Paul Helf Obituary


Heart Attack Suffered Saturday Evening Fatal For Popular Pioneer Who Helped Found And Build Town He Loved

Despite the raw, inclement weather a large group of friends and loved ones from this section gathered at the Church of Christ here Tuesday afternoon when funeral services were held for Paul Helf, 60, Tipton pioneer.
Mr. Helf succumbed at this country home southwest of Tipton around 9:30 Saturday night from a heart attack suffered only minutes before his passing. Busy, active and always on the go, Paul had tried to slow his stride since last July when he suffered a slight stroke.
The entire chancel of the beautiful new church building was massed with floral tributes which overflowed into the entry. A quartette composed of Minister Foster Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams and Mrs. Laura Mae Stansell sang softly "Abide With Me," "Going Down the Valley" and "Never Grow Old."
Reuel Lemmons, formerly of Tipton and now minister to the Church of Christ in Cleburne, Tex., and a lifelong friend of the family, spoke words of comfort to the bereaved ones. Using for his text the 15th Chapter of Corinthians, Lemmons pointed that through the resurrection of the Saviour that death is swallowed up in a glorious victory. Sincerely grieved and touched, the speaker briefed the short but well-lived life of his friend eloquently saying the short span of the sixty years, the deceased had lived more than most people would have in a hundred years. Fully, abundantly and richly he had lived for his family, his church and his community.
Active bearers were Cloyce Parks, Paul Largent, Harrison Roe, Hulen and Hulett Hooton, H. Sturgess, J. W. Haynie and Earl Todd. Honorary Bearers were Cleo Pickrell, H. C. Jones, J. S. Birdwell, J. J. Perkins, Hubert Bale, Luther Bohannon, Ralph Burke, Walter Lemmons, Walter Eisner, Lowery Pinson, Talma Jennings, Tom Moran, Doc Boyd, W. G. Roe and Robert Sturgess.
In charge of flowers were Mesdames Riley Taylor, Charles Nelms, J. R. Abernathy, J. W. Haynie, and Oran Roberts. Interment was in the Tipton Cemetery, in charge of Bentons, local funeral directors.
The deceased, who came to Tipton with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Helf in 1910, had made his home here since, where he had been interested in various lines of business. He started out in the business world of Tipton associated with his father in the operation of one of the first grocery establishments to be founded here.
Paul Helf was married to Miss Lota Whitaker, daughter of the reverend pioneer preacher, R. F. Whitaker, on November 11th, 1914, at Frederick. To this happy union, six children were born, one John Robert, passing away in infancy, the others Fred, Imogene, Harold, Joe Frank and Ralph were the pride and joy of their father's heart. Two small grandchildren also mourn him. They are Karen Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cost of Altus, and Johnny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helf, Oklahoma City.
During his life-time he was also interested in real estate, ranching, and oil operations. Paul was an active and staunch Democrat and during the past several campaigns managed the interests of Senator Elmer Thomas in his bids for reelection.
The deceased lived for his family, friends and community and in his passing southwest Oklahoma loses a staunch and loyal supporter.
Left to mourn a loving husband and understanding father are his widow, four sons, Fred, of Oklahoma City; Joe, stationed at Albuquerque, New Mexico, with the Air Corps; Harold, of Altus and Ralph of the home address. One daughter, Mrs. Glenn Cost of Altus; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Hilbun of Coleman, Texas; and Mrs. Bess Bowman of Compton, California. A brother, Claude, of Bellflower, California. All were present at the services held Tuesday.
(Reference: The Tipton Tribune, February 16, 1951, page 1)

Submitted by Betty Helf (Mrs. Joe F. Helf) on May 8, 2002.