FREDERICK WEEKLY ENTERPRISE -  Frederick, Tillman County, Oklahoma, Friday September 5, 1913, Page One 

W. W. Rogers Obituary
W. W. ROGERS WAS LAID TO REST - Passed away at 1:50 p.m. Thursday, August 28, 1913, after short sickness
Funeral on Saturday Was Very Impressive - Masonic Bodies and Odd Fellows Had Charge of Services - Many Attend Funeral
As briefly mentioned in last week's issue, William Wayne Rogers peaceable passed away at his home on North 12th Street at 1:50 last Thursday afternoon after a brief sickness, death being due to a perforated stomach caused from gastric abscess.  Brother Rogers , as he was famiarly (sic) called by practically everyone who knew him, took seriously sick the Saturday before.  For five years, and more particularly the past few months, he has been afflicted with stomach trouble which occasionally kept him away from his duties at the Dixie store, of which he was the senior partner, but he was always back at his work in a day of two.  Often friends urged him to take a rest or go some place for his health, but he invariably replied that he could neither spare the time or money.
Generous to a Fault
Although being in anything but robust health or affluent circumstances, he was recognized as the most accommodating and liberal man in the entire community, he was never known to turn a deaf ear to a worthy cause, but always contributed far beyond his strength or means.
No death that has ever taken place in this community has caused more general and genuine sorrow than that of brother Rogers.  His absence from the various lodges of which he was a member, from the board of stewards and building committee of the Methodist church of which he appeared the dean and from the walks of every day life, in which his even pleasant smile and sympathetic words cheered many a heart, has caused a void that it seems impossible to fill.  If to the world at large the passing away of this good man causes such sadness, what must his absence mean to his devoted wife and sorrowful children!
During the past decade that the writer as publisher of the Enterprise has from time to time chronicled the taking away of some fond friend, that of Brother Rogers affects us just a little more than any other.  Nor is this feeling alone that of the writer.  Today Highland cemetery, containing the remains of our departed friend, is just a little more dear to us than ever before, and the ties connecting this earth and heaven seems more close than ever before with W. W. Rogers in glory land.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church beginning shortly after 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Imposing Procession
The Knights Templars had charge of the funeral services.  Members of this order from as far as Altus and Vernon, Texas were present and marched in full uniform to show their love for their departed fellow Sir Knight.  The Knights, attired in their plumed chapeaus, blue uniforms, and with gilded swords, presented an imposing sight as they left their asylum.
These were followed by the long line of Blue Lodge Masons who marched to the front of the Odd Fellows hall where they were reinforced by a large body of these three link men.  The line of march led directly up Grand avenue to the Methodist church, and due north to the W. W. Rogers home.  The Eastern Star members, attired in spotless white, had already gathered at the Rogers' home at 3 o'clock when the remaining marchers arrived.
The long line of marchers, many of them in their uniforms, stood in the scorching sands, with a pitiless sun beating down upon them, and clouds of dust carried hither and yonder at every gust of the wind, waiting the arrival of the northbound passenger bringing a delegation of Sir Knights from Vernon, Texas.  All these discomforts were cheerfully endured owing to the great respect each one present felt for the honored dead.
The deceased had been the first Emminent Commander of the Vernon Commandery, and three Past Masters of the Frederick Cammandery, Dr. J. A. Gillis, John M. Carr and D. A. McDaniel and three from Vernon Commandery, B. J. Parker, T. J.  Youngblood and C. S. McCullugh, acted as pall bearers.
Other Sir Knights present from Vernon were:  R. W. Walker, L. E. Kasler, H. E. Key, A. C. McConnell, J. L. Swartwood, W. K. Long, R. S. Houssells and J. E. Lutz.  Horace W. Shephert, of Altus and E. H. Ramey, of Tipton, two other Sir Knights, were also present.
The white hearse drawn by coal black horses slowly wended its way through the double line of marchers, followed by the immediate members of the family who rode in vehicles to the Methodist church where the services were conducted.
Church Crowded
Several ushers were required for a long time in reserving sufficient room for the members of the family and members of the several different Masonic bodies and the Odd Fellows lodge who filled all the pews in the main part of the large edifice.  The galleries, sections underneath and anterooms were filled to overflowing and many were unable to even find standing room.
Although the season was the most inauspicious imaginable for flowers owing to the continued drought, nevertheless the pulpit and aisles were almost smothered beneath a wilderness of beautiful bouquets presented by the 20th Century Club, Woodmen of the World, Masonic Lodge, Royal Arch Masons, Eastern Star, Frederick Council of Royal and Select Masons, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Methodist church, sales force of the Dixie store, Mrs. R. S. Stewart, Mrs. J. C. Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown.
Rev. W. A. Shelton of Oklahoma City, who for two years had been pastor for W. W. Rogers, as soon as he was notified that he (was) wanted, without a moment's hesitation left his wife who was sick at the time, to come and officiate at the last sad rites of his departed friend.  He was telephoned about 10 o'clock Thursday morning that Brother Rogers had but a short time to live and tried to get here before the former passed away, but did not arrive until six hours later.  He did much to console the mourning relatives.
Church Service
Rev. Shelton, who is usually so calm, was visibly affected from the time he began reading the impressive service prescribed by the ritual of the church until the close of the services.  He said in part: 
"I have never before felt so helpless.  The life of the one whom we this day come here to honor transcends anything we can do or say.  Death is not the worst thing in the world.  Death is here swallowed up in victory.  Death has been variously described by different persons as a sea voyage, as a pathway, and as a story that is told.
"The life of the just is as the shining light, like the morning sun finding its culmination at noon.  To the well spent life there is no sunset.  Life that begins right never ends.  As long as we live in this world we are hammered.  Death is not the culmination of our activities, but the opening into an ever increasing field of research.
"There was given to W. W. Rogers a spirit and heart that      (Continued on page eight)
Page Eight
few men ever possess.  His life speaks out clearer than words.  As a lodge man, as a churchman, he worked with you.  When anything particularly spiritual was to be done in the lodge, he took that part.  Who can now take his place?  Every brick and every bit of mortar in this edifice is cemented with his life.  During the trying times in which money was being raised for erecting this structure, others often said it could not be done, but he always cheerfully replied that it could be done.

"His only fault was his generosity.  Myself and every other pastor that he ever had were the recipient of presents which he bestowed upon us, and some of the clothes he gave me I am still wearing."
The choir, like Rev. Shelton and everyone else present, were much effected by the occasion, and it was with much effort that the choir sang the several selections, including "I Want to Go There, Don't You".  This latter hymn was a favorite of Brother Rogers.  He was present at the prayer meeting two days before he took sick, when Mrs. Seales sang that song, and when he arrived home that night he kept humming it to himself, and remarked how beautiful it was.
He seemed to have a premonition, when he took sick Saturday, that he would never recover and told members of his family that he had but six days to live.
The remains were taken to the church entrance to permit everyone to get a last look.  Except for being more bleached, he looked almost as natural as life, with the usual smile still on his lips.
Directly after the services Rev. W. A. Shelton hurried to the Northwestern depot to take the first train home, as he had been notified that a young son had been born to himself and wife that very morning.
Community Service
The funeral procession marched down Grand avenue to the Frisco depot where automobiles were in waiting to take the marchers to the cemetery for the closing ceremonies.  The grave was dug near the center of the cemetery, and upon the arrival of the hearse, followed by the relatives in carriages, the Sir Knights formed a triangle above the grave, and with uncovered heads and swords at order, the beautiful and impressive funeral services of the Sir Knights was conducted.  The chief work on this occasion falls upon the prelate, which office had been held by W. W. Rogers, but upon this occasion T. A. Frantz officiated, and despite the fact that he was necessarily somewhat out of touch with this part, he carried it through in almost faultless style, making it impressive to a superlative degree.
Before the remains were covered with earth, members of the Blue Lodge, Eastern Star and Odd Fellows dropped evergreens upon the casket, thus ending the beautiful ritualistic ceremony.
Born in Johnson county, Ark., January 16, 1854, he was but a little over 59 years of age.  His boyhood was spent during the trying times of the Civil war, he being but nine years of age at the time of the bloody battle of Gettysburg.  During those troublesome days and the almost as dark days of Reconstruction, there was little chance for a youth to get an education anywhere in the entire Southland, and especially in the then uninviting States of Arkansas and Texas.  Despite drawbacks that would have crushed the average man, young Rogers in some way or other secured a fair education.  He early gained a training through faith in God, and always looking at the bright side of life, remained with (it) as long as he lived, and which has proved such a benediction to many of his fellow travelers whom he met in this journey through life.
When the end came shortly after 2 Thursday afternoon, Aug. 28, he was surrounded by his wife, his only daughter, Mrs. S. E. Patton, and the following sons:  A. A., Z. Z. and J. J.  His brother E. M. and members of the latter's family, all from Vernon, were also present.
E. E. and family of Independence, Kansas, and D. D. of Wichita, Kansas, two other sons, arrived in time for the funeral.  The former travels for a grocery firm, and the latter is a machinist in the Santa Fe shops.  B. B., the remaining son, is an engineer running out of El Paso, but he could not be reached in time.
Other relatives who were here were: Geo. E. Truscott, of Maude, Okla., Thos. Truscott, of Olustee, and Mrs. Stella Goss, of Seymour, Texas.  These are brothers and a sister, respectively, of Mrs. W. W. Rogers.
At an early age W. W. Rogers moved with his parents to Fannin county, Texas.  On Nov. 12, 1874 he was married to Miss Addie Truscott in Logan county, Ark., where they resided a short time.  Later they moved to Clarksville and then to Hartman, and finally to Truscott, Ark. (sic - Truscott is in Knos Co,, TX).  In 1891 while in the mercantile business at Hartman, he lost all he had through a fire.
The same year he and family moved to Vernon where he clerked until he came to Frederick in 1902, and engaged in business for himself.  He was again unfortunate for two of the early fires in Frederick again took away practically everything he had, and he was again compelled to work on a salary for several years, until he bought an interest in the Dixie store, being senior member in that store at the time of his death.
During his last illness, Mrs. W. W. Rogers was also quite sick, but Prof. A. A. Rogers, realizing the gravity of the situation, remained with his father night and day to administer the medicines prescribed by the physician.  When it was found that all that loving and skilled hands were of no avail, relatives were notified, some of whom arrived before he breathed his last.
W. W. Rogers had been a teacher in the Methodist Sunday School, and his absence was painfully felt next morning as well as at the morning services, when Rev. Edwin Brown, at the close of his able discourse touchingly alluded to his departed friend and fellow member.
