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The Missionary Baptist Church at Prairie Grove I. T. met on Sat. July 27,1901 and engaged in devotional exercise conducted by Bro. J. B. COPPER followed by a few minutes talk by Brother DOOLY upon the prayer of David for restoration of the "Joys of Salvation", and after prayer led by Bro. P. A. WATTS the church in conference approved the minute of last meeting and adjourned to meet again at night for Prayer and preaching service.
P. F. DOOLY, Mod
At the close of public service on Monday night July 29, 1901, Rachael WATTS was received as a candidate for baptism and on Tuesday night July 30th. Lena OWEN, Sarah LOONEY and Lizzie ADAMS were received as candidates for baptism and at night Aug. 1, 1901 Mrs. LOONEY, Sister SHARVER, Arah EVANS, Mary LOONEY, Josie SNEAD and J. W. SNEAD were received as candidates for baptism and Sister EVANS was received into full fellowship by relation and on Aug. 2, 1901 at 11 o'clock a.m. J. A. JOHNSON and Viola TAYLOR were received into full fellowship by relation and on same date at night Mary J. CANTWELL was recd. as a candidate for baptism and W. H. SNEAD was received into full fellowship by relation .
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August 4th, 1901 Sister Sarah J. HARRELL was received as a candidate for baptism.
P. F. DOOLY, Mod
On Sunday evening Aug. 4th, 1901 at the Taylor Ford on Camp Creek Bro. DOOLY administered the Ordinance of Baptism to _____ LOONEY, Rachael WATTS, Lena OWEN, Sarah LOONEY, Lizzie ADAMS, ________ SHARVER, Arah EVANS, Mary LOONEY, W. J. SNEAD, Josie SNEAD, Mary J. CANTWELL, and Sarah J. HARRELL.
Prairie Grove Baptist Church met on Sat. Aug. 24, 1901
After short prayer and prayer service, Bro. DOOLY preached upon the subject of Christian duty and privileges. After which the church in conference transacted the following business.
1st gave opportunity for membership Bro. W. L. MORRISON was received to full fellowship by letter from Maxey Church Ind. Ter. Sister T. D. MORRISON received to full fellowship by relation and Jimmie MORRISON was received as a candidate for baptism. Bro. E. B. SIMMONS was received to full fellowship by relation and Sister Myrtle SIMMONS. Bro. Hargrove SIMMONS and Lewis MORGAN were received by experience as candidate for baptism.
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On motion Bro. R. V. THOMPSON was chosen messenger to the Territorial Convention to meet at Muskogee, Ind. Ter. on Thursday before the 5th Sunday in Sept. next.
On motion of Bro. P. A. WATTS the church agreed to meet in conference at Cottonwood on the 3rd Sunday in Sept. next for the purpose of receiving members.
By motion adjourned.
P. F. DOOLY, Mod
J. E. ADAMS, Clk
Prairie Grove Baptist Church met at Cottonwood on Sunday Sept. 15, 1901
Preaching by Bro. P. F. DOOLY-text "I am the vine ye are the branches." Opportunity given for membership when Bro. T. B. DAVENPORT was received to full fellowship by motion and Sister Lizzie DAVENPORT was received to full fellowship by letter and Lula A. DAVENPORT was received by experience as a candidate for baptism. Sister Artie WATTS and Ellen CANTWELL were also received by EX and candidates for baptism and Sister Elizabeth VERDEN was received into full fellowship by letter of recommendation.
By motion, adjourned.
P. F. DOOLY, Mod
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