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Prairie Grove Baptist Church met on June 21, 1902

Bro. DOOLY preached upon the subject, "The temptation of Christ." Closing by prayer led by Bro. J. A. JOHNSON after which the church transacted the following business.

Minute of last meeting read and approved. Reference committee appointed to visit Bro. MORRISON reported that they had not visited him for the reason that he is still persisting in the same disorderly conduct and they feel satisfied that their effort to reclaim him would be a failure. Their statement was received and committee discharged.

By motion, the church withdrew her fellowship from Bro. MORRISON.

J. E. ADAMS stated that he had talked with Sister HARRELL and that she admitted that there had been a play party and dancing in her yard but that it was without her consent, as she did not approve of dancing and revelry. The church accepted the statement and passed the matter by.

Bro. J. A. JOHNSON stated that he had heard from reliable sources that Bro. Jake SNEAD had been getting drunk and upon motion a charge of drunkenness was preferred against Bro. SNEAD upon motion J. A. JOHNSON & J. E. ADAMS

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were appointed to further investigate the report.

Upon motion, the Moderator appointed Eld. R. V. THOMPSON and Otto ADAMS and Will HUGHES a committee on entertainment for the District Meeting to convene with us on Thursday night next.

By motion, adjourned.

P. F. DOOLY, Mod


On Sunday June 22, 1902

A contribution for Associational Missions amounting to eight dollars & sixty-five cents was placed in the hands of J. E. ADAMS our executer board member and soon afterward this contribution was increased to a total of ten dollars.


______________________________________________________________________ Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger