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Prairie Grove Baptist Church met on Sat. July 19th, 1902. Preaching by Bro. R. V. THOMPSON. Text-Mat. 18:18. After which the church transacted business as follows.

1st Minute of last meeting read and approved

2nd Reference Committee appointed to investigate charge against Bro. J. SNEAD. Reported they had not made a through investigation but so far as investigated the reports were confirmed. J. E. ADAMS stated that he had received a letter from Bro. SNEAD addressed to him and the church and that he had also seen Bro. SNEAD, who had promised to meet the church at this time, Report was received and the committee discharged. The letter from Bro. SNEAD was read, in it Bro. SNEAD denied the charge but admitted drinking some whiskey and further stated that Bro. J. A. JOHNSON drank with him, which statement Bro. JOHNSON showed to be untrue. Upon motion, the church withdrew fellowship from Bro. SNEAD. Upon motion of Bro. WATTS, the church preferred charges of unchristian conduct against him. Bro. S. W. McCLANAHAN and Bro. WATTS was appointed to notify him of the charges.

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Upon statement of J. E. ADAMS and on motion, the church preferred charge of unchristian conduct against Sister SHARVER and R. E. SUMMERHILL and J. E. ADAMS were appointed to further investigate reports concerning, same.

By motion, the church preferred charge of drunkenness against R. F. CAMPBELL and the Deacons of the church were appointed to see him.

By motion, adjourned.



Prairie Grove Baptist Church met Aug. 23, 1902

Preaching by Bro. DOOLY. After which the Mod. announced the church in conference and business as follows was transacted.

Minute of July meeting read and approved

2nd Reference Bro. McCLANAHAN in his talk to the church failed to make acknowledgement that was satisfactory to all, and the case was tabled 'till next meeting.

J. E. ADAMS stated that he and Bro. SUMMERHILL had investigated the report concerning Sister SHARVER but on account of Bro. SUMMERHILL'S absence, he was not prepared to report and asked that the matter be differed 'till

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next meeting. Request granted and the matter tabled until next conference.

Committee reported that Fred CAMPBELL admitted that he had been drunk but refused to make any further acknowledgement.

Upon motion, report recd. and committee discharged.

Upon motion, the church postponed further action until next meeting hoping Bro. Fred would see his error and change his mind.

J. E. ADAMS called attention that the time of meeting of the Execution Board of the association was drawing near and asked that contributions for associational missions be handed him by next Tuesday.

By motion, adjourned.

P. F. DOOLY, Moderator



Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger