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On Sunday evening Sept.15th 1901 Bro. P. F. DOOLY administered the ordinance of baptism to Bro. Hargrove SIMMONS, Jimmie MORRISON and Sister Myrtle SIMMONS, Arlie WATTS, Lula A. DAVENPORT, and Ellen CANTWELL, Clk

Prairie Grove Baptist Church met in conference on Sat. Sept. 21st 1901 and transacted business as follows

1st read and approved the minute of the two-east meeting.

2nd appointed the following named Brethren as messengers to the association J. E. Adams, R. E. SUMMERHILL, P. A. WATTS & J. A. JOHNSON

3rd agreed to pay $2.50 for minutes of the association

4th instructed the Clerk to prepare the annual letter to the association

5th collected $10.05 for associational missions

By motion, adjourned

P. F. DOOLY, Mod

J. E. ADAMS, Clk

After preaching on Sat. night Sept. 21st, 1901 the church received Bro. R. S. BRISSON into full fellowship upon his stating that he had been recd. and baptized by a Missionary Baptist Church in regular order but afterward had joined the

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Free Will Baptist and was now desiring to come back and live in obedience to the teaching of God's word.

P. F. DOOLY, Mod


Prairie Grove Church met in conference on the third Sunday in Oct. 1901 and transacted the following business

1st read and approved minute of last minute

2nd letter to the association read by the Clk and approved.

3rd collected $2.50 for minutes of the association and for associational missions $2.35 and $5.00 for foreign missions and $4.00 for ministerial education total collected $13.80

4th, upon motion by Bro. P. A. WATTS, Brother P. F. DOOLY was chosen Pastor for the ensuing year by acclamation. Brother DOOLY was present and accepted the call.

By motion, adjourned.

P. F. DOOLY, Mod

J. E. ADAMS, Clk

Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger