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Prairie Grove Baptist Church met on Sat. Feb. 6th, 1904

Devotional service conducted by the Pastor afterward the church in conference transacted the following business.

Minute of last meeting was read and approved

By motion, the Deacon's were instructed to prepare and circulate subscription for Pastor's salary for the present Pastoral year.

The church realizing the need of a church house, a motion prevailed that the Moderator, appoint a building committee.

In compliance with the motion Bro. Blaylock appointed said committee as follows-J. E. ADAMS, J. F. THOMPSON, J. B. GOODMAN, P. A. WATTS and R. E. SUMMERHILL

By motion, adjourned


J. E. ADAMS, C. C.

Prairie Grove Baptist Church met March 5th, 1904

Brother BLAYLOCK preached from the text-Rom. 11:36

The church then in conference transacted the following business

Gave opportunity for membership and approved minute of last meeting.

Deacons reported the work of circulating subscription for Pastor's salary not completed.

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a building committee having been appointed at last meeting. A motion prevailed that the church undertake the building of a church house allowing the privilege of literary school in said house for a term of five years.

Motion, carried that the building committee select a building site, and confer together as to kind of building and probable cost and report at next regular meeting of the church.

Upon motion, the church preferred charges against Bro. Osie HUGHES, and Marion PALMER for drinking intoxicating liquor and other disorderly conduct. Bro. J. B. GOODMAN and R. E. SUMMERHILL were appointed to notify them of the charges.

J. E. ADAMS had previously stated that it was reported that Bro. Will HUGHES had engaged in the same wrong, doing and that he had promised to make a statement to the church, which he did by saying the report was false. So far as him being drunk was concerned at this point, J. E. ADAMS insisted that he make a fuller statement, which he agreed to at next meeting, and a motion carried to lay the matter over 'till next meeting. Bro. R. V. THOMPSON stated that he had heard that Bro. Geo. HENDERSON had acted unbecoming the Christian charter in his business

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affairs and upon motion the Moderator appointed Bro. R. V. THOMPSON to investigate the report and report to the church at next meeting.

By motion, adjourned.



Prairie Grove Baptist Church met on Sat. April 2, 1904

After preaching Brother BLAYLOCK announced the church in conference and minute of last meeting was read and approved.

Building committee reported as follows-

Your committee have selected for building site the N. E. corner of the N. E. ¼ of the N. W. ¼ of sec.

Township: Range

The same being part of Sister Amanda MAYFIELD'S place.

We recognize that we build a framed house 28 X 44 feet with height of wall 14 ft., and that drop siding be used for weather boarding. We estimate 12,626 ft. of lumber necessary to enclose, floor, and ceil overhead such a building, and that 16,000 shingles will be required to roof it.

The church agreed that the building committee be recognized as finance committee with R. H. THOMPSON, J. M. C. WOOD, Cyrus GRADY and Amanda MAYFIELD added to the finance committee.

Bro. Osie HUGHES then made acknowledgement that was satisfactory, and accepted by the church. Committee appointed to see Marion PALMER was continued.

Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger