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Minutes of Church Conferences
The Roland Missionary Baptist Church met in regular conference Saturday, April 4, 1908
After sermon by Bro. BLAYLOCK, and devotional services.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The clerk stated that he had notified delinquent members of the Church who were behind with last years Pastor salary to make satisfactory settlement or see the Pastor about it.
Matter of finishing paying for painting church house was again brought up. Bro. R. H. THOMPSON, what had the matter in charge was not prepared to make a report but thought there was a balance behind of several dollars.
The Moderator suggested that Bro. THOMPSON complete, the transaction and report to the church.
Bro. R. H. THOMPSON then made charges against Bro. ADAMS requested him to reduce the charges to writing.
Motion by Bro. R. E. SUMMERHILL prevailed that C.A. TAFT be appointed Church Clerk Pro. Tem.
The Clerk Pro Tem
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then read the charges as preferred against Bro. Adams
Bro. R. H. THOMPSON after reading portions of Matthew 18 and Luke 17, made statement to the Church that he had taken gospel steps in regards to making a reconciliation with Bro. ADAMS.
Motion, adopted by almost unanimous standing vote, the church receive the charges.
Motion, by Bro. B. S. WALKER to have a committee to investigate the charges, was lost for want of a second.
Motion prevailed to lay the charges over until next conference.
No further business, the Church adjourned till Sat. before the second Sunday in May.
B. A. TAFT, C.C. Pro Tem
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