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The Church of Christ at Prairie Grove I. T. met on Saturday Feb. 22nd, 1902 and after devotional exercise conducted by Bro. R. V. THOMPSON the church set in conference. The pastor Bro. DOOLY being absent on account of sickness Bro. R. V. THOMPSON was chosen Moderator Pro Tem.
Minute of cast conference was read by the Clk and approved by the church.
Bro. P. A. WATTS reported $101.20 subscribed for pastor's salary.
A motion to adjourn was seconded and the church again knelt in prayer led by Bro. P. A. WATTS after which conference Second, Adjourned.
R. V. THOMPSON, Mod Pro Tem
Prairie Grove Baptist Church met on Saturday March 22nd, 1902
Preaching by Bro. P. F. DOOLY. Text Ex. 12:13
After preaching the Mod announced the church in conference and gave opportunity for membership and Sister V. J. GOODMAN was received into full fellowship on promise of letter from Muldrow Church
Minute of last meeting read and approved.
Brother SUMMERHILL stated that Sister Cleora MIZE had been attending dancing parties and upon motion Bros. SUMMERHILL and W. R. HUGHES
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were appointed a committee to see her and report at next regular meeting.
J. E. ADAMS stated that it is reported that Bo & B. SIMONS has left the county and left obligations unsatisfied and further stated that there were other reports that were wholly unbecoming the Christian character. Bro. P. A. WATTS, R. E. Summerhill and J. E. ADAMS were appointed a committee to investigate said reports and report to the church at next regular meeting.
By motion, adjourned.
P. F. DOOLY, Mod
The Church of Christ at Prairie Grove I. T. met on Sat. April 26, 1902
Preaching by Bro. R. V. THOMPSON text Gal. 1.9
Bro. DOOLY being absent, Bro. THOMPSON announced the church in conference and gave opportunity for membership.
Minute of last meeting was read and approved. Report of com. appointed to see Sister Cleora MIZE was called for and Bro. SUMMERHILL reported that Sister MIZE told them she had attended dances and knew it was wrong and she asked the church to forgive her promising to refrain from doing so in the future.
By motion, the church expressed her willingness to forgive her.
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Report of committee appointed to investigate the report concerning Bro. E. B. SIMONS was next called for and Bro. Watts stated they had found the report true and the Bro. SIMONS was guilty of fornication. Report received and committee discharged.
By motion charge was preferred against Bro. SIMONS in keeping with committee report and the church withdrew her fellowship from him.
Bro. S. W. McCLANAHAN voluntarily acknowledged the sin of drunkenness and asked for forgiveness.
By motion of the church, forgave him.
This is the second time Bro. McCLANAHAN has made such acknowledgement and the Moderator earnestly admonished him to refrain from this evil showing from the Bible the sinfulness of drunkenness
By motion, adjourned.
J. E. ADAMS, Clk
After preaching on Sunday April 27, 1902 Sister Sue BLAYLOCK was received into full fellowship of the church on promise of a letter of recommendation.
P. F. DOOLY, Mod
J. E. ADAMS, Clk
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
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