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The Roland Baptist Church came together

December 11, 1909 after preaching by the pastor

The church was called in conference. The Clerk being absent, R. H. THOMPSON was appointed Clerk Pro Tem.

Minute of last meeting read and after correction approved. The case of Bros. J. H. BLAYLOCK and C. A. TAFT was called up but as both were absent the case was by motion and second continued until next regular meeting. The case of Bro. HUGHES was called up. Bro. HUGHES still refusing to pay his obligation to THOMPSON Bros. The church preferred charges against Bro. HUGHES for contempt of the church and withdrew the hand of fellowship on the charge which was unanimous.

The committee, which was appointed to investigate the church book made their report as follows:

We your committee appointed to investigate the church record during C. A. TAFY term of Clerk Pro. Tem, report as follows: we find notes on pages 142-144 and 151, which we refer to the church for their consideration; which seem to be separate and apart from the minutes. (Over)

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The notes referred to above were then read by the Clerk. Note on page 151 was discussed and condemned by those discussing it. Motion prevailed to have Bro. C. A. TAFT comply with the Church's request on July 11, 1908 and add the account of the reconciliation between Bros. THOMPSON and ADAMS and said account to be read at next meeting. The other two notes were continued at next meeting.

By motion, adjourned.

Eld. C. A. McELROY, Mod

R. H. THOMPSON, C. C. Pro. Tem

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Be it resolved by the Roland Baptist Church.

That in as much as it has recently developed that our former Clerk, J. E. ADAMS, did officially add notes on pages 142, 144 and 151 of the Church book while in his procession without our permission or knowledge and which are untrue and misleading in their nature. That it is the mind of the Church that our unsure and condemnation is now, and may forever be on said notes as partial and misleading.

Be it further resolved that we hereby instruct our Clerk to post a notice of this resolution on each page above referred to; and that we instruct our Clerk to spread this resolution on the church book as a matter of record.

Approved Jan. 8th, 1910.

Record of account of Reconciliation between Bros. R. H. THOMPSON and J. E. ADAMS. Bro. ADAMS arose and said to Bro. Bob who arose too, "I want to say, as I have said before, we

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can settle our differences by mutually forgiving each other and agreeing never to mention the matter again- that it would be impossible for either of us to change our mind about the conduct of the other; but as Christian men and brethren we can forgive each other. I will allow you the same privilege that I take I will think of you as I please and you can do the same."

Bro. Bob said, "No, Bro. ADAMS, I cannot accept that proposition." He then said to the church: "You see how near we are together. We have been that near twice before" turning to Bro. ADAMS again, Bro. Bob continued. "Bro. ADAMS, that report of the council says that I have done wrong in making certain statements to you, and that I ought to withdraw them. This is the first time anyone, has told me that I have done wrong. Surely if my brethren can see my wrongs I can see them too, and it has fallen with ponderous weight upon my mind. I am going to withdraw those statements and ask you to forgive me." Bro. ADAMS said with tears streaming down his face, "Bob I can do as much; and this matter will never come between us again." They then clasped each others hand. Bro. Bob agreed that the matter was settled with him. After which a song was sung and there was a general hand shaking and rejoicing with the church. At this time Bro. R. V .Thompson made a motion which prevailed that the report of the council be adopted and a record of this reconciliation be added and to be spread upon the church book, that this night right all our wrongs.

(Approved and adopted Jan. 8, 1910 C. A. TAFT, Clerk)

Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger