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Antlers High School
Antlers, Pushmataha County, OK.
Graduating Class
1913 - 1940

girl with dollboy with book

Submitted by Teresa Young

Through those hollowed halls they passed, now we honor our students past,

Class of 1913

Class of 1914

Class of 1915

Class of 1916

Coryell Berry
Effie Crow
Fern Kerr
William Lloyd Roach
Bessie Silverman
Fannie Silverman
Freda Zimmerman

Bryant Goodwin
Lucille Moon

Sam G. Kerr
Clyde Stephenson
Claude Webb

Irene Burnham
Rufus Colbert
Nell Eubank
Mildred Finley
Louie C. Gossett
Newman Helm
Dow Maxwell
Katherine Powell
Margaret Powell
J. Clyde Watson
Lee Welch


Class of 1917

Class of 1918

Class of 1919

Class of 1920

Lois Akard
Irdle Finley

Inez Spencer
Elmer Stephenson

Leon Almond
Dorothy Arnote
William Arnote
Rosalind Brown
Willie Chapman
Lewers Cornelius
Lillie McGuyer
Marie Miller
Robert Nash
Elva Oehler
Brancie Redman
Marguerite Walker

Marvelle Brock
Jessie Byers
Mamie Campbell
Wade Cooley
Lucille Hargrave
Alex Leslie
Marguerita McClary
Velma McVay
Mary Nash
Nell Newcomb
Lillie Redman
George Schweining, Jr.


Class of 1921

Class of 1922

Class of 1923

Class of 1924

Rosebud Brock
Rosebud Cochran
Fred Butler
Marie Byers
Bennett Copping
Vivian Hargrave
Ellagene Kidd
Effie Potter
Agnes Wonsch

Houston Biggerstaff
Helen Chaffin
Charles Finley, Jr.
Geneva Holt
Inez Jordan
Monroe Kennamer
Bernice Martin
Gertrude (Everidge) Noel
Ronald Potter
Granada Saffel
Mrs. Ethel Sanborn
Harry Silverman
David Stephenson
Josephine Sumner

Bessie Rae Alexander
Janice Brown
Dorothy Cornelius
Vera Lanham
Alma LeMaster
Byron Loy
Claudia McCarty
Lucy Moore
Auburn Sailors
Elsie Schweining
Leonard Sparks
Don Wasson
Daniel Welch

Marion Brock
Thomas Butler
Ray Chapman
Howard Colling
Vena Crawford
Irene Finley
Helen Hackett
Maurine Hargrave
Ruby Hogan
Clark Hurd
Minnie Isbell
Elizabeth Jordan
Thelma Kinser
Madge Larkin
Jack Long
Henry Clay Nash
Bertha Nelson
Clara Patterson
Catherine Rosenbaum
Echols Rosenbaum
Euel Smith
Ruth Wasson
Elizabeth Westmoreland


Class of 1925

Class of 1926

Class of 1927

Class of 1928

Allie Beck
Paul Black
Erma Clark
Virgil Cole
Wilmer Earhart
Ethel Franks
Delbert Gernand
Frank Marshall Harris
Allen Hartgraves
Mildred Hartgraves
Cloy Herman
Thelma Hudson
Leon Jordan
Earle Labor
Margaret Lanham
Mae Ruth Moyer
Exie Perrin
Lula Robison
Corry Stephenson
Finis Stephens
Katherine Walker
Myrtle Wallace
Howard White, President
Miss Nellie Green, Sponsor

Bernice Black
Veral Bell
Ora Mae Bassett
Lois Burnette
Haskell Clark
Philip Cole
Lillian Franks
Virginia Hackett
Fred Hardgrove
Catherine Harris
Thomas Hedges
Maggie Horn
Gertrude Jackson
Argle Leach, President
Jesse LeMaster
Grace Love
Iva Main
Beryl Milner
Jim Fred Morris
Pauline Partlow
Mable Welch
Nellie Green, Sponsor

Howard Alexander
Jack Alexander
Elizabeth Attaway
Herman Ball
Warren S. Ball
Clell Bryce
Wilma Cavines
Josephine Chapman
Johnnie Corbet
Cora Lena Farr
Bessie Gentry
Clara Grissom
Charles Kincaid
Flora McCarty
Lucille Moyer
Hettie Poe
Rosa Poe
Effie Ralls
H. C. Redman
Georgia Mae Roebuck
Josie Mae Simmons
Clyde Stovall
Garland Stringer
Nellie Green, Sponsor

Noble Amend
Lynette Berry
Cordia Bryce
Juanita Burnett
Rubie Clark
Wilma Clark
Wayland Childers
Johnson Carlisle
Jay Doss
Martha Dixon
Jannie Fleming
Fletcher Hargrove
Hubert Hayes
Earl Isbell
Herman Johnson, President
Berta Labor
Manferd Manross
Maurine Miller
Ross Orr
Beatrice Pace
Curtis Parker
Curtis Roberson
Edith Roebuck
Augusta Smith
Georgia Stevens
Mattie Woolridge
Amanda Jackson, Sponsor

Class of 1929

Inez Alexander
Lula Alexander
Ruby Beck
Lloyd Blackwell
Erza Bussell
Robert Callan
Dorothy Chapman
Marx Childers

Jack Clark, President
Carl Earhart
Agnes Finley, Secretary
John Florence
Myrl Gilley
Vivian Grissom
Elsie Harris
Pearl Jackson
Florine Jordan

Harry Lemons
Roy Love
Artie Marr
Gladis Milam
John Mitchell
Irene Nelson
Denton Perrin
Edward Perryman, Vice-President

Eloise Redman
Willie B. Shilling
Ruth Simmons
Beatrice Stephens
Ruth Welch
Nadina White
Dorothy Wood
H. Heald, Professor-Sponsor


Hester Amend, Vice-President*
Marian Bell
Annabel Berry
Edgar Bice
Inez Brown
J. E. Brown
Mauvereen Carlisle

Mildred Clark
Bessie Farr
Jewel Fenter
Stuart Halley
Everett Helm
Ben Huckabay

Madge Labor, Secretary*
Joe Maddox
Cleo McDaniel
Naomi Pace
Guy Parker
Clements Patterson, President*

Edith Sanders
Morris Schooler
Milton Schweining
Ruby Taylor
Victor Underwood
Mr. Heald, Sponsor*


Ellie Mae Aday
James Alexander
Billy Amend
Jay Arnote
Suzanne Arnote
Frances Bridges
Ola Burgess
Burse Clark
Juanita Dilbeck
Ervin Earhart

Lola Fuller
Beatrice Greene
Allen Helm
Dorothy Huckabay
Clark Johnson
Pet Kilpatrick
Oscar Lawless
Virginia Long
Pearle Love
Dorothy Main

Gather Marr
Dorothy McCarty
George McClurken
Osburne Milam
Laverne Radican
Ida Ralls
Frances Ray
Cloid Rea
Pauline Redman
Joyce Reynolds

Velma Scott
Leonard Sherrer
Ceaver Smith
Katie Smith
Paul Sorrells
Walter Splawn
Bonnie Stallings
Pearl Thomas
Mrs. Ola Isbell, Sponsor*
Mrs. Ola Sumners, Sponsor*


Aline Alexander
Helen Almond
Myrtle Crane
Opal Cummings
Frances Dunham
Ray Easton
Edith Hargrove

Ethel Hargrove
John Harris
Gladys Jones
Grady Lawless
Faye Lorance
M. G. Lott, *President

Mavis McDaniel
Louis Miller
Alvin Morris
Jennice Moyer, *Secretary-Treasurer
Woodrow Pace
Clara Patterson, Sponsor
Martha Pennington

Lloyd Sherrer
Faye Skaggs
Letha Roper
George Taylor
Elizabeth Wyman
Mrs. Ethel Stone, Sponsor*


Shobert Adams
Radford Beck
Johnnie Lee Bell
Pickens Boland
Joy Butler
Christine Chapman
Arthur B. Childers
Cecil E. Clark
Leo Crane

Billy Farr
Johnnie Marie Fleming
James Goodgion
Mary Jo Huckaby
P. W. Hudson
Clarence Johnson
James Kerr
Elizabeth Lemmon
Francis Males

Paul McKenzie
Ted Messer
Clara Patterson, Sponsor*
Bertha Bess Pipkin
Marie Pope
Irene Radican
Philip Stephenson
Eula Studdard

Bailey Tucker
Jamima Stringer
Ben Tims
Florene Walker
Eleanor Welch
Earl Westmoreland
Fredda Wheat
Cora Beth Williams


Vivian Almond
Louis Ed Bennet
Ruby Mae Berryhill
Lorene Brown
Irene Chmielinski
Christine Clark
Alexander Colbert
Pate Cothran
Lewis Duniho
Jack Dye
Bill Ellis

Billy Grinder
Clyde Griffin
Saxon Gunter
Gladys Hargrove
Claudine Harrison
Ruth Helm
Tom Fred Hendricks
Mary Lott
Buddy McCarty
Lela McCary
Virginia McKenzie

Olen McKinney
Jerry Miller
Peggie Mollenkopt
Vernon Murray
Lois Noel
Lavona Pace
Paris Pipkin, Jr.
Robbie Price
J. N. Redman
Louis Schweining

Haywood Simpson
Mabel Smith
Mrs. Myrtis Spencer
Bert Thompson
Carlos Thornton
Jack Tucker
Hazel Veal
Louise Ward
Paul Winters
Clara Patterson, Sponsor*


Herbert Akard
John Alexander
Jean Ray Anglin
Gates Carlisle
Billie Clark
Brad Cothran
Tom Crowart
Millie Crownover
Pauline Dye
J. D. English

Hazel Franks
Ruth Gallegle
Bun Gilley
T. Ruth Hargrave
Orville Johnson
Velma Kirk
Edith Males
Hazel McCutcheon
Bertie M. McDonald
Dura M. McKinsey

Edgar Milam
Edna Milam
Terry Miller
Jean Mollenkoff
Christine Osbore
Ina Parker
John R. Pennington, President*
Anna F. Pipkin
Bonita Pyle
Dick Radican

Marie Rea
George Riley
Ralph Sanders
Laura Jean Schooler
Audrey Shearer
Frances Simon
Martha Stewart
Blanche Tucker
Zella Upchurch
H. E. White, Sponsor*


Frankie Bussell
Glenna Butler
Ruth Colbert
Blanche Davis
Aubie Jean Ellis
George Farr

Ethel Gallegly
Harry J. Hendricks, President*
Vera Himes
Chesterfield Hord
Ralph King
Thelma Lindley

Thomas Lott
Rebecca Noah
Hermione Perry
Mamie Rogers
Victor Simmons

Edna Lee Taylor
H. D. Weaver
Ida Woodridge
Sherry Westmoreland
J. W. Whiteselt, Sponsor*


F. C. Amend, Jr.
Ila Blevins
Rowena Boland
Scott Boling
Howard Booker
Ruby Booth
Virginia Bruce

Mary Frances Campbell, Vice-President*
Gladys Calieb Coffelt
Vechel Coffman
Wendell Cogan
Jean Easton
Marie Frasier
Charles Hardgraves

Elsie Hawkins
James Hedrick
Virginia Hudspeth
Estelle Kennedy
Julius LaCroix, Jr.
Lois Lawless
Mildred Melton
Thelma Morrison

Philip Pipkin
Bertha Reynolds, Secretary-Treasurer*
Maurice Rushing
Joe Sorrels
Madeleine Tatum
Virgie Winters, Rep.
Howard White, Sponsor*


Janice Amend, Secretary-Treasurer*
Opal Atherton
Stokes Baggett
Willie Marie Baggett
Louise Bailey
Juanita Barberousse
Blois Lee Berryhill
Jack Boykin
Billy Brock

Doris Campbell
Syble Carter
Jess Cooper
Billie Lee Crouch
Pete Dye
Nola Gunter
Anne Halley
Marie Harper
Vivian Harrison

Luella Kincaid
James Males
Ruth Mays
Irene McCutcheon
Quinton McDaniels
Allene McKinney
Helen Messer
Travis Pippin

Louise Riley
Barney Sanders, President*
A. L. Sherrer
Clifford Stone
Florene Streetman
Marie Tucker
Adree Veal
J. C. Glenn, Sponsor*


Jane Akard
Ed Allen
Luther D. Anderson, President*
Lawrence Anglin
Yvonne Barberousse
Joy Brackeen
Billy Brock
F. W. Bruce
Alta Burgess
Billy Butler
LaVena Davenport
Dolly Dean
Mary Dudley

Lona B. Duniho
Perry Edge
Marion English
James Epling
Betty Fincher
Cohen Gallegly
Glenna Gibson
Elizabeth Goodgion
Lucie Halley
Lillian Howard
Russell Inman
Mary Ada Jordan

Mary Ruth Lasater
Doyle Lawless
Syble Leddy
Enoch Lunsford
Charles Martin
Mildred McAlester, Secretary*
James McCary
John Mollenkopf
Aline Moore
Helen Pippin
Hazel Rushing

Sam H. Sharpe
Leon Sherrer
Vincent Shillings
Edith Smith
Marcella Smith
Pauline Thornton
Alma Tucker
Evelyn Whitted
Bessie Williams
Robert Wood
T. A. Parker, Sponsor*


Catherine Berry
Kenneth Boshers
Dorothy Briscoe
Charlcie Burton
Bennett Carlisle
Eugenia Chapman
Ethel Cowart
Frences Crouch
Viviaqn Dean
Ruth Ellis, Vice-President*
Boyce Evans
Terrel Evans
Wanda Faye Gorden
Rose Ellen Gunter
Kenneth Hallows
Murel Hardgrave

Edna Mae Harper
James Hartgraves
Virgil Harwell
George Helm
Flora Helt
Lora Helt
Annie Ruth Hendrix
Vernon Himes
Herbert Hynson
Marie Jolly
Dale Kimberlin
Jack LaCroix
Edward Lakin
Evelyn Main
Jack Albert May, President*
Waneva McDonald

Vinita McFarlen
Billie Ruth McFatridge, Secretary*
Margaret McFatridge, Treasurer*
Bob McKinnon
Marjorie McKinnon
Lois Messer
Merl Lee Moss
Calvin Mouser
Merry Moyer
Jimmie Marie O'Keefe
Curtis Pace
G. W. Pilcher
Lavina Pyle
Alta Mae Rice
Edna Rogers

Marie Sanders
Wilma Shilling
Edward S. Smith
Harold Smith
Clarice Thurman
Louise Thompson
Lottie Tompkins
Troy Veal
Ray Williams
Vera Wooldridge
Norma Mae Wyatt
Scott Amend, Supt.*
Catherine Andrews, Sponsor*
Jack Harrington, Sponsor*
J. H. Whitsett, Principal*

Dig through that old trunk in the attic, pull that old box out of the closet or from under the bed and get those old school pictures out.

That's right, get all those old pictures of grandpa and grandma, mom and dad, uncles and aunts and send them to me so we can add them to the "Pushmataha County School Photo Album". Share those report cards with us and anything else that pertains to our Pushmataha County Schools.

Kay (Brown) Black, Pushmataha Historical Researcher,
had compiled 1913 through 1986 Antlers High School Graduates.
The Antlers High School pictures are held at Pushmataha County Historical
Society at the Depot. To view the pictures, it opens on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m.
to 12:00 p.m (noon). This was gleaned from Graduation photographs,
an Alumni bulletin published about 1927 and The Antlers American
of May 21, 1925. (Note: High School Pictures was once stored at Pushmataha County Historical Society.

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