Roger Mills County



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RANKIN (Reydon) District #56

SW1/4SW1/4 of 1-14-26


On June 1, 1920 Old Rankin was closed and was declared dissolved. They then consolidated with five other districts to form C-6 Rankin.



BOIFEGRAIN, R. E. 1916-17
CONRAD, Ross 1918
DEVOR, J. W. 1919


School Board

CRAWFORD, A. C. 1916-18
HINES, Lee 1919
MCOLGIN, Grant 1916-19
WALTERS, Ira 1916-19


On May 17, 1920 petitions were received asking for consolidation of Enterprise, Pleasant Valley or Stone, Rankin, Skip Out, Oak Ridge and Wild Cat. The petitions were filed and the election was called for May 29, 1920. Mr. A. GRAY was elected to supervise the election. Fred H. LONG was elected Clerk and Grant MCCOLGIN was elected Judge. There were one hundred thirteen votes cast. Eighty Nine voted for consolidation and twenty-four votes were cast against the consolidation. The following officers were elected: Director T.W. GAMBLE, Clerk J.W. PROVINES, Member Ira WALTERS.


On June 1, 1920 the district were declared dissolved and a consolidated district was formed – Consolidated District Number Six.



ALBIN, Allegra 1922-25
ANDERSON, Bennie 1928-30
ANDERSON, Mrs. Bennie 1928-30
BURRIS, W. H. 1924-, 26-27
CLAY, Susie 1923
CLIFT, Carl 1922
COLE, Georgia 1925-26
DEBORD, Margine 1930-33
DEBORD, Opal 1930-33
DICKEY, Anna 1921-22
EASTERLING, Allegra 1926
EDWARDS, Alva 1928
EDWARDS, Ava 1927
EVANS, Beatrice 1926-27
GUERNSEY, Minnie 1924
GUERNSEY, Pauline 1924
HYER, Herbert 1923-24
INMAN, Connie 1920-21
INMAN, Mary 1920-21
KELLER, Winnie 1925
KENDALL, Bessie 1927
KIRKSEY, Mattie 1922-24
KLINGMAN, Mary 1926-27
LOZER, Clara 1926
MATTLAGE, Edna 1928-33
MATTLAGE, Nellie 1928-33
MYERS, E. M. 1933
PENNINGTON, Auba 1932-33
SCHILLBERG, Kathrine 1928-30
SMITH, Geneva 1927
SMITH, J. R. 1932
SOWDORS, Mrs. Jessie 1923
THOMAS, Pauline 1929-30
TURNER, Cora 1931-33
VINCENT, J. Scott 1925
WESNER, Cora 1929-30
WHEELER, Mrs. R. J. 1925
WHITE, J. E. 1920-21
WOODS, Willie M. 1931-33
WOODS, Mrs. W. M. 1931-33


At the beginning of the fall school year of 1934, Mr. Horace CURRY came to Rankin-Reydon school as superintendent. He immediately held a community meeting to build a gymnasium and auditorium in Reydon. After much discussion and effort the community building was built in Reydon where it now stands. It was completed by the spring of 1935 and the eleven senior held their graduating exercises in the building. Mr. CURRY, being quite civic minded, secured funds to erect a high school east of this building. It was built and completed in 1936 and the high school was moved from Rankin to Reydon by 1936 graduating class. In the fall of 1936, the Rankin High School moved to a new building built by the WPA, located in the town of Reydon.



ADAMS, M. F. 1940-41
ALEXANDER, Geneiva 1943
ALTLAND, Mrs. 1949
ALTLAND, Paul 1949
BAGGETT, Jack 1950
BAIN, Wilda 1938-41
BAKER, Evelyn 1945
BARBEE, Wilma 1943-44, 60-62
BELL, Dewaide  1948-49
BINGHAM, Mary 1938-40
BINGHAM, Mrs. 1937
BONNY, Jack 1966-67
BURCH, Cecil 1962-63
BURNS, Viola 1947
CALDWELL, Ralph 1950
CARTER, Billie Dawson 1944-46
CARTER, Willia 1947-59
CLARK, Jack 1941
CLARK, Mildred 1941
CLAY, Beulah Mae 1945
COCKRELL, Donald 1962-67
COCKRELL, Glenn 1959-67
COLE, Hazel 1935-38
COX, A. M. 1948-51
CURRY, W. H. 1934
CURRY. Mrs.W. S. 1935
CURRY, W. S. 1935
DAVIS, Clara King 1944
DEAN, Lois 1938, 40-41
DEARN, Lois 1939
DEBORD, Opal 1934-35
DICKSON, Ephriam  1946-47
DICKSON, Lawana 1946-47
DILL, Glenn A. 1939-41, 55
DILL, Lois 1955
DOUGHTY, Vern 1936-38
DOUGLAS, Leonard 1936
ESTES, Winnie K. 1949-54
FARRELL, Carrol 1949
FARRAR, Katherine 1936-37
FIELDS, R. W. 1947
FRANCIS, Charley 1956
FRANCIS, Patricia 1956
FRENCH, Clarice 1942
FRENCH, W. W. 1942
GAMBEL, Gary 1963
GAMBEL, Mary 1963
HAMMOND, Loyd 1966-67
HARRISON, Stanley 1942
HERIFORD, Opal 1943-54
HERRON, Earl 1939
HILLIN, Bonnie 1947-48
HINES, Carrol 1934-35
HODGES, Melba 1957
HOSTETTER, Claude L.  1958-67
HOWARD, Van V. 1948
HUSTON, Dwight 1937-39
JOHNSON, Naomi King 1944
JOHNSON, Thurman 1940
JONES, Peggy 1960-61
KENDALL, June 1945
KENNISON, Mae 1934
LAIN, John 1952-54
LAIRD, Fannie DOAK 1939-40
LAMUNYON, Edgar 1960
LEAVITT, Edward Morgan (Don) 1950-51
LEFORCE, Leroy 1942-44
LEWITT, Donald 1952
LONG, Vesta 1942
MARSHALL, Burton 1953-54
MARSHALL, Curton 1952
MARSHALL, Yvonne (Randell) 1952
MARTIN, Roberta 1942
MASON, Fredrick 1954
MATTLAGE, Edna 1934-41
MATTLAGE, Mrs. Frank Miller 1943
MATTLAGE, Margene DEBORD 1935-37, 45-59
MATTLAGE, Yvonne 1953
MEADOWS, Tommy 1955
MILLAR, Nellie 1944-53, 57-60
MINOR, Doris Evelyn 1964-65
MITCHELL, Lois June 1942
MOGG, Lura Mae 1954-55
MOORE, Alwania 1942
MOSELEY, Jean 1961-62
MOSELEY, John D. 1961-62
MURRY, Tommy O. 1958
OWEN, Edna 1945-67
PARKS, Lorene 1944-45, 47-51, 66-67
PAXTON, Ann Van 1942
PENNINGTON, Auba 1934-37, 43, 45-46
PENNINGTON, Iris 1947, 58-59
PHILLIPS, Ruth 1943
PICKERING, Raymond 1957-58
PURVIS, A. H. 1945-46
PURVIS, Mary 1945-46
REAMS, Alvin 1948
REAMS, Juanita 1948
REAMS, Leon 1941
RHODES, Claris W. 1951
RHODES, Clovis W. 1953-54
RHODES, C. W. 1952, 55 
RICE, Helen Marie 1939-40
ROBERTSON, James Roy 1963-67
ROWEN, Velma 1946
SAUER, Frances 1956
SCHILLBERG, Katherine 1934-36
SCHMIDT, Jane  1961-65
SELF, Claudia 1956
SELF, E. R. 1956
SMITH, Mrs. Dorothy 1940
SMITH, Eric 1939-41
SMITH, Mrs. Eric 1939,41
SMITH, Ernest Lee 1957-67
SMITH, Veda Raye 1964-67
SPURLIN, Mrs. Alice 1939-43
SPURLIN, Mrs. J. B. 1938
SPURLIN, Mrs. Jim 1936-37
SWOPES, Zella 1944
TANNER, Homer 1938
TAYLOR, Lloyd 1945-50
TAYLOR, Nat 1943-46
TURNER, Cora 1934-35
TURNER, Thelma 1948
VICKERS, Mrs. Margurete 1938
WALDROP, Erma 1943
WEBBER, Walter 1955
WILLOUGHBY, Booker H. 1934-38
WILLOUGHBY, Ruth 1934-83
WILLSIE, Jessie 1957
WOODS, Mrs. William 1934
YOWELL, Edith 1959-67
YOWELL, W. D. 1956-67


School Board

No records for 1951-54, 1961, 1967

ARRINGTON, A. V. 1934-38
BACHMANN, Robert 1956-59
BAILEY, R. B. 1947-50
BALLARD, K. W. 1945-46
BURKS, Paul 1947
BURNS, Lenord 1948-50, 55-60
CHANDLER, Leland 1955-64
CONRAD, Orville 1936-40
CRAWFORD, A. C. 1916-18
DAVIS, Mrs. Clara 1955-56
DODD, George M. 1925-26
FUNSTON, J. A. 1939-41, 44-46
GARVER,  Andrew J.  1962-65
HAWKINS, Dewitt  1962-66, 68
HINES, Lee 1919, 21-26
INMAN, Thomas B. 1935
KENT, J. A. 1941-43
KING, William 1920
LOFTIN, H. C. 1927-34, 36-37
MANHART, Bob  1968
MCCOLGIN, Grant 1916-19
MCCOY, C. E. 1949-50
MCINTIRE, Elzie 1955-58
MILLER, Vernal  1965-66
PARMAN, Carl  1966,68
PAYNE, N. J. 1943
PETERSON, J. H. 1927-29
PETERSON, John 1930-33
PETERSON, John R. 1956-66
PETERSON, Tom 1922-24,38
RICKERT, J. A. 1920-21
SELBY, L. J. 1955
SPURLIN, J. B. 1934-35
SPURLIN, J. C. 1930-33
THOMAS, Bruce 1960
THORNTON, Chester 1949-50
WALDROP, J. A. 1925-29, 41-42
WALDROP, J. D. 1939-40
WALTERS, Ira 1916-24
WEST, E. R. 1945-50
WOODWARD, H. 1942-44
WRIGHT, H. J. 1959-60, 64-68
YORK, Wesley 1966, 68
YOWELL, Neeley 1944