Obituary for Wiley Elijah Johnson of Antlers, OK
Submitted by Thomas Coleman Johnson (grandson)
Oklahoma City, OK
Obituary for Wiley Elijah Johnson is from "The Antlers American," Thursday, October 11, 1934, Antlers, Pushmataha County, Oklahoma. Death certificate is on file at the Arkansas State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Johnson Rites Set for 10 A.M. Friday at
Methodist Church; Was Early County Official
Last rites for Wiley E. Johnson, aged 72 years, whose death occurred Wednesday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. A. C. Watson, in Warren. Ark., while he was there on a visit, will be conducted at 10 o'clock Friday morning from the First Methodist Church, and interment will be made in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. Rev. W. E. Bowers, Methodist pastor, is to conduct the funeral ceremonies. His death was attributed to an attack of pneumonia.
He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Gates Carlisle of Finley, and Mrs. Watson of Warren, Ark., and a son, Homer Johnson of Oklahoma City. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mollie Whitmire of Red Springs, Texas, and Mrs. Betty Hudson of near El Paso, Texas; three brothers, Charley Johnson of Hugo; Pete Johnson of Dawson, Texas, and James Johnson of Petroleum, Texas.
Johnson served Pushmataha county for two terms as Registrar of Deeds following statehood. He moved here in 1902 and for more than 20 years he was active in civic and political life of Antlers. Besides his affiliation with the First Methodist Church, he also was a strong worker in the Odd Fellows Lodge.
Body of Mr. Johnson was returned to Antlers Thursday in a Woodruff-Jones ambulance.