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The Baptist Church at Roland I. T. met Aug. 10th, 1907.
After preaching, the Pastor called the church in conference and the following business was transacted.
Minute of last meeting was read and approved.
J. E. AdDAMS, that the Building Committee had been delayed in employing a painter but have some assurance of getting Mr. CARR soon. The report was read and committee continued.
Clerk reported seven ($7.00) dollars paid to Bro. THOMPSON for Mission work.
By Motion, adjourned.
On Sunday August 18th the protracted meeting being in progress Sister Theodocia STANLEY and Bros. Asa TAFT and James CLING were received by the church upon experience as candidates for baptism and on Tuesday evening Aug. 20 Bro. BLAYLOCK administered the ordinance of baptism to these Brethren and Sister at night on same date.
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Brother Ernest JONES was received into full fellowship of the church by letter from Macedonia Church and Bro. Harry MANN was restored to full fellowship of the church.
The Baptist Church at Roland I. T. met Sept. 7th 1907.
After preaching by Brother J. H. BLAYLOCK, the church in conference transacted business as follows.
Minute of last meeting was read and approved.
Building Committee reported having engaged James CARR to paint the church house and that the painting will be done as soon as weather conditions are favorable.
The report was received.
A motion prevailed asking for the next meeting of the General Association of Oklahoma to be held with us said meeting to embrace the second Sunday in December next and the Clerk was instructed to notify the committee of the Association of this request. The Clerk was then instructed to prepare a letter to the District Association and submit the same for the correction or approval of the church at our next conference meeting.
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On motion, adjourned.
After preaching services on Sunday, Sept. 8th, 1907 Brother Roy CLARK received the ordinance of baptism at the hands of the Pastor J. H. BLAYLOCK.
Missionaries Report
Dear Brethren,
Since my last report I have worked at the following places-
Including the 4th Sunday in June at Black Gum 3 days- Sermons 4- Visits 3- Miles traveled 80- Collections none- expenses $1.70
Embracing the 1st Sunday in July at McKay- 2 days, Sermons 3, visits4, Miles 52, expenses $1.38
Black Gum meeting commenced on Saturday before the 4th Sunday in July Sermons 11, baptisms administered 9, taken into the church by letter 7, restored one, miles traveled 120, visits 7, collected $7.60, expenses $2.00
First week in August- Illinois Station and McLain-visits 5, sermons 1, miles traveled 105, collected $4.00,
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expenses $4.00 McLain meeting 8 nights and 3 day services, sermons 11, days 11, collected $8.00, visits 5, expenses $3.50. No visible results, miles traveled 135.
Shoke Spring- sermons 2, days 3, visits 4, miles 20.
Since last report, I have labored 33 days, have preached 32 sermons, have baptized 9, by letter 9, restored 1, have collected $41.60, visited 21 homes, have traveled 512 miles.
Respectfully submitted.
A. V. Associational Missionary
The Baptist Church at Roland I. T. met Nov. 9th, 1907
Pastor was absent and Bro. R. V. THOMPSON read Scripture lesson and led in prayer after which Bro. THOMPSON was elected Mod Pro Tem by acclamation and the following business was transacted.
Minute of last meeting was read and approved.
On motion, J. M. C. WOOD, J. A. JOHNSON, R. E. SUMMERHILL and J. E. ADAMS were appointed a committee on entertainment of messengers and visitors to the state association, which is to meet with us on Dec. 6th.
Motion carried to take collection tomorrow to buy a stove for the church house, J. M. C. WOOD to receive the contribution
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A motion prevailed to have a call conference on Sat. Nov. 23rd for the purpose of electing Pastor and Clerk for another year and to transact such other business as may be proper and necessary.
On motion, adjourned.
J. E. ADAMS, C. C.
Pursuant to adjournment of last regular conference, the Baptist Church at Roland Okla. met Nov. 23, 1907.
After devotional service, conducted by Bro. R. V. THOMPSON a motion prevailed electing Bro. THOMPSON, Mod Pro Tem.
Minute of last meeting was then read and approved.
The church then proceeded by ballot to elect Pastor and Clerk for the ensuing year resulting in the reelection of Bros. J. H. BLAYLOCK Pastor and J. E. Adams Clerk.
On motion, the Deacons were directed to circulate subscription for pastors salary.
The church agreed to make contribution tomorrow for State Missions.
On motion, the church agreed to ask for Missionary aid from the churches composing the General Association of the United States and also agreed to pay our Messengers expenses to and from that meeting.
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On motion, the clerk was instructed to write a letter to be presented to the General Association by our Messenger.
On motion, adjourned.
R. V. THOMPSON, Mod Pro Tem
NOTE: After preaching by Bro. BLAYLOCK on Sunday Nov. 24th, 1907 a collection
was taken for State Missions amounting to nine dollars and seventy-five
The Baptist Church at Roland Okla. Met Feb. 8th, 1908.
Brother BLAYLOCK read Scripture lesson, commented on same and led in prayer.
After which the church in conference transacted business as follows,
Minute of Nov. conference was read and approved.
Deacons reported having written subscription for pastors salary but had only presented it to a few of the church members. It was agreed according to our former usage that they continue and complete the work.
A collection amounting to six dollars ($6.50) and fifty cents was taken to pay the expense of J. E. ADAMS
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to the General Association making a total of eight dollars the full amount of his expenses.
J. E. ADAMS then stated that the Association endorsed Brothers W. J. PARNELY and M. P. MATHINEY for our State Mission work and that the Treasurer of the Association was instructed to pay Bro. PARNELY Eighty-six ($86.00) dollars for mission work done last year.
Bro. R. H. THOMPSON stated that he was not prepared to make a definite statement in regard to settlement for church house painting.
Brother BLAYLOCK being asked, stated that he had recovered Fifty-nine dollars and ten cents ($59.10) for last years pastoral work, also stated that he is not at this time prepared to accept the pastorate for this year.
On motion, by Bro. B. S. WALKER the church agreed to give him more time to consider the motion.
On motion, adjourned.
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