Roger Mills County



Coordinator: Judy Tracy


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NEEDMORE District #81

SE1/4 SW1/4 of 5-12-23


This school was located about five miles south and two east of Cheyenne. Story goes that the first school was held in a cement cellar, then a one room schoolhouse was built, “Lone Star”. As it grew crowded they nicknamed it Needmore because they needed more room. Cement cellar is still there. Later a two room Needmore schoolhouse was built about 1 mile west of the first school. When the new school was built, some had hoped that the name Lone Star would return, but the name of Needmore could not be shaken.


In the spring of 1938, Needmore closed. Part of the district transferred to Cheyenne and the other to Berlin. A petition was presented to the County Superintendent calling for an election to be held for the purpose of annexing all of Needmore to Cheyenne. May 5, 1939 the election was held with twenty-eight patrons for and sixteen against the annexation. May 16, 1939, there being no appeal, Needmore attached to Cheyenne.


Needmore School Students - 1931

Needmore Students 1931   Teacher - Florence Casady

FRONT: Homer Allen Green, Roy Green, Raymond Green, Raymond Shay, ?? Audry, H.A. Taylor, Virgil Hambrook, Robert Jencks, Lyle Ivy, Roy Lee Fry.  2nd ROW: John Green, Lettie Hambrook, Goldie Shay, Bessie Duke, John Shay, ?? Mabra, Eunice Jencks, Marie Duke, ???, Addie Mae Bowers. 3rd ROW: Robert Green, Durlan Miller, Dessie Shay, Genevieve Ayers, Frankie Duke, Lila Majors, Alice Jencks.  BACK ROW: Leslie Montgomery, J.B. Townsend, Oren Jencks, Nettie Green, ?? Maben, Burl Duke, ?? Cabler, ?? Cabler, Flora Aubry, Ruben Green.



ALBIN, Iris 1936
BAGGETT, Cecil 1928
CALVERT, Edna 1923
CARR, L. B. 1928
CASADY, Florence 1929-30
CHAPPELL, Francis 1932
COLEMAN, Jewell 1926
CRAIG, Carl 1932-36
EVANS, Miss Joe 1916-17
GUY, Linnie BRIGHT 1919-20
HAIGHT, Tom S. 1921
HERIFORD, Alice 1935
HUNT, Juanita 1931
JACKSON, Ruby 1924-25
MALSON, Mildred 1922-23, 26-27
MILLINGTON, Jewell 1921
MOAD, Edna 1931
ROSSER, Calvin 1933-34
SIMMONS, Jewell 1925
SPROWLS, Edith 1930-31
TRACY, E. E. 1919
VINCENT, Bonnie 1922
YETTER, Lois 1918
YOUNG, Della CANN 1924


School Board

No record for 1931

AYERS, J. M. 1916-17
BOWERS, T. A. 1918-30
GREEN, J. D. 1940
GREEN, W. R. 1916-18
JENCKS, C. A. 1932-40
MAJORS, J. E. 1916-34
MONTGOMERY, H. A. 1932-40
PARKS, F. B. 1918-30
WEST, H. L. 1935-40