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The Foss Enterprise
Foss, Washita County, Oklahoma
July 19, 1907

Mrs. Mary Kerns Dead.

Mrs. Mary KERNS died at the home of her son, R.A. KERNS, two miles east of here, on last Monday morning, age 75 years and 7 months. The funeral services were conducted at the Fairview church where the remains were consigned to the grave, Rev. Shelton conducting the services.

The deceased had been a sufferer for some time. She was the mother of five children, three of whom survive her - R.A. KERNS living within two miles of Foss, and Mrs. Genevieve FLETCHER and mrs. Nevada STOUT of near Bessie and to whom we extend our condolences.

Family researched by Chuck Walker candjw@ponyexpress.net

Card of Thanks

We take this means in thanking our friends and neighbors for their kind offices(?) during the recent illness and death of our mother. Your kindness will never be forgotten.

Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Kerns

Miss Lillian GALLOWAY of Roosevelt, Oklahoma, came in Monday for a visit with her uncles, the Galloway brothers.

A Good Dinner and Supper
The King's Daughters of the Baptist church served dinner and supper at the Rhodes building last Saturday. It is useless for us to comment on the excellency of the cuisine or the manner of services, for when these ladies start in to do anything of this kind, its success is a foregone conclusion. the patronage was liberal at both meals and a neat sum was realized there from. Why are not more meats of this kind served here?

Dr. BROWNFIELD, Ollie, and Madie RHODES formed a small fishing party Tuesday evening that journeyed out to the mouth of Turkey Creek in pursuit of the elusive finny tribe.


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Washita Co.
Coordinator - Susan Bradford (Nov 2003 - 2023)
Updated:  10/24/24 January 23, 2024
