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On Sunday Nov. 8th, 1908 after preaching by Bro. BLAYLOCK, the church in conference proceeded by ballot to elect a Pastor for the ensuing year resulting in the choice of Bro. C. A. McELROY and upon motion the call was made unanimously and $92.50 was pledged for pastor's salary and clerk was instructed to make said pledges a matter of record.
On motion, adjourned.
J. E. ADAMS, C. C.
The Baptist Church at Roland Okla. met Dec. 12, 1908.
After preaching by Bro. McELROY the church set in conference. Minutes of Nov. meeting read and approved.
R. H. THOMPSON reported that he had written Bro. WATTS and had also talked with him by phone in regard to his and Bro. McCLANAHAN'S absence from church service and stated that Bro. WATTS promised to be here this meeting- both brethren were absent.
On motion, report was received and committee continued.
Bro. R. V. THOMPSON and Sister MAYFIELD were chosen as messengers to the Oklahoma Baptist State Association.
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(Cont. from page 154)
and Bro. J. H. BLAYLOCK was chosen as messenger to the General Association of the U. S.
Bro. J. M. WOOD stated that Bro. Sam COIL had been drunk and upon motion, the church preferred charge against him and J. M. C. WOOD and W. R. HUGHES were appointed to see him.
By motion, the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the State Association also, one to the General Association, and one further motion, the church agreed to pay the expenses of our messengers.
Motion prevailed, that our church covenant had rules of Deacons be reread at next meeting.
Bro. McElroy accepted the care of the church as Pastor.
On motion, adjourned.
C. A. McELROY, Mod.
J. E. ADAMS, C. C.
NOTE: After preaching service on Sunday Dec. 13
Collection for Missions was taken amounting to $10.95
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