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oSequoyah County
A County of the OkGenWeb / USGenWeb Project

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If you have an ancestor buried in Sequoyah County Please send Name and Birth/Death and name of cemetery for the Sequoyah County Cemeteries Online Page. Email Earline Barger


The directions to the cemetery are: Go north on highway 10 out of Gore for 6 miles, turn onto the highway 10A junction, going east on 10A (towards Fin-n-Feather Resort) go approx. 2 miles. You will see a church on the left (Gum Springs Old Time Freewill Baptist Church) you turn left right at that church (dirt road). You travel about a block, the cemetery in very unkept and will be located on the left side of the road.

There are many old graves there. The stones are rocks that are carved in what looks like Cherokee writings. They also have flags carved into some of the rocks. We replaced all of my families "rocks" (they had no writings on them) with homemade stones with the names & dates.


BROWN, May, Feb 20, 1956 - Feb 20, 1956

JAMES, Bobby, Jan 15, 1944 - July 27, 1969

MOORE, Stanley W., Aug 22, 1923 - Aug 25, 1944, PVT 509 PRCHT INF World War II

NOISEY, Geh-hue-gah "Sissie", 1904 - March 21, 1951

NOISEY, Nannie, Jan 1, 1913 - May 23, 1997

NOISEY, Oscar, Dec 1929 - Sept 4 1990

NOISEY, Sam, June 16, 1910 - Dec 31, 1973

NOISEY, Thomas, 1874 - July 2, 1946

NOISEY, Wakie Sam, 1882 - circa 1953

SMITH, Mary NOISEY COPPELL, March 22, 1898 - Nov 5, 1956


Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2013  by Earline Barger