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Washita County, Oklahoma

Herald-Sentinel was published at Cloud Chief.
Wood was one of the community columns in the newspaper.

Feb 26, 1897
Page 1

J. R. BAKER died last Thursday the 18, at 6:45 a. m....

He was shot just above the top of the right hip bone, the ball ranging downward and inward through the hip bone and lodging in and against the lower part of the spinal column which caused his death.

He was buried at Wood graveyard, and there was a large number of people attended the funeral.

Feb 26, 1897
Page 8

The Killing.
The Preliminaries Bring Out some Damaging Evidence.

The case of Territory vs. W. F. ELLZEY Sr., W. F. ELLZEY Jr., and J. F. HOUSTON, was called Wednesday before Judge HATCHETT for a preliminary hearing.

This is the case in which John R. BAKER was shot in a fuss in SEWELL'S store at Combs, and afterwards died from the wound.

The testimony bears out the account of the affair given in last weeks Herald-Sentinel.

The defense was ably represented by Attorneys GARRETT of Mangum and Temple HOUSTON of Woodward, while the prosecution was handled by county attorney Duke in equally as able a manner....



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Washita Co.
Coordinator - Susan Bradford (Nov 2003 - 2023)
Updated:  10/24/24 January 23, 2024
