Tulsa County


Tulsa County
County Seat - Tulsa

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Town                        Sect/township/range Town                        Sect/township/range Town                          Sect/township/range
Alsuma                              30   19N   14E Appalachia                        4     19N   10E Atlantic                                28   17N   14E
Avery                                24   19N   12E Berryhill                                    19N   12E   Bixby                                   24   17N   14E
Bozarth                              35   18N   12E Broken Arrow                  11    18N   14E Bruner                                         19N   12E
Buehlar                              14    21N   12E Carbondale                               19N   12E Chusto Talasah
Collinsville                     20-29   22N   14E Cray                                 18    19N   12E Dawson                               27    20N   13E
Dewey                               18    21N   13E Edgar                                36    19N   12E Elam                                      3    17N   12E
Elmcreek                            30    21N   14E Fisher                                16    19N   11E Flatrock                               13    20N   12E
Flint Siding                          35    19N   12E Fry                                    25    18N   13E Glenpool                              14    17N   12E
Greenwood                                 17N   13E Hale                                   Home Jct                              11    19N   11E
Jenks                                  19    18N    13E Joe                                             19N   13E Kengle                                          19N   13E
Lane                                     2    19N    14E Lefeger                                 1    18N   12E Leonard                                27    17N   14E
Lost City                             18    19N    12E Lotsee                                 14    19N   10E Lynn Lane                               2    19N   14E
Marglo                                31    19N    12E Maxine                                16    19N   11E Medio
Mohawk                             21    20N    13E Mohawk Park       11-14-15-16  20N   13E New State
Oakhurst                             32    19N    12E Owasso                            30-31  21N   14E Penola                                     3    19N   10E
Platt                                      4    19N    10E Poag                                 25-26  18N   12E Posey                                    16    17N   13E
Price                                     8    19N    12E Pusah                                      6   19N   11E Redfork                          22-27     19N   12E
Reid Spur                            15    19N    13E Rentle                                    16   18N   13E Rice                                      30     20N   14E
Rock Spur                           20    20N    13E Sand Springs                      2-11   19N   11E Scales                                   10     19N   13E
Shippey                                3     18N    14E Shirk                                      15   19N  11E Shonky                                   9      19N   11E
Skiatook                        23-26    22N    12E Sperry                                    14   21N  12E Tulsa                                               19N   12E
Turley                                   1     20N    12E Watkins                               2-3    17N   12E Watson                                   2       17N   12E
Wealaka                             28     17N    14E Weer                                     18   18N   15E Weerts
Welcome                            30     19N    14E West Tulsa                                    19N  12E  

This page was last updated on 03/29/09

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