Konawa Cemetery

Seminole County, Oklahoma

Konawa Cemetery is near Konawa, Seminole County, Oklahoma.

In Konawa, from intersection of Highway 9A and Highway 39, go 1.2 miles WEST on Highway 39.
Cemetery is on the right. The cemetery has two main sections. One section is visible from 
Highway 39. The other section is to the northeast; it is east of the road named "NS 350".
Location:  T6N  R5E  Sec 22.
Directions provided by Robert W. Smith - rwsmith73114@home.com

Name				Birth		Death		Inscriptions			email link

ADAMS, Pauline Geneva		8-28-1928	7-13-1999
ADDINGTON, Viola Pansey		8-19-1905	3-1-1994
BABB, Vergil Ray             	5/29/1904    	2/18/1940   	"At rest with Jesus"		rwsmith73114@home.com
BABB, Maudie                 	8/20/1884    	1/29/1975					rwsmith73114@home.com
BABB, William A.             	9/19/1881    	8/30/1954   	"Safe in the arms of Jesus"	rwsmith73114@home.com
BABB, Zula M.                	3/6/1922	-----		Married Nov. 24, 1936		rwsmith73114@home.com
BABB, William Z.             	10/10/1918    	9/6/1957   	"Safe in the arms of Jesus"	rwsmith73114@home.com
BELL, Marie Courtney         	5/26/1923	----						rwsmith73114@home.com
BELL, John L. "Jack"         	3/30/1913    	4/7/1989					rwsmith73114@home.com
BROCK, James T.              	9/24/1911    	6/3/1973   	Oklahoma S. Sgt., US Army - WW II - rwsmith73114@home.com
COWARD, Patsy Ann 		4-14-1937	12-8-1998
DEMENT, Delia			5-7-1907	8-2-1999
EASTES, James B.		----		2-5-1936					swittman@mcn.net		
Eastes, John Lewis	  	----		3-3-1984					swittman@mcn.net
Eastes, Mary Lou		7-17-1930	12-12-1930					swittman@mcn.net	
Eastes, Morris Leon		----		2-27-1952					swittman@mcn.net	
EDWARDS, Isaac N.            	12-6-1863    	10-18-1974					rwsmith73114@home.com
Edwards, Claudia             	3-29-1881   	8-10-1949					rwsmith73114@home.com
Edwards, Elizabeth           	12-13-1905    	4-6-1989					rwsmith73114@home.com
Edwards, Naomi               	2-28-1917	----						rwsmith73114@home.com
Edwards, Frank               	9-25-1911    	3-6-1983					rwsmith73114@home.com
Edwards, Jewell O.           	5-16-1902    	4-19-1971   	Our Mother, Dtr of John & Ollie JOHNSON - rwsmith73114@home.com
HAYES, Ola LONG              	1-17-1904    	9-6-1986   	Mother				rwsmith73114@home.com
HIGHTOWER, James M.          	2-18-1879    	1-26-1968   	Father				rwsmith73114@home.com
HILL, Ora Earline 		5-5-1905	9-17-1999
JACKSON, Alvie			8-14-1906	1-3-2000					rwsmith73114@home.com
JONES, Leona Bradley 		9-21-1910	8-22-1999
JUSTICE, Susie Mineola		12-17-1908	8-22-1999
LONG, Elsie M.               	8-23-1910    	1-24-1911   	Dau. of J.C. and V.E.		rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, George W.              	7-4-1880    	3-5-1904					rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Ida O.                 	2-10-1874    	8-4-1960					rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, William J., Dr.        	12-25-1865    	12-18-1942   	"May we all meet in Heaven"	rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Viola E.               	1-31-1885    	5-22-1969					rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, James C.               	7-7-1883    	11-23-1968					rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Homer M.               	1-15-1894    	1-25-1983   	Pvt US Army, World War I	rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Doris                  	4-6-1907    	6-22-1928   	"Not lost, but gone before"	rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Maud Leo               	4-20-1885    	1-21-1968					rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Lucian                 	8-14-1874   	10-9-1955					rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Eldridge V.            	9-30-1925    	4-8-1945   	Oklahoma - PFC 290 Inf,WW 2	rwsmith73114@home.com
LONG, Edd T.                 	2-12-1888   	9-24-1954						rwsmith73114@home.com
LOVE, Pauline 			3-6-1916	5-10-1999
MYERS, Rinda (DUCK)		3-29-1932	5-13-1999
NEAL,William Robert		9-8-1932 	12-12-1998
ODOM, Kathryn Lee		12-12-1919	12-6-1999
TAYLOR, Loriane              	7-31-1913    	10-15-1969   	"Dearest sister"		rwsmith73114@home.com
TERRY, Alma EASTES				Nov 1980					swittman@mcn.net
THOMPSON, George David  	9-9-1882 	4-8-1921
Thompson, Mary Luizer WILSON 	8-2-1883	11-12-1928
TOWNSEND, Charles Allen 	11-20-1948	7-9-1999
WALKER, Baby                    ----           	11-14-1905   	Baby son of T.C. and  L.C.		rwsmith73114@home.com
WALKER, Ernest E.            	9-26-1903   	11-1-1981					rwsmith73114@home.com
WALKER, Willie Jo		7-23-1912	12-2-1999
WATTS, Leona Lucille		5-18-1920	6-25-1999
WILSON, Lydia P. (COURSEY)	3-29-1910	12-30-1999	rwsmith73114@home.com
WISE, Josephine			4-6-1935	10-21-1999	rwsmith73114@home.com

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Created: by Rebecca Ramsey