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Oct 9, 1909
Roland Baptist Church came together in regular conference Oct. 9, 1909
After preaching by Bro. McELROY
Minutes of last conference read and approved. Matter of difference between C. A. TAFT and Bro. J. H. BLAYLOCK mentioned as a reference. C. A. TAFT stated that on account of circumstances intervening, he had been unable to confer with Bro. BLAYLOCK.
On motion, time was granted until next conference.
Resignation of J. E. ADAMS as Church Clerk was accepted and on motion, C. A. TAFT was elected to fill the vacancy.
Motion prevailed that Bros. J. M. C. WOOD, R. V. THOMPSON and J. H. BLAYLOCK be elected to represent the church as delegates to the General Association.
Bro. R. E. SUMMERHILLl presented receipt of $21.34 dated Aug. 25, 1909 as collection from Roland Church for Bro. M. P. MATHINEY, Gen. Associational Missionary Services.
Bro. R. H. THOMPSON made statement to the church that he was having difficulty in making a settlement with W. R. HUGHES about some logs that were cut on Movie HUGHES' place; and asked advice of the church on how to proceed.
On motion, Bro. THOMPSON and
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Bro. HUGHES were asked to select two disinterested brethren to assist them in making the settlement.
Bro. J. E. ADAMS asked for letters for him self and other members of his family as he was preparing to start for California.
Objection was made to granting Bro. ADAMS a letter on account of his unchristian conduct during our recent protracted meeting which was demonstrated in his criticizing Bro. MATHINEY'S preaching and propositions and otherwise using his influence against the meeting; and to his statement in previous conference that he had very serious doubts in his mind that the Baptist Church at Roland was the Church of Christ.
After hearing the objections, Bro. ADAMS tried to justify his actions and showed a very bitter spirit towards some members of the church.
Where upon charges were preferred against Bro. ADAMS by Bro. R. H. THOMPSON for contempt of church and were received by the church.
Bro. ADAMS withdrew the request for letters for his family.
On motion, adjourned until after evening services.
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Pursuant to motion of adjournment the church came together scriptural reading an short sermon by Bro. McELROY.
Motion to sustain the charges against Bro. ADAMS carried by standing vote of 10 to 4.
Motion by Bro. R. H. THOMPSON that the matter of charges against Bro. ADAMS be deferred until next conference meeting was lost on account of Bro. ADAMS insisting that the matter be settled at once.
Motion by R. H. THOMPSON that the hand of fellowship be withdrawn from Bro. ADAMS was sustained by standing vote of 9 to 8 after prayer by pastor.
On motion, adjourned.
C. A. McELROY, Mod
C. A. TAFT, Church Clerk
Note: On Sunday Oct. 10, 1909, $13.75 was collected for Missions and Minutes.
Oct. 10, After evening services church was called into conference.
Sisters Effie CLARK and Minnie HUGHES asked for letters of dismission
Which were granted by motion and Clerk was instructed to write the letters.
C. A. McELROY, Mod
C. A. TAFT, C. C.
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