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The Baptist Church at Roland Okla. met in conference

After preaching service on Sat. before the 4 Sunday in June 1909.

Minute of May meeting read and approved.

Motion prevailed to hold protracted meeting beginning on Friday night before the 3rd Sunday in August next.

Motion prevailed to invite Bro. M. P. MATHINEY to assist us in the meeting.

C. A. TAFT offered his resignation as teacher in the S. S. which was accepted.

By motion, adjourned.

C. A. McELROY, Mod

J. E. ADAMS, C. C.

After the prayer service on the 3rd Sunday night in June 1909. J. E. ADAMS was chosen teacher of the Bible class in the S. S. to succeed C. A. TAFT.

C. A. TAFT, requested.

By motion, adjourned.


J. E. ADAMS, C. C.

The Baptist Church at Roland Okla. met July 10, 1909

After preaching by Bro. McELROY, the church in conference heard the reading of the minute of last meeting which was amended and approved.

On motion, adjourned.

C. A. McELROY, Mod

J. E. ADAMS, C. C.

Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger