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Last Will & Testament

Record of Wills - No. 1
Pushmataha County, Oklahoma
Transcribed by: Teresa Young
No. 1324
Page 13


I, Sophia Newsom, of near Muse Post Office in the Choctaw Nation and Central District of the United States Court for the Indian Territory, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, publish and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

1st: I direct my executor to pay all my debts as speedily as possibly.

2nd: I give and bequeath to my brother Noel Armstrong the sum of Ten Dollars, to be paid to him by my Executor after my death.

3rd: All the rest and residue of my property real or personal of every kind and wherever situated, whether vested or contingent at time of my death, any claim, right, title or interest that I now have or may or might hereafter in any manner acquire in or to any property of any kind, character or description, no matter where located, I devise and bequeath to my beloved husband, James Newsom, absolutely free and clear of any conditions or restrictions whatever, having confidence that he will suitably provide for our children, Martha, Henry and Ive.

I do hereby appoint my beloved husband James Newsom to be my sole executor without bond.

Witness my hand this 16 day of February 1904.

Signed her mark 'X' Sophia Newsom


T. B. Lumford

George Chaffin

Signed, published and declared as and for her last will and testament by Sophia Newsom, the above named testatrix in the presence of us who in his presence, in the presence of each other and at her request hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses and we further declare that at the time of signing thereof said Testatrix was of sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of our belief.


Sam T. Roberts, Jr.

B. D. Chaffin

Filed and recorded this 5th day of April A. D. 1904

L. D. Vaughn, County Clerk, Wade County, Choctaw Nation

Filed for record April 13, 1905.

E. J. Fannin, Clerk

By Jos R. Foltz, Deputy Clerk

Admitted to Probate in Open Court

April 14, 1905

Executors Record '1', Page 7


John 3: 16 - 18:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the
world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not
condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believeth in the name of
the only begotten Son of God.

Favorite passage of Teresa Young


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