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From The Antlers American, April 27, 1950, Antlers, Oklahoma
Pioneer Dies Monday; Lived Here 60 Years
Last tributes were paid Clark Wasson, 80-year old Antlers pioneer, at rites in the First
Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Interment was in the Antlers City cemetery,
directed by the Coffey Funeral Home.
The Reverend Howard Davis, pastor, delivered the sermon and eulogy from the pulpit
which was banked on all sides with floral tributes. The ceremony was brief and marked
with simplicity.
Mr. Wasson is survived by his wife, Nan Byrd Wasson; three daughters, Mrs. Chloe
Moyer of Durant; Mrs. Nan Walters and Miss Ruth Wasson, both of Oklahoma City; two
sons, Byrd Wasson of Fort Smith; Don R. Wasson of Antlers; sisters, Mrs. Grace Harmon
of New York City; Mrs. S. W. Hogan of Okemah; grandchildren, Mrs. Mary Douglas of
Durant; Mrs. Orville Watkins of Fort Smith; Miss Patsy Wasson of Wichita, Kans.; Miss
Peggy Wasson of Akron, Ohio; Clark and Mike Wasson, both of Antlers; Nancy Jo
Walters of Oklahoma City; and one great-grandchild, Stephen Lee Grant of Durant.
Other relatives are Mrs. Emma Wilson, Mrs. Buddy Herndon, and Mrs. Eleanor
Floyd, all of Valliant.
Active bearers were George Weddington, Lee Welch, Roy Akard, Harry Silverman,
Leo C. Sharp, Roy Jackson.
Honorary bearers were Dr. L. W. Weaver, Bill Silverman, R.W. Ellis, Noble Amend,
C. E. Stephenson, John Helm, Paul Stewart, P. W. Hudson, W. D. Miller, M. E. Dye, S.
B. Halley, Sr., Arthur T. Farr, C. E. Dudley, Rufus Colbert, Lee Baskett, Curtis Parker,
Fred Morris, Corry Stephenson, Frank Males.
Death of Mr. Wasson marked the close of a long, fruitful and honorable life. He died
at 9:45 Monday morning in a Paris, Tex., hospital where he was under treatment for a
malady almost incurable with present knowledge of medical science.
He came to Antlers a young man and chose this community then a frontier settlement
60 years ago, for his permanent home. He was born in Holton, Kansas, in December
1870. He married Miss Nan Byrd, daughter of a prominent Chickasaw family, and they
reared and educated a family of children who are themselves highly respected and useful
Friends from all walks of life came and paid final tribute. He was friend to men in all
stations of life in this little community.
Out-of-town friends attending the rites were two members of the State Supreme Court
Earl Welch and Harry L.S. Halley, both of Oklahoma City; Mrs. H. E. Pendergast, Mrs.
Bill Stanton, Miss Bonnie Fairborn, Miss Nancy Bennett, all of Oklahoma City; Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Mays of Broken Arrow; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman of Gladewater, Tex.;
Mrs. W. G. Rudd and O.M. Callhan, both of Tulsa, Mrs. Josephine Pears, Oklahoma
City; Johnnie Gaberino of Holdenville; Mrs. B. F. Schooler of Hugo; Mrs. Ode Cecil of
Valliant; Mrs. J. C. Webb, Miss Mary Margaret John of Hugo; Mrs. Bessie John Hardy of
Wichita Falls; Mrs. Don Walters of Oklahoma City.
submitted by: Katherine Leach |
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