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The Roland Missionary Baptist Church came together in regular conference May 9, 1908 after sermon by Bro. BLAYLOCK.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Matter of settling the paying for painting church house again brought as a reference, Bro. R. H. THOMPSON reported that he had neglected the matter and was unprepared to make a statement but said that he would be ready to make a report at the Sunday meeting following motion, adopted to give Bro. THOMPSON the required time.

Next reference was that of the charge as preferred by Bro. R. H. THOMPSON against Bro. J. E. ADAMS, Question of whether the charges were brought to the church in scriptural way was discussed. Shorts talks were made by Bros. R. V. THOMPSON, J. H. BLAYLOCK, R. H. THOMPSON and J. E. ADAMS. J. M. C. WOOD moderating while Bro. BLAYLOCK was talking.

Motion made by Bro. R. V. THOMPSON that the charges be laid over till next meeting and that the church

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request Bro. ADAMS to take Gospel steps (*and prefer charges) with Bro. THOMPSON was lost after the vote.

Bro. ADAMS was then requested to make reply to the charges as preferred which he did in a very lengthy argument taking up each proposition as it appeared and disposed of it. After which Bro. THOMPSON to the floor for the purpose of correcting some of the assertions as made by Bro. ADAMS.

Motion made by Bro. R. E. SUMMERHILL that the charges be sustained as made was lost. (See side note)

Motion was again made and carried that Bro. ADAMS be requested to comply with the scriptures as regarding a reconciliation with Bros. THOMPSON.

By Motion, adjourned.

J. H. BLAYLOCK, Moderator

C. A. TAFT, Clerk Pro Tem

Note: On Sunday Bro. R. H. THOMPSON reported a balance behind on painting

church house of $6.01

SIDE NOTE: *not a statement made by ADAMS was disproved

Side Note: When motion to sustain charges was lost, Bro. R. V. THOMPSON

arose and declared non-fellowship with that action of the church

*Indicates a different handwriting and in different pen

Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger