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Washita County, Oklahoma

Bluford Emmett Bryant was born in Larue County, Kentucky, on March 24, 1864, the eleventh child of Jesse Puyear Bryant. He however, was the fourth son of his mother Louisa Sympson Bryant, his father having been married previously. His mother Louisa Sympson was of Irish descent and was born in Taylor County, Kentucky where her parents had been born and where they had spent their lives. George Sympson was the father of Louisa and her mother's maiden name was Bogan.

More is known of the Bryant side of the family. Bluford Emmett's great grandfather was Anthony Bryant, an Irishman who with his wife settled in Virginia shortly before the Revoluntary War. He died at his home near Blue Ridge about the year 1800. His widow with her four boys and three girls moved to Green County, (now Taylor) Kentucky in 1805. The boys were David, Price, Willis and Richard. David, the youngest, married a daughter of Jesse Puyear, a revolutionary soldier, who was also of Irish descent. This was in 1815. In 1824 the four boys decided they were not far enough west and went to Missouri to locate homes. On their return home David died and was buried on the Cascaskia River. The other three boys moved to Missouri as arranged, but David's wife with their children, Anthony Murry, Jesse Puyear and Thomas, preferred to stay with her people the Puyears. Thomas died in early manhood, never having been married. Anthony Murry married Clarissa Young and Jesse Puyear married her sister Mariah Jane. Both wives died about 1852.

Anthony Bryan moved to Texas in 1852 settling in Grayson County, near Kentucky Town. His son by this marriage, David E. Bryant, became Federal Judge in 1889. He has been dead several years but his family still lives in Grayson County; one of his sons, Randolph Bryant, is now Federal District Attorney of that district. Anthony Bryant was very active and outspoken and took an active part in politics; he was very popular for a man of his belief, he being an anti-secessionist. He again married, this time to Susan Binkley to whom were born three children, Charles W., C. B., and Mollie; all are highly respected and influential citizens of Whitewright, Texas.

Jesse Puyear Bryant remained in Kentucky. As noted his first wife died in 1852 and he soon afterwards married Louisa Sympson who became the mother of Bluford Emmett. There were four sons born to this union, as mentioned previously, Jesse Ray, Sam Anthony, Virgil and Bluford Emmett. Jesse Ray and Sam Anthony are still living, both having raised families and having retired from active business. Virgil died at the age of eight at the time of his mother's death.

Bluford Emmett was the youngest of the boys and was but two years of age when his mother passed away. His schooling was most limited; he attended school in Kentucky in the little log school house with poorly qualified teachers and very short terms after he was eight years old. At the age of thirteen his father moved overland to Texas, the trip requiring 49 days. His school days were now over, but he was always alert and received a practical education and was one of the best posted men to be found in any community in which he lived. He was truly a self educated man. He lived in Grayson County, Texas until 1892 when he came to Oklahoma for the opening of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Country. He made the run on horseback on April 19, 1892, securing a desirable homestead. He returned to Texas for his approaching marriage and on November 23, 1892, he was married to pretty Virginia P. Grant of Whitesboro, Texas. To this union was born four sons, Joe Grady, William Jesse, Paul Dewey, and Bluford Everett, and two daughters, Lillian B. and Winnie I., all of whom with their mother now live in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Mr. Bryant brought his bride to his claim in Oklahoma in what is now known as Washita County. He lived on his claim, improving and adding to same and became known as one of the most successful farmers in that part of the state. He was active in both church and politics. He held several county offices. About 1914 he donated a corner of his homestead together with a substantial amount of money for the erection of a Baptist Church of which he was a member until his death. The church now stands on the homestead which is still owned by his wife.

He was elected as delegate to the Constitutional Convention by a majority of 267. He was a democrat.

He died July 15, 1916, after several months illness and is buried in Cloud Chief (Washita Co.) Cemetery, a few miles from his homestead.

(This data was assembled and compiled by Hon R. A. Billups, Sr., of Oklahoma City, Okla.)

Source: "Necrology." Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 8, No. 1, March 1930. 21 August 2003 <http://digital.library.okstate.edu/chronicles/>.

Contributed by Marti Graham, August 2003. Information posted as courtesy to researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the families mentioned.


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Washita Co.
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Updated:  10/24/24 January 23, 2024
