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Washita County, Oklahoma

The Foss (Oklahoma) Enterprise Dec 29, 1916

Death of Judge J. C. Hatchett
John C. Hatchett, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Washita County died at his home six miles southeast of Foss Tuesday of last week. The funeral services were held at Page Church Wednesday afternoon and were in charge of Rev. J. W. Parten, a Primitive Baptist minister of Granite. A very large crowd attended the services, paying their last respects to this popular citizen. The body was buried in Page Cemetery.

Mr Hatchett suffered a stroke of paralysis about three years ago. From that time, his health was poor, he being confined to his bed a great deal of the time.

He was born in Tennessee 78 years ago last February. At the age of 21 went to Missouri, where he remained until 1865, when he moved to Nebraska. In 1870 he came south locating in Erath County, Texas, residing there until 1894. In that year, he came to Oklahoma and after living near Minco for two years, moved to Washita County. He was one, if not the first county judge of this county, filling the office two terms. Nearly all of this tenure of office was while the county seat was at Cloud Chief.

He was married to Miss Julia Ann Brown in Carroll County, Missouri in 1861. To them were born 13 children, 10 of whom are living. He is also survived by the widow, 77 grand children and 35 great grand children. The surviving children are: Mrs. W. B. Hollis, James S., Mrs. A. B. Jones, Tom M., Mrs. E. E. Rogers, J. E. Hatchett, and Mrs. Ed F. Reeder, all of near Foss, Joel F., Portales, NM., Mrs. W. J. Allen, Bessie, Oklahoma, and Mrs. G. C. Darnell, Arapaho, Oklahoma.


Terri Walker terjess @ yahoo.com


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Washita Co.
Coordinator - Susan Bradford (Nov 2003 - 2023)
Updated:  10/24/24 January 23, 2024
