Seminole County Reference Books and Lookup Volunteers

Please put SEMINOLE COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to ensure the message is not overlooked or accidently deleted. In the first line of the message please put the name of the book you are requesting the lookup in.

Please limit your request to one name per request. (Example: John Smith, not anything on any Smiths)

Please be specific with your request!   Try to format your requests as follows:

Researchers should not ask, nor should lookup volunteers offer, to violate copyright laws in responding to requests for lookups in any copyrighted material.

If you own any Seminole County books, whether listed or not, and will do look-ups, please let me know.  
Volunteers are always needed, and appreciated.  

If you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time.

Seminole County Resources

1907 Seminole County Census Forrest Reed
Seminole Co. School Census Konawa Area 1920-1930 Lori Beckett Pownall
Konawa Genealogical Society
Will take photo's of tombstones at Maple Grove Cemetery   Cindy Drewery Stotts

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Originally created by Rebecca Ramsey  
Maintained by ©2004 - Present Linda Simpson
 Updated: Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:37 UTC