includes McLaury, Paul Russell, Hobart: Mrs Dell M. Ganoug, Cooperton; and Mrs. Pauline Bills, Gotebo.
Elected to the board of directors: Mrs. Clarence Mayo, Mrs. Paul Segars, Mrs. Jake Slaner, Miss Ethel Pate, Mrs. Claude Ferrell, Mrs. Claude Johnston and Miss Sally Mansell, Hobart: Henry Dacus, Mrs. Lloyd Trotter and W. H. Jackson, Roosevelt; C. C. Holcomb and O. L. George, Lone Wolf; Zone Hollerman and L. A. Collier, Mountain Park: R. M. Kobs, Mrs. A. S. Lack, Thomas Worley and Karl Kobs, Mountain View; Francis Tuttle, Gotebo: George A. Alexander, Cooperton; James Barnett, Mrs. Mabel Preston, Mrs. A. G. Burba and C. R. Clodfelter, Snyder. (end)

Cut out Picture page 5 Antlers American, Antlers, Okla. March 4 1954
Project Adequate Roads Forms Advisory Committee
Under picture of the Committee:
At the invitation of H. Mead Norton, Chairman of Oklahoma Project Adequate Roads, this group of citizens met in the office of Governor Murray to aid PAR in setting up a master plan for determining the condition and needs of Oklahoma’s road, streets and highways. The committee was formed as an advisory board for Oklahoma Project Adequate Roads. Standing behind Governor Murray, they are, left to right, H. Mead Norton, Chairman Oklahoma PAR, David Fudge, Executive Director, Oklahoma Municipal League, representing Harold Wilson, League President; E. E. Stubblefield, District Engineer, Bureau of Public Roads: Norman Hirschfield, Chairman, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority; Stone Fitch, County Commissioner, Wetumka and Jess F. Sharp, County commissioner, Duncan, representing J. M. "Jim" O’Neal, President, Oklahoma State County Commissioners Association,; C A. Stoldt, State Highway Director and Hadley Kelsey, Executive Director, Oklahoma PAR. Joe Curtis, Chairman of the State Highway Commission, also a committee member is not shown. Stubblefield was elected Chairman. (End.)

Cut out Picture and articles ca 1954 partial two columns
Farm Council to Meet; Delegate Elections Held
Meeting of the County agricultural and home council will be held Thursday morning at 10 a.m. at the PMA conference room over the cooper theater.
Plans will be discussed for improving the agricultural program in Pushmataha County. The council is made up of representatives from nine set up communities covering the county, the president of the Home Demonstration county organization and the president of the County Agricultural council.
The community representatives who were chosen at recent elections include Bill Maguire and Mrs. Mutt Standefer, Clayton; Mrs. Jack Booker and Bill Farr, Antlers; J. N. VanLoon and Mrs. A. Hopper, Albion; Harold Dunson and Mrs. Bessie Weiss, Nashoba; Mrs. Levenia Tucker, Finley; George Riley and Mrs. Joe Franks, Snow; Mrs. And Mrs. Gordon Frederick Moyers; Mr and Mrs. R. J. Edwards, Miller, and tom Donaldson and Mrs. Violet Whiteside, Rattan.

Next Article in column:
Mrs. Wood Improved in McAlester Hospital
Mrs. Robert Wood Jr., who has been seriously ill in the McAlester hospital since Sunday morning was reported much improved Tuesday. Her baby son who was born Sunday night is doing fine.(end)

Picture next to above article:

OU Prexy is Named Hall of Fame Elector (with picture)
Dr. George L. Cross, President, The University of Oklahoma, has been re-elected an Elector of the American Hall of Fame located at New York University and together with 99 other prominent Americans will choose additions to the Hall in 1955.(end)

Back of picture of Dr. Cross:
Pvt. Carl D. Joslin Now on Korean Duty with 73d Engineers
X Corp, Korea – Army Pvt. Carl D. Joslin, whose wife Martha, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Joslin, live in Snow, Okla., recently arrived in Korea for duty with the 73rd Engineer Combat Battalion.
The battalion which helped remove mines from the demilitarized zone after the cease-fire is building and improving roads and bridges in the X Corps’ sector.
Joslin, a construction engineer entered the Army in January 1953 and comcpleted basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. (end)

Cut out article The Antlers American ( Fifty Ninth Year) back of this article is dated Feb.4 1954
Terry Barham is Town Mayor on Scout Day
Antlers Boy Scouts will take over the administration of the town government here Saturday under an arrangement worked out by Mayor Grady Wells and the rest of the town aldermen with Billy Suttle scoutmaster, to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.
The officers who will be in charge of all branches of the town government are listed as follows:
Mayor, Terry Barham
Police Chief, Robin Vaught,
Assistant Police Chief, Larry Clymer
Justice of Peace, Tommy Jackson
Firechief, David Burton
Assistant Firechief, Bob West
Street Commissioner, Jerry Shackelford
Garbage and Sewage Inspector, Robert Pierce
Park and Cemetery Commissioner, Carl Romines
Assistant Police Chief Larry Clymer will have charge of a squad with Glenn Lebow as policy sergeant, and members Hal Jeffers, Jerry Long, Ralph Winters, Jr., Carl Hooser, Mickey Holloway, and Lonnie Lindley. The jailor is Tommy Everidge and his assistant is Tony Michela.
These patrolmen will be on the lookout for motor traffic and pedestrian violations. Jaywalking will be corrected with a fine, as well be illegal parking, reckless driving, spitting on sidewalk if they are found guilty under the law.
Window displays will be at Loy’s Hardware by the Owl patrol and the Silverman’s window will be used by the Calvary patrol.
Registered with the local troop as candidates are Hal Jeffers, Gary Harmon, Carl Romines, Asa Walters, Carl Hooser, Ralph Winters, Jr., Steve Toole; tenderfoots: Bob West, Tony Michela, Wendell Vandagriff, Joe Kennedy, Robert Cleveland, Glenn Lebow, Jerry Long, Jerry Shackelford: second class, Robert Pierce, Lonnie Lindley, David Burton, Larry Clymer, Tommy Everidge, Mickey Holloway: first class, Terry Barham, Joe Wilmoth: star: Tommy Jackson; EAGLE, Robin Vaught. (end)

County Coordinator - J. M. Felihkatubbe

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