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oSequoyah County
A County of the OkGenWeb / USGenWeb Project


If you have an ancestor buried in Sequoyah County Please send Name and Birth/Death and name of cemetery for the Sequoyah County Cemeteries Online Page. Email Earline Barger

The cemetery is located in an area that once had a store, a school and church. Now all is gone but the ruins of the school and the cemetery. To reach cemetery from Muldrow go east on U S Hwy 64 to Roland traffic light. Turn right (south) at the light and go one mile turn right (west) and proceed one mile to the first blacktop road turning left (south) Turn left and stay on that road two miles after the pavement ends. Turn left (east)and go one mile. Turn right (south) and take the first dirt road left (east) to the cemetery.

HOW TO GET TO PAW PAW CEMETERY IN SEQUOYAH COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, NEAR FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS (Please do not edit these instructions): Apparently no one has an actual map of the area showing all roads, especially since names were replaced with numbers for roads. But if you will carefully follow these instructions, in order, it should not be difficult. (I don't know how it is after a lot of rain, on these dirt and gravel roads.) If you are at the west end of the bridge from Fort Smith, Arkansas, on Highway 64 (east-west), it will be nine and one-tenth miles after the turn-off ramp (off of Highway 64 into Moffett, Oklahoma) to Paw Paw Cemetery southwest of Moffett. That is, by these directions. Most of it is a maze out there, through farm land, with dirt and gravel roads. So do it right the first time, and you might save a lot of time and not be left wandering the maze which includes dead-end roads. Start counting distance when you leave the ramp into Moffett. All distance readings I give you will mean the distance from this ramp. Leaving the ramp into Moffett, just follow the main little paved road south a little way, and it will curve west. At one-half mile, you will see the Moffett City Hall and Police Department on your right, so you will know you are going right. Keep going west. It will become Old Highway 64. Keep going west. At three and six-tenths miles (remember, from the Moffett ramp) you will see a darkish-green metal building on your right with small print on the side facing the highway showing: "Sheffield Farms" Turn left (south) onto the dirt road with a little street sign that says: S 4790 Rd. Keep going south until your total distance traveled (from the Moffett ramp) is four and eight-tenths miles. Here, the road makes a little jag to the right, crossing a tiled drainage-way and back toward south. At five and seven-tenths miles, you come to a fence and have to turn right (west). At six and two-tenths miles, you have to turn left (south) and your road (S 4790 Rd) becomes S 4785 Rd. At six and six-tenths miles, there is a jag to the right toward several items of metal equipment, and a jag back toward south. At seven and three-tenths miles, go until you get to the left-right (east-west) road (NOT the one that turns right just before you get there.). You can see (but don't turn) that within sight the road going left (east) quickly curves around toward the south. So, you will know you have come right so far. But turn RIGHT. At seven and seven-tenths miles, DON'T PASS UP S 4780 Rd on your left.  Turn left (south), with a fence on your left. Keep going south until your total miles from the Moffett ramp is almost NINE miles. Watch for the little white rectangular sign on your left that says: Paw Paw Cemetery. A road turns left (east), and you already see that less than one-tenth mile out there is a cemetery, at the edge of the woods.

Decoration at Paw Paw Cemetery is the second Sunday in May.


ACTKINSON, John G., 1862 1915

ALTIE(?), John H., 1896 1914

ALTIE(?), W.M., 1858 1909

ANDERSON, Walter E., 1898 1902

ARNOTT, Mary W.C., May -Aug. 1895

BAILEY, Bonnie 1918 1919

BAILEY, Cora M., 1886 1938

BAILEY, Etta E. 1866 1927

BAILEY, Herbert E. , 1907 1910

BAILEY, Philip R., 1879 1953

BAILEY, Robert Clinton 1889 1919

BAILEY, Thomas Wiley, Sept 8, 1865 (Walkner Co., Ga) - May 24, 1947, h/o Etter E.. Paw Paw Cemetery, page 105

BARNES, Ruby Juanita, 1923 1925

BELL, Charles R. 1882 1946

BELL, Jessie BULAR 1906 1912

BELL, Martha Jane, 1884 1931

BELOTE, Loudessie 1910 1917

BISHOP, L.E., 1883 1906

BLACK, James, 1884 1919

BLEVIN, Finner Lee, 1909 1909

BLEVINS, T., March 15, 1883 (Putman Co. Tenn) -April 14, 1936, d/o Henry ---- and Mary Polly THOMAS, w/o George BLEVINS, Paw Paw Cemetery, page 135

BOGGS, Joseph M., 1890 1913

BOYKIN, Sendann E. , 1849 1927

BRADFORD, Isaac 1839 1919

BRADFORD, Mary 1847 1918



BROCK, Julia A., 1860 1917

BROCK, Rev. J. W., 1852 1922

BROWN, Bell, 1874 1916

BROWN, Ben, 1893 1900

BROWN, Bessie, 1906 1916

BROWN, Cora Marie, Sept. 30, 1937 (Gore, Ok) - Nov. 12, 1938, d/o Arthur BROWN (Sallisaw) and Flora NELSON (Texas), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 126

BROWN, Edith May, 1906 1969

BROWN, Mittie, 1898 1917

BROWN, Neal, 1844 1916

BROWN, Odus, 1906 1922

BULLARD, W.M., 1861 1910

CHANCE, Carl E. 1939 1940

CHANCE, Larry D., 1951 1953

CHANCE, Nola (DUDE), 90, died Oct. 2001,

CHERRY, Elsie O., 1886 1907

CHERRY, Nancy C., 1859 1946

CHRISTIAN, Frank, 1907 1911

CLABON, Delty V., 1883 1899

CLARK, Albert A., 1910 1911

CLARK, Charlie E. (Inf) 1907

CLARK, Ralph E. 1906 1918

CLAYBORN, C.W., 1891 1919

COLLINS, Daltie, 1893 1897

COLLINS, Effie, 1895 1897

CONDREN, Betty Lee, July-Oct 1922

COWANS, Joseph, born 1884, died 1915.

COWAN, Thomas J., 1908 1909

COWANS, Thomas Jasper, Born Sept. 1909, d. Dec.1909, s/o Joseph and Florence (Massengale) Cowans.

CROCKER, John N., age 73 years (Tenn) - died Aug. 10, 1927, Paw Paw Cemetery, page 180

DAVIS, Francis P., 1856 1916

DAVIS, Francis P., February 14,1856 - February 14, 1916, w/o John William DAVIS

DAVIS, Infant (Boys) May 20, 1909

DAVIS, John William, March 6, 1845 - March 30, 1911, h/o Francis P DAVIS

DAVIS, Martha Jane, 1846 1911

DAVIS, Walter A., 1886 1896

DAY, Eller, 1877 1935

DAY, James E., 1858 1942

DEGROOT, Fred, 1842 1927

DENNIS, James M. 1869 1944

DICKEY, Fannie, 1873 1900

DICKEY, Infant, 1896

DICKEY, Linzey H., 1867 1926

DOOLEY, Harry E., 1886 1940

DORITY, Gladys E., 1904 1925

DOUGLASS, James P., 1854 1915

DUFFORD, Catherine J., July 15, 1944(Stanley, Wis.) - July 25, 2006(Fort Smith), d/o Lloyd Henry BAKER and Gladys Marie (YARWOOD) BAKER. She married Leonard LeRoy DUFFORD, Feb. 14, 1965, in Muskogee.

DUFFORD, Len, Dec. 8, 1936(Muskogee,) - July 17, 2008(Muldrow), to LeRoy DUFFORD and Edith (SKINNER) DUFFORD. He married Catherine JoAnn BAKER, Feb. 14, 1965, in Muskogee. She preceded him in death, Feb. 25, 2006, in Fort Smith, Ark.

DYER, Bena Ann, 1880 1941

DYER, James, 1871 1924

DYER, John H., 1865 1939

DYER, Virginia Lee, April 20, 1931 (Quinton, Ok) - Sept. 1, 1939, d/o Lee DYER (Moffett, Ok) and Ruth LOLLIS (Muldrow, Ok), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 199

E.C. D.

ETHRIDGE, Charles J., (Inf) 1895

ETHRIDGE, Charles J., Feb. 13, 1896 - Aug. 27, 1925

FLETCHER, Baby 1917

FRAZIER, Johnie T. Inf. 1900

FREEMAN, Infant, Jan. 5, 1930

GARNER, George, 1928 1930

HAMILTON, Lulu, 1883 1907

HAMM, Evaleen , 1903

HAMM, Samuel E., 1897 1943

HAMM, Samuel E., Sept 7, 1897 (Ok) - Oct 25, 1943, s/o Scott HAMM (Ark) and Mary WALLS, h/o Evelyn HAMM, Paw Paw Cemetery, page 170,

HAMM, Scott, April 8, 1854 - Dec 3, 1927.

HAMILTON, Robert N. 1879 - Sept. 13, 1905. His wife, Lula (McCLOSE) HAMILTON. His gravestone is very hard to read as are some of the others.

HAMPTON, Robert, 1881 1905

HARTZELL, H. Ray, 28 years, 2 months, 21 days, June 7, 1907 (Perry, Ok) - Sept. 1935, s/o Clarence HARTZELL (Knoxville, Iowa) and Martha JONES(Scotland, Ark.), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 100

HERNDON, Tracey, age 3 mo

HERNDON, Virginia, age 1 mo

HERRIMAN, Harrison, 1889 1893

HERRIMAN, M.C., 1844 1924

HESTER, Betty Lou, 1925 1926

HESTER, Charlie 1883 1932

HESTER, Flora Marie "Jane", June 17, 1916(near Tahlequah) - Aug. 2, 2004(Little Rock), d/o Charles HESTER and Ollie Samantha SCRIBNER.

HIGGINS, Otto, 1878 1916

HINYARD, J.C., 1924 1928

HINYARD, L.M. , 1905 1937

HOGAN, Elmo, 1911 191

HOGAN, Verna L., 1910 1914

HOLLIDAY, Beulah 1904 1954

HOLLIDAY, Willie O. 1902 1962

HOPE, Infant, Stillborn in Paw Paw Community - Oct. 13, 1936, c/o Jess HOPE (Seq Co, Ok) and Thelma HOPE (Seq Co Ok), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 166

JACKSON, George R., 1872 1944

JACKSON, Margaret Ann, 1940 1942

JACKSON Rachel M., 1886 1908

JACKSON, Sina Ella, 1881 1962

JACKSON, Stella (Inf) 1908

JAMES, Linard O., 1916 1917

JAMES, Ruth M., 1914 1917

JOHNSON, Pricilla, 1849 1915

JONES, Mary Jane, 1881 1929

KECK, Nancy, 1852 1911

KELLEY, Marguerite, 1829 1891

KENNEDY, Jess E., 1889 1963

KING, Jewell D., Feb. 10, 1933, in Nicut community - Nov. 28, 2001, in Fort Smith, d/o Jessie Cleaborn JOHNSON and Bertha (DAY) JOHNSON. married Oscar E. GAGE in March, 1951, he preceded her in death in March of 1972. married Jackie R. KING in Apr., 1976, in Roland.

KIRK, Arthur H., Nov. 19, 1918

KIRK, Effie C., 1931 1937

KIRK, M.P. (wife of W.K) 1851 1916

KIRK, Thomas, 1877 1918

KIRK, Wilburn Arthur, 1905 1941

KIRK, William Arthur, June 8, 1905 (Dyer, Ark) - Oct 18, 1941, Tom KIRK (Ark) and Clara HARRISON (Ark), h/o Delia CROW, Paw Paw Cemetery, page 2,

KIRK, W.K., 1851 1915

KNIGHT, Amanda L.,



LANGFORD, Martha A., 1856 1902

LANGFORD, James C., 1884 1918


LANGFORD, W.R., 1852 1930

LANGLEY, Fannie E., on August 1872, died 1 August 1921. d/o William Henry and Celia (Sheets) PATRICK. Widow of Nathaniel J.Massengale and Charley Langley.

LASTER, James S., 1864 1883

LASTER, Lucy, 1869 1914

LASTER, Melviny P., 1844 18--

LASTER, Mollie, 1870 1894

LEACH, Billie Dale, Mar-Apr. 1930

LEMLEY, Georgia Ann, 1878 1917

LEMLEY, Infant girl 1934

LEMLEY, Joe E., March 16, 1909 (Muldrow, Ok) - Feb. 15, 1936, s/o Eph L. LEMLEY, Paw Paw Cemetery, page 121

LEMLEY, Robbie Jean (Inf) 1928

LESSLEY, Kenneth Dean, Sept. 19, 1934 (Paw Paw Comm, Seq.Co,Ok) - Jan. 28, 1935, s/o Lester LESSLEY (Ok) and Beulah WANN (Ok), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 61

LESSLEY, Mae 1901 1925

LEWIS, Arvazin, 1823 1910

LEWIS, Infant, 1912

McCLEOD, A.H., 1842 1906

McCLEOD, James Iven, 1890 1904

McCLEOD, Lee M., 1876 1915

McCLEOD, Martha J., 1881 1915

McCLEOD, Mary A., 1847 1915

McCLEOD, Robert T.L., 1902 1904

McCREADY, Harriette, 1868 1891

McCREADY, John W., 1864 1909

McDOLE, Arthur A. 1878 1915

McDOLE, Oma C., Apr.-Aug 1904

McDOLE, Pauline Feb. - Apr 1909

MARTIN, Clara E., Jan-Aug 1916

MARTIN, Raymond, 1914 1916

MASK, Earnest, 1875 1899

MASSENGALE, N.J., 1861 1909

MASSENGALE, Silvie, 1915 1917

MASSENGALE, Velma, 1919 1932

MASSENGALE, William Henry, b. 7 Dec. 1898, d. 2 July 1907. s/o Nathaniel J. and Fannie (Patrick) Massengale.

MASSENGALE, Wm. H., 1893 1907

MASSEY, Mary J., 1867 1887

MEADOWS, Dr. Bradford, 1862 1909

MEADOWS, Eva D., 1896 1897

MEADOWS, Maggie M. (Inf) 1926

MILLER, George A., Age 97

MIZE, Robert, 1909 1910

MOLINE, John, 1862 1943

MOORE, Fred, 1897 1916

MORE, Arthur, 1897 1899

MORITTZ, Gevena Inf, 1918

MORITTZ, Infant, 1904

MORITTZ, J.C., 1874 1937

MORITTZ, J.H., 1871 1915

MORITTZ, Margarett Ann, 1876 1887

MORTON, J.H. 1842 1915

MYERS, Eliza, 1882 1951

MYERS, Henry L., 1876 1954

MASSENGALE, Nathaniel J., born May 1861, died 5 August 1909 age 48. Born in Arkansas, son of John and Rebecca Massengale of Stone County, Mo.

NORMAN, Infant (boys) 1942

NORMAN, Ruby Ellen, 1919 1945

OWENS, Herbert, 1910 1914

OWENS, Nancy E., 1888 1930

PARKER, Faye Julia, March 11, 1894 (Cottonwood, IT) - Nov 15, 1936, d/o T.W. BAILEY (Ga) and Etta E. HUDLIN (Ind), w/o John Jefferson PARKER, Paw Paw Cemetery, page 176

PARKER, Faye Julia 1899 1936

PATRICK, Infant, 1905

PATRICK, Jarrett, May 9, 1883 - May 23, 1944, s/o William Henry PATRICK and Celia SHEETS PATRICK, unmarked grave

PATRICK, Susie, 1887 1906

PATTON, Charlotte, 1858 1909

PATTON, Robert E.,. 1889 1914

PATTON, Susan, 1885 1905

PEARSON, Henry, 1905 1927

PEARSON, John F., 1874 1947

PEARSON, Sarah E., 1879 19--

PERCIFUL, Vicy BAILEY, 1900 1923

PERKINS, Cecil, 1892 1907

PETERS, Danna Rhea, Nov. 14, 1941

PETERSON, James, 1879 1901

PHELAN, Bill, 1893 1937

PHELAN, Elizabeth Jane, May 2, 1855 – Oct 29, 1929

PHELAN, James Milas, Feb 24 1876 = Dec 8, 1941

POAGUE, Lessie, Jan. 2, 1906 (Ark) - Sept. 28, 1935, c/o Henry ETHRIDGE (Ga) and Lou ASKINS (Ark), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 99

POOL, Baby, Nov. 9-16 1898

PORTON, Charles, 1886 1918

PRICE, Clarence H., 1905 1907

RANKINS, Carrie, Age 20

RANKINS, Charles, Age 9 mo

RANKINS, George, age 17

RANKINS, Jack, Age 71

RANKINS, Josie, 1882 1922

REDMON, Clara, 1880 1911

ROBINSON, Loyd 1900 1906

ROGERS, Billy Gene, 1931 1935

ROGERS, Charley 1893 1952

ROGERS, Ethel,

ROGERS, Wm. Alfred, 1860 1916

ROSAR, Mary 1854 1928

ROWLAND, Baby 1917

ROWLAND, Clifford L., 1918 1931

SALLEE, Katie, 1841 1909

SALLEE, Stephen, 1838 1910

SANDEFUR, Myra P. 1922

SCISSON, Emmet, 1908 1911

SCOTT, Laura F., (Tenn) Sept. 1, 1927, d/o William FOWLER (Ga) and Mary GIBSON (Miss), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 187

SHACKLEFORD, Benj. F. 1874 - 1894

SHACKELFORD, Bill 74, May 17, 1933(Paw Paw,) - May 5, 2008(Muldrow.) s/o Ivan and Reba SHACKELFORD. He died Monday, He married Ruth LaFern SHACKELFORD.

SHACKLEFORD, Earl, 1901 1902

SHACKLEFORD, Elza(Inf) 1890

SHACKLEFORD, Emma Jean1924 1925

SHACKLEFORD, Infant, 1896

SHACKLEFORD, Infant 1931

SHACKLEFORD, John W. 1865 1912

SHACKLEFORD, Lon Ed, 1906 1907

SHACKLEFORD, Luther G., 1879 1903

SHACKLEFORD, Maud, 1885 1911

SHACKLEFORD, S.H., 1883 1933

SHACKLEFORD, Rev. Stephen, 1843 1918

SHACKLEFORD, Susan, 1900


SHARUM, Ella, 1881 1901

SHERRELL, Cyntha Ann, 1853 1926

SHERRELL, Harvey G. 1880 1927

SHERRELL, Silas, 1858 1917

SHRUM, David, 1893 1903

SHRUM, Frankie, 1888 1901

SHRUM, James W., 1911 1914

SLOAN, Glide, 1915 1916

SMITH, Lee Roy,

SMITH, Martha Ann, 1858 1911

SMITH, Mary MYERS, 1878 1949

SMITH, Mauda Bell, 1880 1901

SMITH, Tate 1871 1930

SNIDER, Infant, 1916




STARR, Maggie J. 1888 1956

TAYLOR, Floyd J., 1903 1940

TAYLOR, Henry T. 1849 1922

TAYLOR, Jesse R., 1905 1916



TAYLOR, Mary L., 1856 1931

TAYLOR, Mary L. (Infant) 1912

TAYLOR, Tom J., 1881 1918

TREAT, John G. 1893 1964

TREAT, Margaret 1869 1919

TREAT, May 1859 1922

TREAT, Ralph 1913 1934

TREAT. W.F. 1865 1942

TRIPP, Clara Walsie, 1914 1916

TRIPP, Infant, Feb. 11, 1912

TRIPP, Lou S., 1871 1911

TURNER, Arlene, 1906 1930

TURNER, Rebecka E., 1879 1915

VAUGHN, Eliza D., 1908 1909

VAUGHN, George R., 1893 1896

VAUGHN, Robert S., 1865 1920

VAUGHN, Sarah Infant, 1902

VAUGHN, Susan F., 1814 1898

WADE, Willmiar, 1908 1915

WALDON, Nellie May, 1905 1908

WASSON, Minnie Bell 1883 1934

WATTS, Arta L., 1884 1907

WATTS, Baby,

WATTS, Carey, 1894 1906

WATTS, Eliza, 1859 1943

WATTS, Emily,

WATTS, Eunice L., 1896 1899

WATTS,Gussie, 1915 1920

WATT, Infant, 1906

WATTS, Jake A. Aug- Nov. 1901

WATTS, Lou A. 1884 1906

WATTS, Maggie B., 1876 1966

WATTS, Marion W. , 1889 1900

WATTS, Pinkney, 1861 1930

WATTS, Rachel M., 1886 1908

WATTS, .R.C. (INFANT) 1925

WATTS, Ruth Ethel (infant) 1905

WATTS, Susan E., 1906 1909

WATTS, Thomas F., 1868 1956

WATTS, Thomas L., 1881 1898

WATTS, William J., 1889 1900

WEBSTER, Benjamin, Oct. 6, 1914 (Paw Paw Community) - Aug. 15, 1937, s/o Asa WEBSTER (Mo) and Blanche LAUGHAM (?) (Ark), Paw Paw Cemetery, page 34

WHISENANT, J.A., 1872 - 1895

WILLIAMS, Loyd 1903 - 1918

WRIGHT, Arie, 1890 - 1899

WRIGHT, Cora, 1889  -1911

WRIGHT, Infant, 1893

WRIGHT, Lillie Leta, 1894 - 1896

WRIGHT, Pink, 1849 - 1916

WRIGHT, Sallie C., 1859 - 1916

WRIGHT, Willard, 1880 - 1894


Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger