James Andrew Branstetter
Interview of his Life and Accounts of the Past ~ Background Information by
Shellie Merrell
The interview
of James Andrew Branstetter is important because the information he gives has
some Wagoner County roots. In the excerpt below from the
OKGenWeb/Indian Pioneer
Papers, Branstetter shares his account of
The Killing of Dick and Zeak Crittenden in which Ed Reed, a Deputy US Marshall
stationed in Wagoner, Indian Terriotry and son of Belle Starr, was killed after
the deaths of the Crittenden men.
The Killing of Dick and Zeak Crittenden
About two weeks later, after the killing of the Crittendens, Ed Reed was in Claremore and got into a difficulty with a man that ran a pool hall at that place, I can't recall the fellow's name, but Reed did not have his gun on him and he asked the fellow to wait there until he returned, and the supposition was he was going after his gun, and in just a few minutes he returned and as he walked into the door the fellow shot him, killing him instantly and was later acquitted of the killing.
Background information written by
Shellie Merrell
For more on James Andrew Branstetter's interview, click here.
For more on James Andrew Branstetter's interview, click here.
This page last updated on: 07 Sep 2016
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