A ADAMS, Mrs. Edith -- February 18, 1937
ADAMS, John B. (Nephew of Bill Brock) -- October 21, 1937 (death mention)
ADAMS, Walter -- December 23, 1937
ADKISSON, L. D. -- March 18, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
AIKMAN, Cleo -- June 17, 1937 (death mention -'Cross Lane News')
ALLEN, John J. (of Davis, Ok) -- February 4, 1937
ALLEN, W. H. (of Texas) -- April 29, 1937 (death mention)
ALMOND, Henry -- June 24, 1937
ANDERSON, William Roy -- December 2, 1937
ARCHER, Charles Edward -- January 7, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
ASKEW, J. T. -- December 30, 1937
ATKINS, Ray (of Soper) -- January 7, 1937
BAILEY, Evaline Mullen -- February 25, 1937
BALCH, Anna -- March 25, 1937
BERRY, W. O. 'Buddy' -- October 7, 1937
BIERDEN, O. E. (of Bartlesville) -- November 25, 1937
BIERDEN, O. E. (of Bartlesville) -- December 2, 1937 (death mention)
BILBREY, Roy -- December 30, 1937
BILLINGS, Sherman -- September 2, 1937
BISHOP, Cecil -- February 18, 1937
BISHOP, S. A. -- May 27, 1937 (death mention)
BOGGS, John W. -- September 9, 1937
BOGGS, John W. -- September 23, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
BOLDEN, Ed (negro) -- January 7, 1937 (death mention)
BRANTLY, Dr. Erskine -- January 7, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
BRITTON, S. L. 'Dick' -- January 14, 1937
BRITTON, Mr. S. L. -- January 28, 1937 (death mention -'Dunbar News')
BRUCE, Finis W. -- December 23, 1937
BRUCE, Finis W. -- December 30, 1937
BURNS, Charles Franklin -- February 25, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
BUTLER, James S. -- September 23, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
CANNON, Mrs. Zula -- March 25, 1937
CHMILIENSKI, Julius -- May 13, 1937 (death mention)
CHEMIELINSKI, Julius -- May 20, 1937
COCHRAN, W. B. -- March 11, 1937
COLE, Arnold Wayne -- September 23, 1937
COLEMAN, Millard -- January 21, 1937 (death mention)
CONLEY, Lenville -- November 18, 1937
CONNALLY, Mary Lu -- March 4, 1937
CORDELL, Harry B. (President of State Agriculture) -- January 14, 1937
CORENBLETH, Sam (former Broken Bow resident) -- December 2, 1937
CORNELIUS, Minnie L. -- June 3, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
COTHRAN, J. B. (of Honey Grove, Texas) -- July 8, 1937
COX, Mrs. Annie -- April 22, 1937
CRAIGO, Mrs. A. R. -- November 25, 1937
CRAWFORD, Dr. G. W. (of Bartlesville) -- November 25, 1937
CROSS, Gilbert -- February 18, 1937
DALY, Horace Albert -- April 29, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
DEAN, Mary T. -- November 4, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
DELAND, Edward -- January 21, 1937 (death mention)
DENNIS, William F. -- January 21, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
DENNIS, William F. -- July 1, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
DERRICK, Brent (Brother of Mrs. H. O. Whala) -- February 4, 1937
DOBBS, Clara Belle -- April 1, 1937
DURBIN, Jesse -- August 19, 1937
DURBIN, Jesse -- August 26, 1937
ELLIS, Infant child of Ben -- December 2, 1937 (death mention)
ELLIS, J. S. (of Hugo) -- July 29, 1937
EMERY, Will -- June 3, 1937 (death mention -'Kosoma News')
FARMER, Joseph J. -- February 4, 1937
FELKER, Ervin A. (of McCurtain Co.) -- September 16, 1937
FENTER, Billy -- January 21, 1937
FEWELL, Emma Ann -- August 12, 1937
FINLEY, Charles A. -- May 6, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
FLORENCE, Cleo T. -- September 23, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
FLORENCE, Mrs. Walter T. -- February 25, 1937
FLORENCE, Mrs. Walter -- March 4, 1937
FOWLER, A. C. (of Valliant) -- January 21, 1937
FRANKLIN, Martha Jane -- May 13, 1937
FRAZIER, Smallwood -- March 11, 1937
FRENCH, Robert (Mrs. P. B. Langley's father) -- June 24, 1937
FROST, A. V. -- April 1, 1937
FRY, Elizabeth Virginia -- June 3, 1937
FULLER, F. M. -- December 23, 1937
GARTRELL, Mark Harding -- April 8, 1937
GASSAWAY, Percy L. -- May 20, 1937
GIBBONS, Mrs. J. P. (pioneer teacher) -- December 9, 1937
GLASS, John -- September 30, 1937
GOODIN, Elizabeth -- December 2, 1937
GOSSETT, Ruby Lane (Mrs. Howard) -- August 19, 1937
GRAVES, G. A. (of Soper) -- November 4, 1937 (death mention)
GUTZMAN, Elizabeth Hof -- February 25, 1937
HALL, N. B. -- November 11, 1937
HALL, Roy -- December 30, 1937 (death mention)
HALL, William H. -- August 12, 1937
HARDEN, Robert Dale -- August 12, 1937 (Note: Look in Hardon)
HARDGRAVE, Larel -- June 24, 1937 (death mention)
HARDGRAVE, Larel -- July 1, 1937
HARDON, Little son of Mr. & Mrs.-- August 5, 1937 (death mention -'Jumbo News') (Note: Look in Harden)
HARTER, L. M. -- January 21, 1937
HATTLEY, Callie Dona -- January 21, 1937
HAYNES, Sarah -- July 22, 1937
HEMBY, Glenn Eugene -- January 28, 1937 (death mention)
HEMBY, Glenn Eugene -- February 4, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
HENDERSON, Clara Sybil (of Farris) -- September 9, 1937
HENRY, Lee -- December 9, 1937
HIGGINS, Daughter of H. D. -- February 25, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
HIXON, John Wilson 'Bid' -- December 16, 1937
HOLMES, William Green -- November 18, 1937
HOLT, George Franklin -- November 4, 1937
HOLT, Mrs. J. J. (Mother of Mrs. Jesse L. Cooper) -- April 15, 1937
HOLT, Laura -- August 26, 1937
HORN, Stant D. (of Bokhoma) -- October 14, 1937
HOUSTON, David -- June 24, 1937 (death mention -'murdered in 1923')
HOWELL, Leona -- July 15, 1937 (death mention -'Kosoma News')
HOWELL, Infant Leotta -- June 24, 1937 (death mention -'Kosoma News')
HUDSON, Mary -- December 9, 1937
HUMPHRY, Judge Thomas C. -- December 9, 1937
HUNTER, Eliza -- July 15, 1937
JACOBS, T. M. -- May 6, 1937
JAMES, Grandma -- September 16, 1937 (death mention -'Sardis News', page 2)
JAMES, Mrs. Laura Spinks -- September 16, 1937
JAMISON, Infant child of Sam -- March 25, 1937
JOHNSON, Cillen -- September 16, 1937
JOHNSON, Harry C. -- January 7, 1937
JOHNSON, Maxine -- August 12, 1937
JONES, A. A. -- September 9, 1937
JONES, Jim -- December 2, 1937
JOSLIN, Luther -- April 22, 1937
JOSLIN, Luther -- April 29, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
JOWERS, Charles W. -- December 30, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
KELLETT, Son of Will -- January 28, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
KNAPP, Mrs. L. W. -- September 16, 1937
KYLE, Miss Rachel -- December 2, 1937
LADYMAN, C. D. -- January 14, 1937
LAND, W. J. -- February 18, 1937
LANDRETH, Mrs. Ollie Mae -- May 20, 1937 (death mention -'Cloudy News')
LANGLEY, Chester -- April 15, 1937
LANHAM, Mrs. Taylor -- December 2, 1937
LEACH, Mrs. Girtie Alice -- October 28, 1937
LESLIE, Mrs. W. E. -- February 25, 1937
LESLIE, Mrs. W. E. -- March 4, 1937
LETT, George -- May 20, 1937
LEWIS, J. I. -- April 15, 1937
LITTLEPAGE, Mrs. Lela -- September 9, 1937
LOMAN, Mrs. Drex (murdered) -- June 17, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- June 24, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- September 9, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- September 16, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- September 23, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- September 30, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- October 7, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- October 14, 1937
LOMAN, Helen (Mrs. Drex) -- October 21, 1937
LONG, Ernest Mayo (Brother of John G. Long) -- October 14, 1937
LONSBERRY, G. L. -- October 21, 1937
LOWE, Sid -- April 29, 1937
LOWE, Sid -- June 3, 1937
LUTTRELL, Joe -- December 9, 1937
MADDUX, W. J. -- April 22, 1937 (death mention)
MADDUX, W. T. -- June 17, 1937
MAHONEY, Little son of Harlod -- August 19, 1937 (death mention -'Cross Lane News')
MAHONEY, Infant Leon -- August 12, 1937
MATTSON, Charles (of Everett, Washington) -- January 14, 1937 (death mention)
MAYNARD, James H. -- November 18, 1937
MAYO, Louisa (of Lane) -- November 18, 1937
MacARTHUR, E. T. -- November 4, 1937
McADAMS, Jan Wayland -- August 12, 1937
McCAULEY, Ada (Mother of Mrs. George Jordan) -- November 18, 1937
McCRACKEN, A. (of Arkansas) -- April 15, 1937 (death mention)
McCRACKEN, H. L. (State Tax Commissioner) -- August 5, 1937
McCRARY, Edgar B. -- May 20, 1937
McCREARY, E. B. -- November 4, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
McCURTAIN, Miss Cleopatra -- June 17, 1937
McFATRIDGE, Nora -- March 25, 1937
McKEE, Dr. Wm. T. -- February 4, 1937
MEDFORD, Mrs. J. M. (of Haworth) -- February 18, 1937
MERSHON, William F. (former Clayton resident) -- July 15, 1937
MOORE, Charles James -- May 6, 1937
MORGAN, Will Carlton, Jr. -- September 30, 1937
MORRIS, Mary Catherine -- February 25, 1937
MOSIER, Sheriff Walter (of Pottawatomie Co.) -- February 18, 1937
NABORS, Osborne Jay -- April 29, 1937
NATION, Mrs. W. P. (Eliza Anne) -- April 1, 1937
NEAL, George J. -- May 6, 1937
NELSON, John Abbott & O. T. (of Fort Towson) -- February 18, 1937
NIX, Mrs. Maudie -- January 7, 1937 (death mention)
OVERBEY, Ellen (former Haworth resident) -- November 25, 1937
PACE, Lavona -- February 25, 1937
PARKS, Judge J. D. -- December 2, 1937
PARMAN, Giles (Mrs. M. Whittington's father) -- April 22, 1937 (death mention)
PERRIN, Infant child of O. T. -- April 22, 1937 (death mention)
PHILLIPS, Forney -- September 30, 1937
PITCHFORD, Etta -- April 8, 1937
PLUNKETT, W. R. -- June 3, 1937
PLUNKETT, Wm. R. -- June 17, 1937
POPE, Mrs. May -- January 7, 1937
POWELL, C. D. -- January 21, 1937 (death mention)
PRYOR, A. L. -- March 11, 1937 (death mention)
PRYOR, Abraham Lincoln -- March 25, 1937
RALLS, Mrs. Ruby -- February 18, 1937
RANKIN, Martha -- May 6, 1937
RANKIN, Martha -- May 20, 1937
REECE, Mr. W. P. -- December 2, 1937
REESE, Laura -- October 28, 1937
REMBER, Wm. Thomas -- October 7, 1937
REYNOLDS, Mrs. Elsie -- August 12, 1937 (death mention -'Crum Creek News')
REYNOLDS, George R. -- October 28, 1937
RIDDLE, Jerry -- September 2, 1937 (death mention)
RIGGS, Harve -- July 29, 1937
ROBERSON, Sarah K. -- September 30, 1937 (Note: 2 obituaries on same page)
ROBERTSON, Albert -- June 3, 1937 (death mention -'Ethel News')
ROBERTSON, J. A. -- May 27, 1937
ROBERTSON, J. A. -- June 3, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
ROBINSON, Joe T. (Senator) -- July 15, 1937
ROCCO, Effie Eudora -- October 21, 1937
RUSSELL, Rosie -- April 22, 1937
SCHNEIDER, Mrs. E. P. -- March 18, 1937
SCOTT, Dr. G. L. -- January 7, 1937 (death mention)
SHARP, Jeff David -- December 16, 1937
SHARP, Teddie Gene -- September 2, 1937
SHOEMAKE, Cora (of Lane, Ok) -- March 4, 1937 (death mention)
SIQVELAND, Alma -- August 26, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
SISSON, Mrs. Juna -- September 23, 1937 (Note: Look also in 1936 & 1938 Obit Index)
SISSON, Mrs. Juna -- October 7, 1937
SKAGGS, Clarence -- April 8, 1937
SKAGGS, Clarence -- April 22, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
SMITH, Nancy Jane -- September 16, 1937
SPICHER, Louis -- December 2, 1937 (death mention -'Albion News')
STEERS, William L. -- March 25, 1937
STREETMAN, Della -- February 18, 1937
SWINK, Jordan -- April 15, 1937 (death mention -'murdered in 1936')
TAAFFE, George Spaulding -- June 17, 1937
TALENT, Henry (of Talihina) -- June 10, 1937 (death mention -'Sardis News')
TAPLEY, W. F. 'Frank' (of McCurtain Co.) -- June 3, 1937
THOMAS, Mrs. W. O. -- December 2, 1937
THOMAS, Naomi (Mrs. W. O.) -- December 9, 1937 (death mention -'Joslin Valley News')
THURMAN, Ellsworth -- August 19, 1937 (death mention)
TINDOL, Fred -- July 22, 1937
TOWERY, Lucy -- December 16, 1937
TUCKER, B. M. -- September 2, 1937
TURNER, Bessie Ada Young -- July 8, 1937
TURNER, Cora Alice -- December 2, 1937 (death mention)
TURNER, Jim -- January 28, 1937 (death mention)
UNDERWOOD, John -- September 23, 1937
VANDENBURG, John Samuel -- November 11, 1937
WAGNER, W. P. -- June 3, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
WALKER, Mrs. Keturah Elizabeth -- January 14, 1937
WALL, Josie Mae -- April 15, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
WALL, Josie Mae -- April 15, 1937
WALLACE, Martin L. -- July 22, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
WALLS, Infant baby of Charlie -- April 1, 1937 (death mention -'Spencerville News')
WEAVER, James M. -- October 21, 1937
WEBB, James T. -- October 21, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
WEBB, Martha C. -- November 11, 1937
WEBB, Martha C. -- November 18, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
WILKINS, Laymon -- July 15, 1937
WILLIAMS, Annie Darlen -- November 18, 1937
WILLIAMS, Mattie -- June 3, 1937
WILLIAMS, Woodrow Weldon -- September 2, 1937
WILLIS, Joe -- April 8, 1937
WILLIS, Joe -- April 15, 1937
WILLIS, Joe -- April 22, 1937 (death mention -'card of thanks')
WILLIS, Virgil Finley -- April 15, 1937
WILLISON, Regnal Finis -- December 16, 1937
WILSON, Uncle Tom -- August 5, 1937 (death mention -'Moyers News')
WINTERS, Infant son of Emit -- April 22, 1937 (death mention -'Kosoma News')
WOOD, Robert U. -- May 6, 1937 (death mention -'Estate')
WYRICK, S. W. -- September 9, 1937 |