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Prairie Grove Church met on Sat. Feb. 23, 1901 and engaged in singing and prayer led by Brother P. A. WATTS.
Brother DOOLY being absent Bro. R. V. THOMPSON was elected Moderator Pro Tem.
Minute of January meeting read and approved.
Bro. WATTS stated sixty-three dollars and fifty cents subscribed for pastor's salary. Bro. R. H. THOMPSON having moved to Maple Ind. Ter. Requested a letter of recommendation which was granted and clerk instructed to write same. It was suggested that Prairie Grove Church do some mission work at Paw Paw Ind. Ter. Through her Pastor during this year but the matter was deferred until some future time.
By motion, adjourned.
R. V. THOMPSON, Mod. Pro Tem
The church held no meeting on Sat. Mar. 23, 1901 on account of continued rain, but met on Sunday Mar. 24, 1901. Bro. Dooly preached subject, "The prevalence of Christianity." Text - John 11:48 & 12:19.
Upon motion of Bro. Watts' conference was postponed until next regular meeting.
P. F. Dooly, pastor
J. E. Adams, CC
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
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